6 letter word starting with pro

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
proach verb i. See Approach.
probal adjective Approved; probable.
probed imp. & past participle of Probe
profit noun Acquisition beyond expenditure; excess of value received for producing, keeping, or selling, over cost; hence, pecuniary gain in any transaction or occupation; emolument; as, a profit on the sale of goods., Accession of good; valuable results; useful consequences; benefit; avail; gain; as, an office of profit,, To be of service to; to be good to; to help on; to benefit; to advantage; to avail; to aid; as, truth profits all men., To gain advantage; to make improvement; to improve; to gain; to advance., To be of use or advantage; to do or bring good.
progne noun A swallow., A genus of swallows including the purple martin. See Martin., An American butterfly (Polygonia, / Vanessa, Progne). It is orange and black above, grayish beneath, with an L-shaped silver mark on the hind wings. Called also gray comma.
progue verb i. To prog., A sharp point; a goad., To prick; to goad.
projet noun A plan proposed; a draft of a proposed measure; a project.
proleg noun One of the fleshy legs found on the abdominal segments of the larvae of Lepidoptera, sawflies, and some other insects. Those of Lepidoptera have a circle of hooks. Called also proped, propleg, and falseleg.
prolix adjective Extending to a great length; unnecessarily long; minute in narration or argument; excessively particular in detail; — rarely used except with reference to discourse written or spoken; as, a prolix oration; a prolix poem; a prolix sermon., Indulging in protracted discourse; tedious; wearisome; — applied to a speaker or writer.
prolog noun & verb Prologue.
prompt noun A limit of time given for payment of an account for produce purchased, this limit varying with different goods. See Prompt-note., To assist or induce the action of; to move to action; to instigate; to incite., To suggest; to dictate., To remind, as an actor or an orator, of words or topics forgotten.
proped noun Same as Proleg.
propel verb t. To drive forward; to urge or press onward by force; to move, or cause to move; as, the wind or steam propels ships; balls are propelled by gunpowder.
proper adjective Belonging to one; one’s own; individual., Belonging to the natural or essential constitution; peculiar; not common; particular; as, every animal has his proper instincts and appetites., Befitting one’s nature, qualities, etc.; suitable in all respect; appropriate; right; fit; decent; as, water is the proper element for fish; a proper dress., Becoming in appearance; well formed; handsome., Pertaining to one of a species, but not common to the whole; not appellative; — opposed to common; as, a proper name; Dublin is the proper name of a city., Rightly so called; strictly considered; as, Greece proper; the garden proper., Represented in its natural color; — said of any object used as a charge., Properly; hence, to a great degree; very; as, proper good.
propyl noun The hypothetical radical C3H7, regarded as the essential residue of propane and related compounds.
prosal adjective Of or pertaining to prose; prosaic.
prosed imp. & past participle of Prose
proser noun A writer of prose., One who talks or writes tediously.
proto- A combining form prefix signifying first, primary, primordial; as, protomartyr, the first martyr; protomorphic, primitive in form; protoplast, a primordial organism; prototype, protozoan., Denoting the first or lowest of a series, or the one having the smallest amount of the element to the name of which it is prefixed; as protoxide, protochloride, etc., Sometimes used as equivalent to mono-, as indicating that the compound has but one atom of the element to the name of which it is prefixed. Also used adjectively.
proant noun Provender or food.
proved imp. & past participle of Prove
proven past participle / adjective Proved.
prover noun One who, or that which, proves.