6 letter word starting with sm

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
smalls noun pl. See Small, n., 2, 3.
smally adverb In a small quantity or degree; with minuteness.
smatch noun Taste; tincture; smack., To smack.
smeary adjective Tending to smear or soil; adhesive; viscous.
smeath noun The smew.
smeeth verb t. To smoke; to blacken with smoke; to rub with soot., To smooth.
smegma noun The matter secreted by any of the sebaceous glands., The soapy substance covering the skin of newborn infants., The cheesy, sebaceous matter which collects between the glans penis and the foreskin.
smerky adjective Smart; jaunty; spruce. See Smirk, a.
smiddy noun A smithy.
smight verb t. To smite.
smilax noun A genus of perennial climbing plants, usually with a prickly woody stem; green brier, or cat brier. The rootstocks of certain species are the source of the medicine called sarsaparilla., A delicate trailing plant (Myrsiphyllum asparagoides) much used for decoration. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope.
smiled imp. & past participle of Smile
smiler noun One who smiles.
smilet noun A little smile.
smirch verb t. To smear with something which stains, or makes dirty; to smutch; to begrime; to soil; to sully., A smutch; a dirty stain.
smirky adjective Smirk; smirking.
smiter noun One who smites.
smithy noun The workshop of a smith, esp. a blacksmith; a smithery; a stithy.
smoked imp. & past participle of Smoke
smoker noun One who dries or preserves by smoke., One who smokes tobacco or the like., A smoking car or compartment.
smooch verb t. See Smutch.
smooth superl. Having an even surface, or a surface so even that no roughness or points can be perceived by the touch; not rough; as, smooth glass; smooth porcelain., Evenly spread or arranged; sleek; as, smooth hair., Gently flowing; moving equably; not ruffled or obstructed; as, a smooth stream., Flowing or uttered without check, obstruction, or hesitation; not harsh; voluble; even; fluent., Bland; mild; smoothing; fattering., Causing no resistance to a body sliding along its surface; frictionless., Smoothly., The act of making smooth; a stroke which smooths., That which is smooth; the smooth part of anything., To make smooth; to make even on the surface by any means; as, to smooth a board with a plane; to smooth cloth with an iron., To free from obstruction; to make easy., To free from harshness; to make flowing., To palliate; to gloze; as, to smooth over a fault., To give a smooth or calm appearance to., To ease; to regulate., To flatter; to use blandishment.
smouch verb t. To kiss closely., To smutch; to soil; as, to smouch the face., A dark soil or stain; a smutch.
smudge noun A suffocating smoke., A heap of damp combustibles partially ignited and burning slowly, placed on the windward side of a house, tent, or the like, in order, by the thick smoke, to keep off mosquitoes or other insects., That which is smeared upon anything; a stain; a blot; a smutch; a smear., To stifle or smother with smoke; to smoke by means of a smudge., To smear; to smutch; to soil; to blacken with smoke.
smugly adverb In a smug manner.
smutch noun A stain; a dirty spot., To blacken with smoke, soot, or coal.
smutty superl. Soiled with smut; smutted., Tainted with mildew; as, smutty corn., Obscene; not modest or pure; as, a smutty saying.