6 letter word starting with q

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
quarte noun A position in thrusting or parrying, with the inside of the hand turned upward and the point of the weapon toward the adversary’s right breast., Same as 2d Carte.
quacha noun The quagga.
quadra noun The plinth, or lowest member, of any pedestal, podium, water table, or the like., A fillet, or listel.
quaere verb imperative. Inquire; question; see; — used to signify doubt or to suggest investigation.
quagga noun A South African wild ass (Equus, / Hippotigris, quagga). The upper parts are reddish brown, becoming paler behind and behind and beneath, with dark stripes on the face, neck, and fore part of the body.
quaggy adjective Of the nature of a quagmire; yielding or trembling under the foot, as soft, wet earth; spongy; boggy.
quahog noun Alt. of Quahaug
quaigh noun Alt. of Quaich
quaich noun A small shallow cup or drinking vessel.
quaily noun The upland plover.
quaint adjective Prudent; wise; hence, crafty; artful; wily., Characterized by ingenuity or art; finely fashioned; skillfully wrought; elegant; graceful; nice; neat., Curious and fanciful; affected; odd; whimsical; antique; archaic; singular; unusual; as, quaint architecture; a quaint expression.
quaked imp. & past participle of Quake
quaker noun One who quakes., One of a religious sect founded by George Fox, of Leicestershire, England, about 1650, — the members of which call themselves Friends. They were called Quakers, originally, in derision. See Friend, n., 4., The nankeen bird., The sooty albatross., Any grasshopper or locust of the genus (Edipoda; — so called from the quaking noise made during flight.
quandy noun The old squaw.
quanta plural of Quantum
quarry noun Same as 1st Quarrel., Quadrate; square., A part of the entrails of the beast taken, given to the hounds., A heap of game killed., The object of the chase; the animal hunted for; game; especially, the game hunted with hawks., To secure prey; to prey, as a vulture or harpy., A place, cavern, or pit where stone is taken from the rock or ledge, or dug from the earth, for building or other purposes; a stone pit. See 5th Mine (a)., To dig or take from a quarry; as, to quarry marble.
quarto adjective Having four leaves to the sheet; of the form or size of a quarto., Originally, a book of the size of the fourth of sheet of printing paper; a size leaves; in present usage, a book of a square or nearly square form, and usually of large size.
quartz noun A form of silica, or silicon dioxide (SiO2), occurring in hexagonal crystals, which are commonly colorless and transparent, but sometimes also yellow, brown, purple, green, and of other colors; also in cryptocrystalline massive forms varying in color and degree of transparency, being sometimes opaque.
quasje noun The brown coati. See Coati.
quatch adjective Squat; flat.
quatre noun A card, die. or domino, having four spots, or pips
quaver verb i. To tremble; to vibrate; to shake., Especially, to shake the voice; to utter or form sound with rapid or tremulous vibrations, as in singing; also, to trill on a musical instrument, To utter with quavers., A shake, or rapid and tremulous vibration, of the voice, or of an instrument of music., An eighth note. See Eighth.
queach noun A thick, bushy plot; a thicket., To stir; to move. See Quick, v. i.
queasy adjective Sick at the stomach; affected with nausea; inclined to vomit; qualmish., Fastidious; squeamish; delicate; easily disturbed; unsettled; ticklish.
queest noun The European ringdove (Columba palumbus); the cushat.
queint adjective See Quaint., imp. & p. p. of Quench.
quench verb t. To extinguish; to overwhelm; to make an end of; — said of flame and fire, of things burning, and figuratively of sensations and emotions; as, to quench flame; to quench a candle; to quench thirst, love, hate, etc., To cool suddenly, as heated steel, in tempering., To become extinguished; to go out; to become calm or cool.
querpo noun The inner or body garments taken together. See Cuerpo.
querry noun A groom; an equerry.
quesal noun The long-tailed, or resplendent, trogon (Pharomachus mocinno, formerly Trogon resplendens), native of Southern Mexico and Central America. Called also quetzal, and golden trogon.
quidam noun Somebody; one unknown.
quince noun The fruit of a shrub (Cydonia vulgaris) belonging to the same tribe as the apple. It somewhat resembles an apple, but differs in having many seeds in each carpel. It has hard flesh of high flavor, but very acid, and is largely used for marmalade, jelly, and preserves., a quince tree or shrub.
quinch verb i. To stir; to wince.
quinia noun Quinine.
quinic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or connected with, quinine and related compounds; specifically, designating a nonnitrogenous acid obtained from cinchona bark, coffee, beans, etc., as a white crystalline substance.
quinoa noun The seeds of a kind of goosewort (Chenopodium Quinoa), used in Chili and Peru for making porridge or cakes; also, food thus made.
quinsy noun An inflammation of the throat, or parts adjacent, especially of the fauces or tonsils, attended by considerable swelling, painful and impeded deglutition, and accompanied by inflammatory fever. It sometimes creates danger of suffocation; — called also squinancy, and squinzey.
quinze noun A game at cards in which the object is to make fifteen points.
quipus plural of Quipu
quirky adjective Full of quirks; tricky; as, a quirky lawyer.
quitch noun Same as Quitch grass., Figuratively: A vice; a taint; an evil.
quitly adverb Quite.
quiver adjective Nimble; active., To shake or move with slight and tremulous motion; to tremble; to quake; to shudder; to shiver., The act or state of quivering; a tremor., A case or sheath for arrows to be carried on the person.
quorum noun Such a number of the officers or members of any body as is competent by law or constitution to transact business; as, a quorum of the House of Representatives; a constitutional quorum was not present.
quoted imp. & past participle of Quote
quoter noun One who quotes the words of another.
quotha interj. Indeed; forsooth.
quotum noun Part or proportion; quota.