6 letter word starting with pun

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
punned imp. & past participle of Pun
punchy adjective Short and thick, or fat.
puncto noun A nice point of form or ceremony., A term applied to the point in fencing.
pundit noun A learned man; a teacher; esp., a Brahman versed in the Sanskrit language, and in the science, laws, and religion of the Hindoos; in Cashmere, any clerk or native official.
pundle noun A short and fat woman; a squab.
punese noun A bedbug.
punice noun See Punese., To punish.
punish verb t. To impose a penalty upon; to afflict with pain, loss, or suffering for a crime or fault, either with or without a view to the offender’s amendment; to cause to suffer in retribution; to chasten; as, to punish traitors with death; a father punishes his child for willful disobedience., To inflict a penalty for (an offense) upon the offender; to repay, as a fault, crime, etc., with pain or loss; as, to punish murder or treason with death., To injure, as by beating; to pommel.
punkin noun A pumpkin.
punner noun A punster.
punnet noun A broad, shallow basket, for displaying fruit or flowers.
punter verb t. One who punts; specifically, one who plays against the banker or dealer, as in baccara and faro., One who punts a football; also, one who propels a punt.
puntil noun Alt. of Puntel
puntel noun See Pontee.