6 letter word starting with san

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sanded imp. & past participle of Sand, Covered or sprinkled with sand; sandy; barren., Marked with small spots; variegated with spots; speckled; of a sandy color, as a hound., Short-sighted.
sandal noun Same as Sendal., Sandalwood., A kind of shoe consisting of a sole strapped to the foot; a protection for the foot, covering its lower surface, but not its upper., A kind of slipper., An overshoe with parallel openings across the instep.
sandix noun A kind of minium, or red lead, made by calcining carbonate of lead, but inferior to true minium.
sandre noun A Russian fish (Lucioperca sandre) which yields a valuable oil, called sandre oil, used in the preparation of caviare.
sandyx noun See Sandix.
sanies noun A thin, serous fluid commonly discharged from ulcers or foul wounds.
sanity noun The condition or quality of being sane; soundness of health of body or mind, especially of the mind; saneness.
sanjak noun A district or a subvision of a vilayet.
sankha noun A chank shell (Turbinella pyrum); also, a shell bracelet or necklace made in India from the chank shell.
sannop noun Same as Sannup.
sannup noun A male Indian; a brave; — correlative of squaw.
santal noun A colorless crystalline substance, isomeric with piperonal, but having weak acid properties. It is extracted from sandalwood.
santer verb i. See Saunter.
santon noun A Turkish saint; a kind of dervish, regarded by the people as a saint: also, a hermit.