6 letter word starting with sac

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
saccus noun A sac.
sachel noun A small bag.
sachem noun A chief of a tribe of the American Indians; a sagamore.
sachet noun A scent bag, or perfume cushion, to be laid among handkerchiefs, garments, etc., to perfume them.
sacked imp. & past participle of Sack
sacker noun One who sacks; one who takes part in the storm and pillage of a town.
sacque noun Same as 2d Sack, 3.
sacral adjective Of or pertaining to the sacrum; in the region of the sacrum.
sacred adjective Set apart by solemn religious ceremony; especially, in a good sense, made holy; set apart to religious use; consecrated; not profane or common; as, a sacred place; a sacred day; sacred service., Relating to religion, or to the services of religion; not secular; religious; as, sacred history., Designated or exalted by a divine sanction; possessing the highest title to obedience, honor, reverence, or veneration; entitled to extreme reverence; venerable., Hence, not to be profaned or violated; inviolable., Consecrated; dedicated; devoted; — with to., Solemnly devoted, in a bad sense, as to evil, vengeance, curse, or the like; accursed; baleful.
sacro- A combining form denoting connection with, or relation to, the sacrum, as in sacro-coccygeal, sacro-iliac, sacrosciatic.
sacrum noun That part of the vertebral column which is directly connected with, or forms a part of, the pelvis.