6 letter word starting with sod

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sodden of Seethe, of Sod, Boiled; seethed; also, soaked; heavy with moisture; saturated; as, sodden beef; sodden bread; sodden fields., To be seethed; to become sodden., To soak; to make heavy with water.
sodaic adjective Pertaining to, or containing, soda.
sodio- A combining form (also used adjectively) denoting the presence of sodium or one of its compounds.
sodium noun A common metallic element of the alkali group, in nature always occuring combined, as in common salt, in albite, etc. It is isolated as a soft, waxy, white, unstable metal, so readily oxidized that it combines violently with water, and to be preserved must be kept under petroleum or some similar liquid. Sodium is used combined in many salts, in the free state as a reducer, and as a means of obtaining other metals (as magnesium and aluminium) is an important commercial product. Symbol Na (Natrium). Atomic weight 23. Specific gravity 0.97.
sodomy noun Carnal copulation in a manner against nature; buggery.