6 letter word starting with pri

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
priced imp. & past participle of Price, Rated in price; valued; as, high-priced goods; low-priced labor.
pricky adjective Stiff and sharp; prickly.
prided imp. & past participle of Pride
priest noun A presbyter elder; a minister, One who is authorized to consecrate the host and to say Mass; but especially, one of the lowest order possessing this power., A presbyter; one who belongs to the intermediate order between bishop and deacon. He is authorized to perform all ministerial services except those of ordination and confirmation., One who officiates at the altar, or performs the rites of sacrifice; one who acts as a mediator between men and the divinity or the gods in any form of religion; as, Buddhist priests., To ordain as priest.
prieve verb t. To prove.
primal adjective First; primary; original; chief.
primed imp. & past participle of Prime
primer noun One who, or that which, primes, an instrument or device for priming; esp., a cap, tube, or water containing percussion powder or other compound for igniting a charge of gunpowder., First; original; primary., Originally, a small prayer book for church service, containing the little office of the Virgin Mary; also, a work of elementary religious instruction., A small elementary book for teaching children to read; a reading or spelling book for a beginner., A kind of type, of which there are two species; one, called long primer, intermediate in size between bourgeois and small pica [see Long primer]; the other, called great primer, larger than pica.
primly adverb In a prim or precise manner.
primus noun One of the bishops of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, who presides at the meetings of the bishops, and has certain privileges but no metropolitan authority.
prince adjective The one of highest rank; one holding the highest place and authority; a sovereign; a monarch; — originally applied to either sex, but now rarely applied to a female., The son of a king or emperor, or the issue of a royal family; as, princes of the blood., A title belonging to persons of high rank, differing in different countries. In England it belongs to dukes, marquises, and earls, but is given to members of the royal family only. In Italy a prince is inferior to a duke as a member of a particular order of nobility; in Spain he is always one of the royal family., The chief of any body of men; one at the head of a class or profession; one who is preeminent; as, a merchant prince; a prince of players., To play the prince.
priory noun A religious house presided over by a prior or prioress; — sometimes an offshoot of, an subordinate to, an abbey, and called also cell, and obedience. See Cell, 2.
priser noun See 1st Prizer.
prismy adjective Pertaining to a prism.
prison noun A place where persons are confined, or restrained of personal liberty; hence, a place or state o/ confinement, restraint, or safe custody., Specifically, a building for the safe custody or confinement of criminals and others committed by lawful authority., To imprison; to shut up in, or as in, a prison; to confine; to restrain from liberty., To bind (together); to enchain.
pritch noun A sharp-pointed instrument; also, an eelspear., Pique; offense.
privet noun An ornamental European shrub (Ligustrum vulgare), much used in hedges; — called also prim.
prized imp. & past participle of Prize
prizer noun One who estimates or sets the value of a thing; an appraiser., One who contends for a prize; a prize fighter; a challenger.