6 letter word starting with ser

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
serang noun The boatswain of a Lascar or East Ondian crew.
serape noun A blanket or shawl worn as an outer garment by the Spanish Americans, as in Mexico.
seraph noun One of an order of celestial beings, each having three pairs of wings. In ecclesiastical art and in poetry, a seraph is represented as one of a class of angels.
serein noun A mist, or very fine rain, which sometimes falls from a clear sky a few moments after sunset.
serene adjective Bright; clear; unabscured; as, a serene sky., Calm; placid; undisturbed; unruffled; as, a serene aspect; a serene soul., Serenity; clearness; calmness., Evening air; night chill., To make serene.
serial adjective Of or pertaining to a series; consisting of a series; appearing in successive parts or numbers; as, a serial work or publication., Of or pertaining to rows., A publication appearing in a series or succession of part; a tale, or other writing, published in successive numbers of a periodical.
series noun A number of things or events standing or succeeding in order, and connected by a like relation; sequence; order; course; a succession of things; as, a continuous series of calamitous events., Any comprehensive group of animals or plants including several subordinate related groups., An indefinite number of terms succeeding one another, each of which is derived from one or more of the preceding by a fixed law, called the law of the series; as, an arithmetical series; a geometrical series.
serine noun A white crystalline nitrogenous substance obtained by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on silk gelatin.
seriph noun See Ceriph.
sermon noun A discourse or address; a talk; a writing; as, the sermons of Chaucer., Specifically, a discourse delivered in public, usually by a clergyman, for the purpose of religious instruction and grounded on some text or passage of Scripture., Hence, a serious address; a lecture on one’s conduct or duty; an exhortation or reproof; a homily; — often in a depreciatory sense., To speak; to discourse; to compose or deliver a sermon., To discourse to or of, as in a sermon., To tutor; to lecture.
seroon noun Same as Ceroon.
serose adjective Serous.
serous adjective Thin; watery; like serum; as the serous fluids., Of or pertaining to serum; as, the serous glands, membranes, layers. See Serum.
serpet noun A basket.
serval noun An African wild cat (Felis serval) of moderate size. It has rather long legs and a tail of moderate length. Its color is tawny, with black spots on the body and rings of black on the tail.
served imp. & past participle of Serve
server noun One who serves., A tray for dishes; a salver.