6 letter word starting with sh

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
shabby noun Torn or worn to rage; poor; mean; ragged., Clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments., Mean; paltry; despicable; as, shabby treatment.
shadde obs. imp. of Shed.
shaded imp. & past participle of Shade
shader noun One who, or that which, shades.
shadow noun Shade within defined limits; obscurity or deprivation of light, apparent on a surface, and representing the form of the body which intercepts the rays of light; as, the shadow of a man, of a tree, or of a tower. See the Note under Shade, n., 1., Darkness; shade; obscurity., A shaded place; shelter; protection; security., A reflected image, as in a mirror or in water., That which follows or attends a person or thing like a shadow; an inseparable companion; hence, an obsequious follower., A spirit; a ghost; a shade; a phantom., An imperfect and faint representation; adumbration; indistinct image; dim bodying forth; hence, mystical representation; type., A small degree; a shade., An uninvited guest coming with one who is invited., To cut off light from; to put in shade; to shade; to throw a shadow upon; to overspead with obscurity., To conceal; to hide; to screen., To protect; to shelter from danger; to shroud., To mark with gradations of light or color; to shade., To represent faintly or imperfectly; to adumbrate; hence, to represent typically., To cloud; to darken; to cast a gloom over., To attend as closely as a shadow; to follow and watch closely, especially in a secret or unobserved manner; as, a detective shadows a criminal.
shaggy noun Rough with long hair or wool., Rough; rugged; jaggy.
shahin noun A large and swift Asiatic falcon (Falco pregrinator) highly valued in falconry.
shaken past participle of Shake, Caused to shake; agitated; as, a shaken bough., Cracked or checked; split. See Shake, n., 2., Impaired, as by a shock.
shaker noun A person or thing that shakes, or by means of which something is shaken., One of a religious sect who do not marry, popularly so called from the movements of the members in dancing, which forms a part of their worship., A variety of pigeon.
should imp. of Shall, Used as an auxiliary verb, to express a conditional or contingent act or state, or as a supposition of an actual fact; also, to express moral obligation (see Shall); e. g.: they should have come last week; if I should go; I should think you could go.
shalli noun See Challis.
shaman noun A priest of Shamanism; a wizard among the Shamanists.
shamed imp. & past participle of Shame
shamer noun One who, or that which, disgraces, or makes ashamed.
shammy noun The chamois., A soft, pliant leather, prepared originally from the skin of the chamois, but now made also from the skin of the sheep, goat, kid, deer, and calf. See Shamoying.
shamoy noun See Shammy.
shanny noun The European smooth blenny (Blennius pholis). It is olive-green with irregular black spots, and without appendages on the head.
shan’t A contraction of shall not.
shanty adjective Jaunty; showy., A small, mean dwelling; a rough, slight building for temporary use; a hut., To inhabit a shanty.
shaped imp. of Shape, of Shape
shapen of Shape
shaper noun One who shapes; as, the shaper of one’s fortunes., That which shapes; a machine for giving a particular form or outline to an object., A kind of planer in which the tool, instead of the work, receives a reciprocating motion, usually from a crank., A machine with a vertically revolving cutter projecting above a flat table top, for cutting irregular outlines, moldings, etc.
shapoo noun The oorial.
shardy adjective Having, or consisting of, shards.
shared imp. & past participle of Share
sharer noun One who shares; a participator; a partaker; also, a divider; a distributer.
shaved imp. of Shave, of Shave
shaven of Shave
shaver noun One who shaves; one whose occupation is to shave., One who is close in bargains; a sharper., One who fleeces; a pillager; a plunderer., A boy; a lad; a little fellow., A tool or machine for shaving.
sheafy adjective Pertaining to, or consisting of, a sheaf or sheaves; resembling a sheaf.
sheard noun See Shard.
shearn noun Dung; excrement.
shears noun A cutting instrument., An instrument consisting of two blades, commonly with bevel edges, connected by a pivot, and working on both sides of the material to be cut, — used for cutting cloth and other substances., A similar instrument the blades of which are extensions of a curved spring, — used for shearing sheep or skins., A shearing machine; a blade, or a set of blades, working against a resisting edge., Anything in the form of shears., A pair of wings., An apparatus for raising heavy weights, and especially for stepping and unstepping the lower masts of ships. It consists of two or more spars or pieces of timber, fastened together near the top, steadied by a guy or guys, and furnished with the necessary tackle., The bedpiece of a machine tool, upon which a table or slide rest is secured; as, the shears of a lathe or planer. See Illust. under Lathe.
sheath noun A case for the reception of a sword, hunting knife, or other long and slender instrument; a scabbard., Any sheathlike covering, organ, or part., The base of a leaf when sheathing or investing a stem or branch, as in grasses., One of the elytra of an insect.
sheave verb A wheel having a groove in the rim for a rope to work in, and set in a block, mast, or the like; the wheel of a pulley., To gather and bind into a sheaf or sheaves; hence, to collect.
shelfa noun Alt. of Shilfa
shilfa noun The chaffinch; — so named from its call note.
sheely noun Same as Sheelfa.
sheeny adjective Bright; shining; radiant; sheen.
sheepy adjective Resembling sheep; sheepish.
shekel noun An ancient weight and coin used by the Jews and by other nations of the same stock., A jocose term for money.
shelfy adjective Abounding in shelves; full of dangerous shallows., Full of strata of rock.
shelly adjective Abounding with shells; consisting of shells, or of a shell.
shelty noun A Shetland pony.
shelve verb t. To furnish with shelves; as, to shelve a closet or a library., To place on a shelf. Hence: To lay on the shelf; to put aside; to dismiss from service; to put off indefinitely; as, to shelve an officer; to shelve a claim., To incline gradually; to be slopping; as, the bottom shelves from the shore.
shelvy adjective Sloping gradually; shelving.
shepen noun A stable; a shippen.
sherif noun A member of an Arab princely family descended from Mohammed through his son-in-law Ali and daughter Fatima. The Grand Shereef is the governor of Mecca.
sherry noun A Spanish light-colored dry wine, made in Andalusia. As prepared for commerce it is colored a straw color or a deep amber by mixing with it cheap wine boiled down.
shette of Shet
shewel noun A scarecrow.
shewer noun One who shews. See Shower.
shield noun A broad piece of defensive armor, carried on the arm, — formerly in general use in war, for the protection of the body. See Buckler., Anything which protects or defends; defense; shelter; protection., Figuratively, one who protects or defends., In lichens, a Hardened cup or disk surrounded by a rim and containing the fructification, or asci., The escutcheon or field on which are placed the bearings in coats of arms. Cf. Lozenge. See Illust. of Escutcheon., A framework used to protect workmen in making an adit under ground, and capable of being pushed along as excavation progresses., A spot resembling, or having the form of, a shield., A coin, the old French crown, or ecu, having on one side the figure of a shield., To cover with, or as with, a shield; to cover from danger; to defend; to protect from assault or injury., To ward off; to keep off or out., To avert, as a misfortune; hence, as a supplicatory exclamation, forbid!
shifty adjective Full of, or ready with, shifts; fertile in expedients or contrivance.
shiite noun Alt. of Shiah
shiloh noun A word used by Jacob on his deathbed, and interpreted variously, as “the Messiah,” or as the city “Shiloh,” or as “Rest.”
shimmy noun A chemise.
shindy noun An uproar or disturbance; a spree; a row; a riot., Hockey; shinney., A fancy or liking.
shined of Shine
shiner noun That which shines., A luminary., A bright piece of money., Any one of numerous species of small freshwater American cyprinoid fishes, belonging to Notropis, or Minnilus, and allied genera; as the redfin (Notropis megalops), and the golden shiner (Notemigonus chrysoleucus) of the Eastern United States; also loosely applied to various other silvery fishes, as the dollar fish, or horsefish, menhaden, moonfish, sailor’s choice, and the sparada., The common Lepisma, or furniture bug.
shinto noun Alt. of Shintiism
shinty noun A Scotch game resembling hockey; also, the club used in the game.
shiraz noun A kind of Persian wine; — so called from the place whence it is brought.
shirky adjective Disposed to shirk.
shiver noun One of the small pieces, or splinters, into which a brittle thing is broken by sudden violence; — generally used in the plural., A thin slice; a shive., A variety of blue slate., A sheave or small wheel in a pulley., A small wedge, as for fastening the bolt of a window shutter., A spindle., To break into many small pieces, or splinters; to shatter; to dash to pieces by a blow; as, to shiver a glass goblet., To separate suddenly into many small pieces or parts; to be shattered., To tremble; to vibrate; to quiver; to shake, as from cold or fear., To cause to shake or tremble, as a sail, by steering close to the wind., The act of shivering or trembling.
shoaly adjective Full of shoals, or shallow places.
shoddy verb t. A fibrous material obtained by “deviling,” or tearing into fibers, refuse woolen goods, old stockings, rags, druggets, etc. See Mungo., A fabric of inferior quality made of, or containing a large amount of, shoddy., Made wholly or in part of shoddy; containing shoddy; as, shoddy cloth; shoddy blankets; hence, colloquially, not genuine; sham; pretentious; as, shoddy aristocracy.
shoder noun A package of gold beater’s skins in which gold is subjected to the second process of beating.
shogun noun A title originally conferred by the Mikado on the military governor of the eastern provinces of Japan. By gradual usurpation of power the Shoguns (known to foreigners as Tycoons) became finally the virtual rulers of Japan. The title was abolished in 1867.
shonde noun Harm; disgrace; shame.
shooty adjective Sprouting or coming up freely and regularly.
shopen p. p. of Shape.
shoppy adjective Abounding with shops., Of or pertaining to shops, or one’s own shop or business; as, shoppy talk.
shored imp. & past participle of Shore
shorer noun One who, or that which, shores or props; a prop; a shore.
shough noun A shockdog., See Shoo.
shoved imp. & past participle of Shove
shovel verb t. An implement consisting of a broad scoop, or more or less hollow blade, with a handle, used for lifting and throwing earth, coal, grain, or other loose substances., To take up and throw with a shovel; as, to shovel earth into a heap, or into a cart, or out of a pit., To gather up as with a shovel.
shoven p. p. of Shove.
showed imp. of Show, of Show
shower noun One who shows or exhibits., That which shows; a mirror., A fall or rain or hail of short duration; sometimes, but rarely, a like fall of snow., That which resembles a shower in falling or passing through the air copiously and rapidly., A copious supply bestowed., To water with a shower; to //t copiously with rain., To bestow liberally; to destribute or scatter in /undance; to rain., To rain in showers; to fall, as in a hower or showers.
shrank imp. of Shrink., of Shrink
shrape noun A place baited with chaff to entice birds.
shrewd superl. Inclining to shrew; disposing to curse or scold; hence, vicious; malicious; evil; wicked; mischievous; vexatious; rough; unfair; shrewish., Artful; wily; cunning; arch., Able or clever in practical affairs; sharp in business; astute; sharp-witted; sagacious; keen; as, a shrewd observer; a shrewd design; a shrewd reply.
shriek verb i. To utter a loud, sharp, shrill sound or cry, as do some birds and beasts; to scream, as in a sudden fright, in horror or anguish., To utter sharply and shrilly; to utter in or with a shriek or shrieks., A sharp, shrill outcry or scream; a shrill wild cry such as is caused by sudden or extreme terror, pain, or the like.
shrift noun The act of shriving., Confession made to a priest, and the absolution consequent upon it.
shrike verb i. Any one of numerous species of oscinine birds of the family Laniidae, having a strong hooked bill, toothed at the tip. Most shrikes are insectivorous, but the common European gray shrike (Lanius excubitor), the great northern shrike (L. borealis), and several others, kill mice, small birds, etc., and often impale them on thorns, and are, on that account called also butcher birds. See under Butcher.
shrill verb i. Acute; sharp; piercing; having or emitting a sharp, piercing tone or sound; — said of a sound, or of that which produces a sound., A shrill sound., To utter an acute, piercing sound; to sound with a sharp, shrill tone; to become shrill., To utter or express in a shrill tone; to cause to make a shrill sound.
shrimp verb t. To contract; to shrink., Any one of numerous species of macruran Crustacea belonging to Crangon and various allied genera, having a slender body and long legs. Many of them are used as food. The larger kinds are called also prawns. See Illust. of Decapoda., In a more general sense, any species of the macruran tribe Caridea, or any species of the order Schizopoda, having a similar form., In a loose sense, any small crustacean, including some amphipods and even certain entomostracans; as, the fairy shrimp, and brine shrimp. See under Fairy, and Brine., Figuratively, a little wrinkled man; a dwarf; — in contempt.
shrine noun A case, box, or receptacle, especially one in which are deposited sacred relics, as the bones of a saint., Any sacred place, as an altar, tromb, or the like., A place or object hallowed from its history or associations; as, a shrine of art., To enshrine; to place reverently, as in a shrine.
shrunk of Shrink, of Shrink
shrink verb i. To wrinkle, bend, or curl; to shrivel; hence, to contract into a less extent or compass; to gather together; to become compacted., To withdraw or retire, as from danger; to decline action from fear; to recoil, as in fear, horror, or distress., To express fear, horror, or pain by contracting the body, or part of it; to shudder; to quake., To cause to contract or shrink; as, to shrink finnel by imersing it in boiling water., To draw back; to withdraw., The act shrinking; shrinkage; contraction; also, recoil; withdrawal.
shrove of Shrive, imp. of Shrive., To join in the festivities of Shrovetide; hence, to make merry.
shrive verb t. To hear or receive the confession of; to administer confession and absolution to; — said of a priest as the agent., To confess, and receive absolution; — used reflexively., To receive confessions, as a priest; to administer confession and absolution.
shroff noun A banker, or changer of money.
shrood verb t. To trim; to lop.
shroud noun That which clothes, covers, conceals, or protects; a garment., Especially, the dress for the dead; a winding sheet., That which covers or shelters like a shroud., A covered place used as a retreat or shelter, as a cave or den; also, a vault or crypt., The branching top of a tree; foliage., A set of ropes serving as stays to support the masts. The lower shrouds are secured to the sides of vessels by heavy iron bolts and are passed around the head of the lower masts., One of the two annular plates at the periphery of a water wheel, which form the sides of the buckets; a shroud plate., To cover with a shroud; especially, to inclose in a winding sheet; to dress for the grave., To cover, as with a shroud; to protect completely; to cover so as to conceal; to hide; to veil., To take shelter or harbor., To lop. See Shrood.
shrowd verb t. See Shrood.
shruff noun Rubbish. Specifically: (a) Dross or refuse of metals. [Obs.] (b) Light, dry wood, or stuff used for fuel.
shumac noun Sumac.
shying present participle & vb. noun of Shy