6 letter word starting with sha

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
shabby noun Torn or worn to rage; poor; mean; ragged., Clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments., Mean; paltry; despicable; as, shabby treatment.
shadde obs. imp. of Shed.
shaded imp. & past participle of Shade
shader noun One who, or that which, shades.
shadow noun Shade within defined limits; obscurity or deprivation of light, apparent on a surface, and representing the form of the body which intercepts the rays of light; as, the shadow of a man, of a tree, or of a tower. See the Note under Shade, n., 1., Darkness; shade; obscurity., A shaded place; shelter; protection; security., A reflected image, as in a mirror or in water., That which follows or attends a person or thing like a shadow; an inseparable companion; hence, an obsequious follower., A spirit; a ghost; a shade; a phantom., An imperfect and faint representation; adumbration; indistinct image; dim bodying forth; hence, mystical representation; type., A small degree; a shade., An uninvited guest coming with one who is invited., To cut off light from; to put in shade; to shade; to throw a shadow upon; to overspead with obscurity., To conceal; to hide; to screen., To protect; to shelter from danger; to shroud., To mark with gradations of light or color; to shade., To represent faintly or imperfectly; to adumbrate; hence, to represent typically., To cloud; to darken; to cast a gloom over., To attend as closely as a shadow; to follow and watch closely, especially in a secret or unobserved manner; as, a detective shadows a criminal.
shaggy noun Rough with long hair or wool., Rough; rugged; jaggy.
shahin noun A large and swift Asiatic falcon (Falco pregrinator) highly valued in falconry.
shaken past participle of Shake, Caused to shake; agitated; as, a shaken bough., Cracked or checked; split. See Shake, n., 2., Impaired, as by a shock.
shaker noun A person or thing that shakes, or by means of which something is shaken., One of a religious sect who do not marry, popularly so called from the movements of the members in dancing, which forms a part of their worship., A variety of pigeon.
shalli noun See Challis.
shaman noun A priest of Shamanism; a wizard among the Shamanists.
shamed imp. & past participle of Shame
shamer noun One who, or that which, disgraces, or makes ashamed.
shammy noun The chamois., A soft, pliant leather, prepared originally from the skin of the chamois, but now made also from the skin of the sheep, goat, kid, deer, and calf. See Shamoying.
shamoy noun See Shammy.
shanny noun The European smooth blenny (Blennius pholis). It is olive-green with irregular black spots, and without appendages on the head.
shan’t A contraction of shall not.
shanty adjective Jaunty; showy., A small, mean dwelling; a rough, slight building for temporary use; a hut., To inhabit a shanty.
shaped imp. of Shape, of Shape
shapen of Shape
shaper noun One who shapes; as, the shaper of one’s fortunes., That which shapes; a machine for giving a particular form or outline to an object., A kind of planer in which the tool, instead of the work, receives a reciprocating motion, usually from a crank., A machine with a vertically revolving cutter projecting above a flat table top, for cutting irregular outlines, moldings, etc.
shapoo noun The oorial.
shardy adjective Having, or consisting of, shards.
shared imp. & past participle of Share
sharer noun One who shares; a participator; a partaker; also, a divider; a distributer.
shaved imp. of Shave, of Shave
shaven of Shave
shaver noun One who shaves; one whose occupation is to shave., One who is close in bargains; a sharper., One who fleeces; a pillager; a plunderer., A boy; a lad; a little fellow., A tool or machine for shaving.