6 letter word starting with ret

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
retail verb The sale of commodities in small quantities or parcels; — opposed to wholesale; sometimes, the sale of commodities at second hand., Done at retail; engaged in retailing commodities; as a retail trade; a retail grocer., To sell in small quantities, as by the single yard, pound, gallon, etc.; to sell directly to the consumer; as, to retail cloth or groceries., To sell at second hand., To distribute in small portions or at second hand; to tell again or to many (what has been told or done); to report; as, to retail slander.
retain verb t. To continue to hold; to keep in possession; not to lose, part with, or dismiss; to retrain from departure, escape, or the like., To keep in pay; to employ by a preliminary fee paid; to hire; to engage; as, to retain a counselor., To restrain; to prevent., To belong; to pertain., To keep; to continue; to remain.
retake verb t. To take or receive again., To take from a captor; to recapture; as, to retake a ship or prisoners.
retard verb t. To keep delaying; to continue to hinder; to prevent from progress; to render more slow in progress; to impede; to hinder; as, to retard the march of an army; to retard the motion of a ship; — opposed to accelerate., To put off; to postpone; as, to retard the attacks of old age; to retard a rupture between nations., To stay back., Retardation; delay.
retell verb t. To tell again.
retene noun A white crystalline hydrocarbon, polymeric with benzene. It is extracted from pine tar, and is also found in certain fossil resins.
retent noun That which is retained.
rethor noun A rhetorician; a careful writer.
retina noun The delicate membrane by which the back part of the globe of the eye is lined, and in which the fibers of the optic nerve terminate. See Eye.
retire verb t. To withdraw; to take away; — sometimes used reflexively., To withdraw from circulation, or from the market; to take up and pay; as, to retire bonds; to retire a note., To cause to retire; specifically, to designate as no longer qualified for active service; to place on the retired list; as, to retire a military or naval officer., To go back or return; to draw back or away; to keep aloof; to withdraw or retreat, as from observation; to go into privacy; as, to retire to his home; to retire from the world, or from notice., To retreat from action or danger; to withdraw for safety or pleasure; as, to retire from battle., To withdraw from a public station, or from business; as, having made a large fortune, he retired., To recede; to fall or bend back; as, the shore of the sea retires in bays and gulfs., To go to bed; as, he usually retires early., The act of retiring, or the state of being retired; also, a place to which one retires., A call sounded on a bugle, announcing to skirmishers that they are to retire, or fall back.
retold imp. & p. p. of Retell.
retort noun To bend or curve back; as, a retorted line., To throw back; to reverberate; to reflect., To return, as an argument, accusation, censure, or incivility; as, to retort the charge of vanity., To return an argument or a charge; to make a severe reply., The return of, or reply to, an argument, charge, censure, incivility, taunt, or witticism; a quick and witty or severe response., A vessel in which substances are subjected to distillation or decomposition by heat. It is made of different forms and materials for different uses, as a bulb of glass with a curved beak to enter a receiver for general chemical operations, or a cylinder or semicylinder of cast iron for the manufacture of gas in gas works.
retoss verb t. To toss back or again.
retrim verb t. To trim again.
retro- A prefix or combining form signifying backward, back; as, retroact, to act backward; retrospect, a looking back.
retund verb t. To blunt; to turn, as an edge; figuratively, to cause to be obtuse or dull; as, to retund confidence.
return verb i. To turn back; to go or come again to the same place or condition., To come back, or begin again, after an interval, regular or irregular; to appear again., To speak in answer; to reply; to respond., To revert; to pass back into possession., To go back in thought, narration, or argument., To bring, carry, send, or turn, back; as, to return a borrowed book, or a hired horse., To repay; as, to return borrowed money., To give in requital or recompense; to requite., To give back in reply; as, to return an answer; to return thanks., To retort; to throw back; as, to return the lie., To report, or bring back and make known., To render, as an account, usually an official account, to a superior; to report officially by a list or statement; as, to return a list of stores, of killed or wounded; to return the result of an election., Hence, to elect according to the official report of the election officers., To bring or send back to a tribunal, or to an office, with a certificate of what has been done; as, to return a writ., To convey into official custody, or to a general depository., To bat (the ball) back over the net., To lead in response to the lead of one’s partner; as, to return a trump; to return a diamond for a club., The act of returning (intransitive), or coming back to the same place or condition; as, the return of one long absent; the return of health; the return of the seasons, or of an anniversary., The act of returning (transitive), or sending back to the same place or condition; restitution; repayment; requital; retribution; as, the return of anything borrowed, as a book or money; a good return in tennis., That which is returned., A payment; a remittance; a requital., An answer; as, a return to one’s question., An account, or formal report, of an action performed, of a duty discharged, of facts or statistics, and the like; as, election returns; a return of the amount of goods produced or sold; especially, in the plural, a set of tabulated statistics prepared for general information., The profit on, or advantage received from, labor, or an investment, undertaking, adventure, etc., The continuation in a different direction, most often at a right angle, of a building, face of a building, or any member, as a molding or mold; — applied to the shorter in contradistinction to the longer; thus, a facade of sixty feet east and west has a return of twenty feet north and south., The rendering back or delivery of writ, precept, or execution, to the proper officer or court., The certificate of an officer stating what he has done in execution of a writ, precept, etc., indorsed on the document., The sending back of a commission with the certificate of the commissioners., A day in bank. See Return day, below., An official account, report, or statement, rendered to the commander or other superior officer; as, the return of men fit for duty; the return of the number of the sick; the return of provisions, etc., The turnings and windings of a trench or mine.
retuse adjective Having the end rounded and slightly indented; as, a retuse leaf.