6 letter word starting with spo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
spoken past participle of Speak, Uttered in speech; delivered by word of mouth; oral; as, a spoken narrative; the spoken word., Characterized by a certain manner or style in speaking; — often in composition; as, a pleasant-spoken man.
spoilt of Spoil
spoked imp. & past participle of Spoke
sponge noun Any one of numerous species of Spongiae, or Porifera. See Illust. and Note under Spongiae., The elastic fibrous skeleton of many species of horny Spongiae (keratosa), used for many purposes, especially the varieties of the genus Spongia. The most valuable sponges are found in the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, and on the coasts of Florida and the West Indies., One who lives upon others; a pertinaceous and indolent dependent; a parasite; a sponger., Any spongelike substance., Dough before it is kneaded and formed into loaves, and after it is converted into a light, spongy mass by the agency of the yeast or leaven., Iron from the puddling furnace, in a pasty condition., Iron ore, in masses, reduced but not melted or worked., A mop for cleaning the bore of a cannon after a discharge. It consists of a cylinder of wood, covered with sheepskin with the wool on, or cloth with a heavy looped nap, and having a handle, or staff., The extremity, or point, of a horseshoe, answering to the heel., To cleanse or wipe with a sponge; as, to sponge a slate or a cannon; to wet with a sponge; as, to sponge cloth., To wipe out with a sponge, as letters or writing; to efface; to destroy all trace of., Fig.: To deprive of something by imposition., Fig.: To get by imposition or mean arts without cost; as, to sponge a breakfast., To suck in, or imbile, as a sponge., Fig.: To gain by mean arts, by intrusion, or hanging on; as, an idler sponges on his neighbor., To be converted, as dough, into a light, spongy mass by the agency of yeast, or leaven.
spongy adjective Soft, and full of cavities; of an open, loose, pliable texture; as, a spongy excrescence; spongy earth; spongy cake; spongy bones., Wet; drenched; soaked and soft, like sponge; rainy., Having the quality of imbibing fluids, like a sponge.
spoony adjective & noun Same as Spooney.
sporid noun A sporidium.
spotty adjective Full of spots; marked with spots.
spouse noun A man or woman engaged or joined in wedlock; a married person, husband or wife., A married man, in distinct from a spousess or married woman; a bridegroom or husband., To wed; to espouse.