6 letter word starting with spr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sprack adjective Quick; lively; alert.
sprain verb t. To weaken, as a joint, ligament, or muscle, by sudden and excessive exertion, as by wrenching; to overstrain, or stretch injuriously, but without luxation; as, to sprain one’s ankle., The act or result of spraining; lameness caused by spraining; as, a bad sprain of the wrist.
sprang imp. of Spring., of Spring
sprawl verb i. To spread and stretch the body or limbs carelessly in a horizontal position; to lie with the limbs stretched out ungracefully., To spread irregularly, as vines, plants, or tress; to spread ungracefully, as chirography., To move, when lying down, with awkward extension and motions of the limbs; to scramble in creeping.
spread imp. & past participle of Spread, To extend in length and breadth, or in breadth only; to stretch or expand to a broad or broader surface or extent; to open; to unfurl; as, to spread a carpet; to spread a tent or a sail., To extend so as to cover something; to extend to a great or grater extent in every direction; to cause to fill or cover a wide or wider space., To divulge; to publish, as news or fame; to cause to be more extensively known; to disseminate; to make known fully; as, to spread a report; — often acompanied by abroad., To propagate; to cause to affect great numbers; as, to spread a disease., To diffuse, as emanations or effluvia; to emit; as, odoriferous plants spread their fragrance., To strew; to scatter over a surface; as, to spread manure; to spread lime on the ground., To prepare; to set and furnish with provisions; as, to spread a table., To extend in length and breadth in all directions, or in breadth only; to be extended or stretched; to expand., To be extended by drawing or beating; as, some metals spread with difficulty., To be made known more extensively, as news., To be propagated from one to another; as, the disease spread into all parts of the city., Extent; compass., Expansion of parts., A cloth used as a cover for a table or a bed., A table, as spread or furnished with a meal; hence, an entertainment of food; a feast., A privilege which one person buys of another, of demanding certain shares of stock at a certain price, or of delivering the same shares of stock at another price, within a time agreed upon., An unlimited expanse of discontinuous points., imp. & p. p. of Spread, v.
sprent p. p. of Sprenge. Sprinkled.
sprung of Spring, of Spring, imp. & p. p. of Spring., Said of a spar that has been cracked or strained.
spring verb i. To leap; to bound; to jump., To issue with speed and violence; to move with activity; to dart; to shoot., To start or rise suddenly, as from a covert., To fly back; as, a bow, when bent, springs back by its elastic power., To bend from a straight direction or plane surface; to become warped; as, a piece of timber, or a plank, sometimes springs in seasoning., To shoot up, out, or forth; to come to the light; to begin to appear; to emerge; as a plant from its seed, as streams from their source, and the like; -often followed by up, forth, or out., To issue or proceed, as from a parent or ancestor; to result, as from a cause, motive, reason, or principle., To grow; to prosper., To cause to spring up; to start or rouse, as game; to cause to rise from the earth, or from a covert; as, to spring a pheasant., To produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly., To cause to explode; as, to spring a mine., To crack or split; to bend or strain so as to weaken; as, to spring a mast or a yard., To cause to close suddenly, as the parts of a trap operated by a spring; as, to spring a trap., To bend by force, as something stiff or strong; to force or put by bending, as a beam into its sockets, and allowing it to straighten when in place; — often with in, out, etc.; as, to spring in a slat or a bar., To pass over by leaping; as, to spring a fence., A leap; a bound; a jump., A flying back; the resilience of a body recovering its former state by elasticity; as, the spring of a bow., Elastic power or force., An elastic body of any kind, as steel, India rubber, tough wood, or compressed air, used for various mechanical purposes, as receiving and imparting power, diminishing concussion, regulating motion, measuring weight or other force., Any source of supply; especially, the source from which a stream proceeds; as issue of water from the earth; a natural fountain., Any active power; that by which action, or motion, is produced or propagated; cause; origin; motive., That which springs, or is originated, from a source;, A race; lineage., A youth; a springal., A shoot; a plant; a young tree; also, a grove of trees; woodland., That which causes one to spring; specifically, a lively tune., The season of the year when plants begin to vegetate and grow; the vernal season, usually comprehending the months of March, April, and May, in the middle latitudes north of the equator., The time of growth and progress; early portion; first stage., A crack or fissure in a mast or yard, running obliquely or transversely., A line led from a vessel’s quarter to her cable so that by tightening or slacking it she can be made to lie in any desired position; a line led diagonally from the bow or stern of a vessel to some point upon the wharf to which she is moored.
sprint verb i. To run very rapidly; to run at full speed., The act of sprinting; a run of a short distance at full speed.
sprite noun A spirit; a soul; a shade; also, an apparition. See Spright., An elf; a fairy; a goblin., The green woodpecker, or yaffle.
sprong imp. of Spring. Sprung.
sprout verb t. To shoot, as the seed of a plant; to germinate; to push out new shoots; hence, to grow like shoots of plants., To shoot into ramifications., To cause to sprout; as, the rain will sprout the seed., To deprive of sprouts; as, to sprout potatoes., The shoot of a plant; a shoot from the seed, from the stump, or from the root or tuber, of a plant or tree; more rarely, a shoot from the stem of a plant, or the end of a branch., Young coleworts; Brussels sprouts.
spruce adjective Any coniferous tree of the genus Picea, as the Norway spruce (P. excelsa), and the white and black spruces of America (P. alba and P. nigra), besides several others in the far Northwest. See Picea., The wood or timber of the spruce tree., Prussia leather; pruce., Neat, without elegance or dignity; — formerly applied to things with a serious meaning; now chiefly applied to persons., Sprightly; dashing., To dress with affected neatness; to trim; to make spruce., To dress one’s self with affected neatness; as, to spruce up.
sprunt verb i. To spring up; to germinate; to spring forward or outward., Anything short and stiff., A leap; a spring., A steep ascent in a road., Active; lively; vigorous.