6 letter word starting with see

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
seeing present participle & vb. noun of See, In view of the fact (that); considering; taking into account (that); insmuch as; since; because; — followed by a dependent clause; as, he did well, seeing that he was so young.
seeded imp. & past participle of Seed
seeder noun One who, or that which, sows or plants seed.
seeker noun One who seeks; that which is used in seeking or searching., One of a small heterogeneous sect of the 17th century, in Great Britain, who professed to be seeking the true church, ministry, and sacraments.
seeled imp. & past participle of Seel
seemed imp. & past participle of Seem
seemer noun One who seems; one who carries or assumes an appearance or semblance.
seemly verb i. Suited to the object, occasion, purpose, or character; suitable; fit; becoming; comely; decorous., In a decent or suitable manner; becomingly.
seesaw noun A play among children in which they are seated upon the opposite ends of a plank which is balanced in the middle, and move alternately up and down., A plank or board adjusted for this play., A vibratory or reciprocating motion., Same as Crossruff., To move with a reciprocating motion; to move backward and forward, or upward and downward., To cause to move backward and forward in seesaw fashion., Moving up and down, or to and fro; having a reciprocating motion.
seethe noun To decoct or prepare for food in hot liquid; to boil; as, to seethe flesh., To be a state of ebullition or violent commotion; to be hot; to boil.