6 letter word starting with she

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sheafy adjective Pertaining to, or consisting of, a sheaf or sheaves; resembling a sheaf.
sheard noun See Shard.
shearn noun Dung; excrement.
shears noun A cutting instrument., An instrument consisting of two blades, commonly with bevel edges, connected by a pivot, and working on both sides of the material to be cut, — used for cutting cloth and other substances., A similar instrument the blades of which are extensions of a curved spring, — used for shearing sheep or skins., A shearing machine; a blade, or a set of blades, working against a resisting edge., Anything in the form of shears., A pair of wings., An apparatus for raising heavy weights, and especially for stepping and unstepping the lower masts of ships. It consists of two or more spars or pieces of timber, fastened together near the top, steadied by a guy or guys, and furnished with the necessary tackle., The bedpiece of a machine tool, upon which a table or slide rest is secured; as, the shears of a lathe or planer. See Illust. under Lathe.
sheath noun A case for the reception of a sword, hunting knife, or other long and slender instrument; a scabbard., Any sheathlike covering, organ, or part., The base of a leaf when sheathing or investing a stem or branch, as in grasses., One of the elytra of an insect.
sheave verb A wheel having a groove in the rim for a rope to work in, and set in a block, mast, or the like; the wheel of a pulley., To gather and bind into a sheaf or sheaves; hence, to collect.
shelfa noun Alt. of Shilfa
sheely noun Same as Sheelfa.
sheeny adjective Bright; shining; radiant; sheen.
sheepy adjective Resembling sheep; sheepish.
shekel noun An ancient weight and coin used by the Jews and by other nations of the same stock., A jocose term for money.
shelfy adjective Abounding in shelves; full of dangerous shallows., Full of strata of rock.
shelly adjective Abounding with shells; consisting of shells, or of a shell.
shelty noun A Shetland pony.
shelve verb t. To furnish with shelves; as, to shelve a closet or a library., To place on a shelf. Hence: To lay on the shelf; to put aside; to dismiss from service; to put off indefinitely; as, to shelve an officer; to shelve a claim., To incline gradually; to be slopping; as, the bottom shelves from the shore.
shelvy adjective Sloping gradually; shelving.
shepen noun A stable; a shippen.
sherif noun A member of an Arab princely family descended from Mohammed through his son-in-law Ali and daughter Fatima. The Grand Shereef is the governor of Mecca.
sherry noun A Spanish light-colored dry wine, made in Andalusia. As prepared for commerce it is colored a straw color or a deep amber by mixing with it cheap wine boiled down.
shette of Shet
shewel noun A scarecrow.
shewer noun One who shews. See Shower.