6 letter word starting with ski

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
skilts noun pl. A kind of large, coarse, short trousers formerly worn.
skilty noun The water rail.
skinch verb t. & i. To give scant measure; to squeeze or pinch in order to effect a saving.
skinny adjective Consisting, or chiefly consisting, of skin; wanting flesh.
skitty noun A rail; as, the water rail (called also skitty cock, and skitty coot); the spotted crake (Porzana maruetta), and the moor hen.
skiver noun An inferior quality of leather, made of split sheepskin, tanned by immersion in sumac, and dyed. It is used for hat linings, pocketbooks, bookbinding, etc., The cutting tool or machine used in splitting leather or skins, as sheepskins.