6 letter word starting with py

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pyemia noun See PyAemia.
pygarg Alt. of Pygargus
pyjama noun In India and Persia, thin loose trowsers or drawers; in Europe and America, drawers worn at night, or a kind of nightdress with legs.
pylori plural of Pylorus
pynoun noun A pennant.
pyrena noun A nutlet resembling a seed, or the kernel of a drupe.
pyrene noun One of the less volatile hydrocarbons of coal tar, obtained as a white crystalline substance, C16H10., Same as Pyrena.
pyrgom noun A variety of pyroxene; — called also fassaite.
pyrite noun A common mineral of a pale brass-yellow color and brilliant metallic luster, crystallizing in the isometric system; iron pyrites; iron disulphide.
pyrope noun A variety of garnet, of a poppy or blood-red color, frequently with a tinge of orange. It is used as a gem. See the Note under Garnet.
pyrrol noun A nitrogenous base found in coal tar, bone oil, and other distillates of organic substances, and also produced synthetically as a colorless liquid, C4H5N, having on odor like that of chloroform. It is the nucleus and origin of a large number of derivatives. So called because it colors a splinter of wood moistened with hydrochloric acid a deep red.
pyrula noun A genus of large marine gastropods. having a pear-shaped shell. It includes the fig-shells. See Illust. in Appendix.
python noun Any species of very large snakes of the genus Python, and allied genera, of the family Pythonidae. They are nearly allied to the boas. Called also rock snake., A diviner by spirits.
pyuria noun A morbid condition in which pus is discharged in the urine.