6 letter word starting with sor

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sorbet noun A kind of beverage; sherbet.
sorbic adjective Pertaining to, or obtained from, the rowan tree, or sorb; specifically, designating an acid, C/H/CO/H, of the acetylene series, found in the unripe berries of this tree, and extracted as a white crystalline substance.
sorbin noun An unfermentable sugar, isomeric with glucose, found in the ripe berries of the rowan tree, or sorb, and extracted as a sweet white crystalline substance; — called also mountain-ash sugar.
sordes noun Foul matter; excretion; dregs; filthy, useless, or rejected matter of any kind; specifically (Med.), the foul matter that collects on the teeth and tongue in low fevers and other conditions attended with great vital depression.
sordet noun A sordine.
sordid adjective Filthy; foul; dirty., Vile; base; gross; mean; as, vulgar, sordid mortals., Meanly avaricious; covetous; niggardly.
sorely adverb In a sore manner; grievously; painfully; as, to be sorely afflicted.
sorema noun A heap of carpels belonging to one flower.
sorgne noun The three-beared rocking, or whistlefish.
sorner noun One who obtrudes himself on another for bed and board.
sorrel adjective Of a yellowish or redish brown color; as, a sorrel horse., A yellowish or redish brown color., One of various plants having a sour juice; especially, a plant of the genus Rumex, as Rumex Acetosa, Rumex Acetosella, etc.
sorrow noun The uneasiness or pain of mind which is produced by the loss of any good, real or supposed, or by diseappointment in the expectation of good; grief at having suffered or occasioned evil; regret; unhappiness; sadness., To feel pain of mind in consequence of evil experienced, feared, or done; to grieve; to be sad; to be sorry.
sortes plural of Sors, pl. of Sors.
sorted imp. & past participle of Sort
sortal adjective Pertaining to a sort.
sorter noun One who, or that which, sorts.
sortie noun The sudden issuing of a body of troops, usually small, from a besieged place to attack or harass the besiegers; a sally.