6 letter word starting with sau

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sauced imp. & past participle of Sauce
saucer noun A small pan or vessel in which sauce was set on a table., A small dish, commonly deeper than a plate, in which a cup is set at table., Something resembling a saucer in shape., A flat, shallow caisson for raising sunken ships., A shallow socket for the pivot of a capstan.
saufly adverb Safely.
sauger noun An American fresh-water food fish (Stizostedion Canadense); — called also gray pike, blue pike, hornfish, land pike, sand pike, pickering, and pickerel.
saulie noun A hired mourner at a funeral.
saurel noun Any carangoid fish of the genus Trachurus, especially T. trachurus, or T. saurus, of Europe and America, and T. picturatus of California. Called also skipjack, and horse mackerel.
sauria noun pl. A division of Reptilia formerly established to include the Lacertilia, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, and other groups. By some writers the name is restricted to the Lacertilia.
sauter verb t. To fry lightly and quickly, as meat, by turning or tossing it over frequently in a hot pan greased with a little fat., Psalter.