6 letter word starting with t

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tabard noun A sort of tunic or mantle formerly worn for protection from the weather. When worn over the armor it was commonly emblazoned with the arms of the wearer, and from this the name was given to the garment adopted for heralds.
tabefy verb t. To cause to waste gradually, to emaciate.
taberd noun See Tabard.
tabler noun One who boards., One who boards others for hire.
tablet noun A small table or flat surface., A flat piece of any material on which to write, paint, draw, or engrave; also, such a piece containing an inscription or a picture., Hence, a small picture; a miniature., A kind of pocket memorandum book., A flattish cake or piece; as, tablets of arsenic were formerly worn as a preservative against the plague., A solid kind of electuary or confection, commonly made of dry ingredients with sugar, and usually formed into little flat squares; — called also lozenge, and troche, especially when of a round or rounded form.
tabour noun & verb See Tabor.
tabret noun A taboret.
tabula noun A table; a tablet., One of the transverse plants found in the calicles of certain corals and hydroids.
tacaud noun The bib, or whiting pout.
tacked imp. & past participle of Tack
tacker noun One who tacks.
tacket noun A small, broad-headed nail.
tackey adjective & noun See Tacky.
tackle noun Apparatus for raising or lowering heavy weights, consisting of a rope and pulley blocks; sometimes, the rope and attachments, as distinct from the block., Any instruments of action; an apparatus by which an object is moved or operated; gear; as, fishing tackle, hunting tackle; formerly, specifically, weapons., The rigging and apparatus of a ship; also, any purchase where more than one block is used., To supply with tackle., To fasten or attach, as with a tackle; to harness; as, to tackle a horse into a coach or wagon., To seize; to lay hold of; to grapple; as, a wrestler tackles his antagonist; a dog tackles the game., To begin to deal with; as, to tackle the problem.
tactic adjective Alt. of Tactical, See Tactics.
taenia noun A genus of intestinal worms which includes the common tapeworms of man. See Tapeworm., A band; a structural line; — applied to several bands and lines of nervous matter in the brain., The fillet, or band, at the bottom of a Doric frieze, separating it from the architrave.
tagged imp. & past participle of Tag
tagger noun One who, or that which, appends or joins one thing to another., That which is pointed like a tag., Sheets of tin or other plate which run below the gauge., A device for removing taglocks from sheep.
taglet noun A little tag.
taglia noun A peculiar combination of pulleys.
taguan noun A large flying squirrel (Pteromys petuarista). Its body becomes two feet long, with a large bushy tail nearly as long.
tailed adjective Having a tail; having (such) a tail or (so many) tails; — chiefly used in composition; as, bobtailed, longtailed, etc.
taille noun A tally; an account scored on a piece of wood., Any imposition levied by the king, or any other lord, upon his subjects., The French name for the tenor voice or part; also, for the tenor viol or viola.
tailor noun One whose occupation is to cut out and make men’s garments; also, one who cuts out and makes ladies’ outer garments., The mattowacca; — called also tailor herring., The silversides., The goldfish., To practice making men’s clothes; to follow the business of a tailor.
tajacu noun Alt. of Tajassu
takend past participle of Take
taking present participle & vb. noun of Take, Apt to take; alluring; attracting., Infectious; contageous., The act of gaining possession; a seizing; seizure; apprehension., Agitation; excitement; distress of mind., Malign influence; infection.
talbot noun A sort of dog, noted for quick scent and eager pursuit of game.
talent verb t. Among the ancient Greeks, a weight and a denomination of money equal to 60 minae or 6,000 drachmae. The Attic talent, as a weight, was about 57 lbs. avoirdupois; as a denomination of silver money, its value was £243 15s. sterling, or about $1,180., Among the Hebrews, a weight and denomination of money. For silver it was equivalent to 3,000 shekels, and in weight was equal to about 93/ lbs. avoirdupois; as a denomination of silver, it has been variously estimated at from £340 to £396 sterling, or about $1,645 to $1,916. For gold it was equal to 10,000 gold shekels., Inclination; will; disposition; desire., Intellectual ability, natural or acquired; mental endowment or capacity; skill in accomplishing; a special gift, particularly in business, art, or the like; faculty; a use of the word probably originating in the Scripture parable of the talents (Matt. xxv. 14-30).
talion noun Retaliation.
talked imp. & past participle of Talk
talker noun One who talks; especially, one who is noted for his power of conversing readily or agreeably; a conversationist., A loquacious person, male or female; a prattler; a babbler; also, a boaster; a braggart; — used in contempt or reproach.
tallow noun The suet or fat of animals of the sheep and ox kinds, separated from membranous and fibrous matter by melting., The fat of some other animals, or the fat obtained from certain plants, or from other sources, resembling the fat of animals of the sheep and ox kinds., To grease or smear with tallow., To cause to have a large quantity of tallow; to fatten; as, tallow sheep.
talmas plural of Talma
talmud noun The body of the Jewish civil and canonical law not comprised in the Pentateuch.
talook noun Alt. of Taluk
tambac noun See Tombac.
taming present participle & vb. noun of Tame
tamely adverb In a tame manner.
tamias noun A genus of ground squirrels, including the chipmunk.
tamine noun Alt. of Taminy
taminy noun A kind of woolen cloth; tammy.
tamkin noun A tampion.
tamped imp. & past participle of Tamp
tampan noun A venomous South African tick.
tamper noun One who tamps; specifically, one who prepares for blasting, by filling the hole in which the charge is placed., An instrument used in tamping; a tamping iron., To meddle; to be busy; to try little experiments; as, to tamper with a disease., To meddle so as to alter, injure, or vitiate a thing., To deal unfairly; to practice secretly; to use bribery.
tampoe noun The edible fruit of an East Indian tree (Baccaurea Malayana) of the Spurge family. It somewhat resembles an apple.
tampon noun A plug introduced into a natural or artificial cavity of the body in order to arrest hemorrhage, or for the application of medicine., To plug with a tampon.
tanned imp. & past participle of Tan
tanate noun An Asiatic wild dog (Canis procyonoides), native of Japan and adjacent countries. It has a short, bushy tail. Called also raccoon dog.
tandem adverb & adjective One after another; — said especially of horses harnessed and driven one before another, instead of abreast., A team of horses harnessed one before the other.
tanged imp. & past participle of Tang
tangle noun To unite or knit together confusedly; to interweave or interlock, as threads, so as to make it difficult to unravel the knot; to entangle; to ravel., To involve; to insnare; to entrap; as, to be tangled in lies., To be entangled or united confusedly; to get in a tangle., Any large blackish seaweed, especially the Laminaria saccharina. See Kelp., A knot of threads, or other thing, united confusedly, or so interwoven as not to be easily disengaged; a snarl; as, hair or yarn in tangles; a tangle of vines and briers. Used also figuratively., An instrument consisting essentially of an iron bar to which are attached swabs, or bundles of frayed rope, or other similar substances, — used to capture starfishes, sea urchins, and other similar creatures living at the bottom of the sea.
tangly adjective Entangled; intricate., Covered with tangle, or seaweed.
tangue noun The tenrec.
tangun noun A piebald variety of the horse, native of Thibet.
tanier noun An aroid plant (Caladium sagittaefolium), the leaves of which are boiled and eaten in the West Indies.
tanist noun In Ireland, a lord or proprietor of a tract of land or of a castle, elected by a family, under the system of tanistry.
tanite noun A firm composition of emery and a certain kind of cement, used for making grinding wheels, slabs, etc.
tankia noun See Tanka.
tanner noun One whose occupation is to tan hides, or convert them into leather by the use of tan.
tannic adjective Of or pertaining to tan; derived from, or resembling, tan; as, tannic acid.
tannin noun Same as Tannic acid, under Tannic.
tanrec noun Same as Tenrec.
taoism noun One of the popular religions of China, sanctioned by the state.
tapped imp. & past participle of Tap
tapeti noun A small South American hare (Lepus Braziliensis).
tapish verb i. To lie close to the ground, so as to be concealed; to squat; to crouch; hence, to hide one’s self.
tappen noun An obstruction, or indigestible mass, found in the intestine of bears and other animals during hibernation.
tapper noun The lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopus minor); — called also tapperer, tabberer, little wood pie, barred woodpecker, wood tapper, hickwall, and pump borer.
tappet noun A lever or projection moved by some other piece, as a cam, or intended to tap or touch something else, with a view to produce change or regulate motion.
tappis verb i. See Tapish.
tarred imp. & past participle of Tar
taring present participle & vb. noun of Tare, The common tern; — called also tarret, and tarrock.
target noun A kind of small shield or buckler, used as a defensive weapon in war., A butt or mark to shoot at, as for practice, or to test the accuracy of a firearm, or the force of a projectile., The pattern or arrangement of a series of hits made by a marksman on a butt or mark; as, he made a good target., The sliding crosspiece, or vane, on a leveling staff., A conspicuous disk attached to a switch lever to show its position, or for use as a signal.
targum noun A translation or paraphrase of some portion of the Old Testament Scriptures in the Chaldee or Aramaic language or dialect.
tariff noun A schedule, system, or scheme of duties imposed by the government of a country upon goods imported or exported; as, a revenue tariff; a protective tariff; Clay’s compromise tariff. (U. S. 1833)., The duty, or rate of duty, so imposed; as, the tariff on wool; a tariff of two cents a pound., Any schedule or system of rates, changes, etc.; as, a tariff of fees, or of railroad fares., To make a list of duties on, as goods.
tarpan noun A wild horse found in the region of the Caspian Sea.
tarpon noun Same as Tarpum.
tarpum noun A very large marine fish (Megapolis Atlanticus) of the Southern United States and the West Indies. It often becomes six or more feet in length, and has large silvery scales. The scales are a staple article of trade, and are used in fancywork. Called also tarpon, sabalo, savanilla, silverfish, and jewfish.
tarras noun See Trass.
tarsal adjective Of or pertaining to the tarsus (either of the foot or eye)., A tarsal bone or cartilage; a tarsale., Same as Tercel.
tarsel noun A male hawk. See Tercel.
tarsia noun Alt. of Tarsiatura
tarso- A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the tarsus; as, tarsometatarsus.
tarsus noun The ankle; the bones or cartilages of the part of the foot between the metatarsus and the leg, consisting in man of seven short bones., A plate of dense connective tissue or cartilage in the eyelid of man and many animals; — called also tarsal cartilage, and tarsal plate., The foot of an insect or a crustacean. It usually consists of form two to five joints.
tartan noun Woolen cloth, checkered or crossbarred with narrow bands of various colors, much worn in the Highlands of Scotland; hence, any pattern of tartan; also, other material of a similar pattern., A small coasting vessel, used in the Mediterranean, having one mast carrying large leteen sail, and a bowsprit with staysail or jib.
tartar noun A reddish crust or sediment in wine casks, consisting essentially of crude cream of tartar, and used in marking pure cream of tartar, tartaric acid, potassium carbonate, black flux, etc., and, in dyeing, as a mordant for woolen goods; — called also argol, wine stone, etc., A correction which often incrusts the teeth, consisting of salivary mucus, animal matter, and phosphate of lime., A native or inhabitant of Tartary in Asia; a member of any one of numerous tribes, chiefly Moslem, of Turkish origin, inhabiting the Russian Europe; — written also, more correctly but less usually, Tatar., A person of a keen, irritable temper., Of or pertaining to Tartary in Asia, or the Tartars., See Tartarus.
tartly adverb In a tart manner; with acidity.
tasked imp. & past participle of Task
tasker noun One who imposes a task., One who performs a task, as a day-laborer., A laborer who receives his wages in kind.
taslet noun A piece of armor formerly worn to guard the things; a tasse.
tassel noun A male hawk. See Tercel., A kind of bur used in dressing cloth; a teasel., A pendent ornament, attached to the corners of cushions, to curtains, and the like, ending in a tuft of loose threads or cords., The flower or head of some plants, esp. when pendent., A narrow silk ribbon, or the like, sewed to a book to be put between the leaves., A piece of board that is laid upon a wall as a sort of plate, to give a level surface to the ends of floor timbers; — rarely used in the United States., To put forth a tassel or flower; as, maize tassels., To adorn with tassels.
tasset noun A defense for the front of the thigh, consisting of one or more iron plates hanging from the belt on the lower edge of the corselet.
tasted imp. & past participle of Taste
taster noun One who tastes; especially, one who first tastes food or drink to ascertain its quality., That in which, or by which, anything is tasted, as, a dram cup, a cheese taster, or the like., One of a peculiar kind of zooids situated on the polyp-stem of certain Siphonophora. They somewhat resemble the feeding zooids, but are destitute of mouths. See Siphonophora.
tatter noun One who makes tatting., A rag, or a part torn and hanging; — chiefly used in the plural., To rend or tear into rags; — used chiefly in the past participle as an adjective.
tattle verb i. To prate; to talk idly; to use many words with little meaning; to chat., To tell tales; to communicate secrets; to be a talebearer; as, a tattling girl., Idle talk or chat; trifling talk; prate.
tattoo noun A beat of drum, or sound of a trumpet or bugle, at night, giving notice to soldiers to retreat, or to repair to their quarters in garrison, or to their tents in camp., To color, as the flesh, by pricking in coloring matter, so as to form marks or figures which can not be washed out., An indelible mark or figure made by puncturing the skin and introducing some pigment into the punctures; — a mode of ornamentation practiced by various barbarous races, both in ancient and modern times, and also by some among civilized nations, especially by sailors.
taught adjective See Taut., imp. & p. p. of Teach., of Teach
taurus noun The Bull; the second in order of the twelve signs of the zodiac, which the sun enters about the 20th of April; — marked thus [/] in almanacs., A zodiacal constellation, containing the well-known clusters called the Pleiades and the Hyades, in the latter of which is situated the remarkably bright Aldebaran., A genus of ruminants comprising the common domestic cattle.
tautog noun An edible labroid fish (Haitula onitis, or Tautoga onitis) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. When adult it is nearly black, more or less irregularly barred, with greenish gray. Called also blackfish, oyster fish, salt-water chub, and moll.
tavern noun A public house where travelers and other transient guests are accomodated with rooms and meals; an inn; a hotel; especially, in modern times, a public house licensed to sell liquor in small quantities.
tawing present participle & vb. noun of Taw
tawdry superl. Bought at the festival of St. Audrey., Very fine and showy in colors, without taste or elegance; having an excess of showy ornaments without grace; cheap and gaudy; as, a tawdry dress; tawdry feathers; tawdry colors., A necklace of a rural fashion, bought at St. Audrey’s fair; hence, a necklace in general.
tawery noun A place where skins are tawed.
taxing present participle & vb. noun of Tax
taxine noun A poisonous alkaloid of bitter taste extracted from the leaves and seeds of the European yew (Taxus baccata). Called also taxia.
t cart See under T.
teache noun One of the series of boilers in which the cane juice is treated in making sugar; especially, the last boiler of the series.
teacup noun A small cup from which to drink tea.
teagle noun A hoisting apparatus; an elevator; a crane; a lift.
teague noun An Irishman; — a term used in contempt.
teamed adjective Yoked in, or as in, a team.
teapot noun A vessel with a spout, in which tea is made, and from which it is poured into teacups.
teapoy noun An ornamental stand, usually with three legs, having caddies for holding tea.
tearer noun One who tears or rends anything; also, one who rages or raves with violence.
teased imp. & past participle of Tease
teasel noun A plant of the genus Dipsacus, of which one species (D. fullonum) bears a large flower head covered with stiff, prickly, hooked bracts. This flower head, when dried, is used for raising a nap on woolen cloth., A bur of this plant., Any contrivance intended as a substitute for teasels in dressing cloth., To subject, as woolen cloth, to the action of teasels, or any substitute for them which has an effect to raise a nap.
teaser noun One who teases or vexes., A jager gull.
teasle noun & verb t. See Teasel.
teated adjective Having protuberances resembling the teat of an animal.
teathe noun & verb See Tath.
teazel noun & verb t. See Teasel.
teazer noun The stoker or fireman of a furnace, as in glass works.
teazle noun & verb t. See Teasel.
tebeth noun The tenth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, answering to a part of December with a part of January.
tectly adverb Covertly; privately; secretly.
tedded imp. & past participle of Ted
tedder noun A machine for stirring and spreading hay, to expedite its drying., Same as Tether., Same as Tether.
tedium noun Irksomeness; wearisomeness; tediousness.
teemed imp. & past participle of Teem
teemer noun One who teems, or brings forth.
teeong noun The mino bird.
teetan noun A pipit.
teetee noun Any one of several species of small, soft-furred South American monkeys belonging to Callithrix, Chrysothrix, and allied genera; as, the collared teetee (Callithrix torquatus), and the squirrel teetee (Chrysothrix sciurea). Called also pinche, titi, and saimiri. See Squirrel monkey, under Squirrel., A diving petrel of Australia (Halodroma wrinatrix).
teeter verb i. & t. To move up and down on the ends of a balanced plank, or the like, as children do for sport; to seesaw; to titter; to titter-totter.
teeuck noun The lapwing.
teewit noun The pewit.
tegmen noun A tegument or covering., The inner layer of the coating of a seed, usually thin and delicate; the endopleura., One of the elytra of an insect, especially of certain Orthoptera., Same as Tectrices.
tegula noun A small appendage situated above the base of the wings of Hymenoptera and attached to the mesonotum.
te-hee noun & interj. A tittering laugh; a titter., To titter; to laugh derisively.
telary adjective Of or pertaining to a web; hence, spinning webs; retiary.
teledu noun An East Indian carnivore (Mydaus meliceps) allied to the badger, and noted for the very offensive odor that it emits, somewhat resembling that of a skunk. It is a native of the high mountains of Java and Sumatra, and has long, silky fur. Called also stinking badger, and stinkard.
telesm noun A kind of amulet or magical charm.
tellen noun Any species of Tellina.
teller noun One who tells, relates, or communicates; an informer, narrator, or describer., One of four officers of the English Exchequer, formerly appointed to receive moneys due to the king and to pay moneys payable by the king., An officer of a bank who receives and counts over money paid in, and pays money out on checks., One who is appointed to count the votes given in a legislative body, public meeting, assembly, etc.
telson noun The terminal joint or movable piece at the end of the abdomen of Crustacea and other articulates. See Thoracostraca.
telugu noun A Darvidian language spoken in the northern parts of the Madras presidency. In extent of use it is the next language after Hindustani (in its various forms) and Bengali., One of the people speaking the Telugu language., Of or pertaining to the Telugu language, or the Telugus.
temper verb t. To mingle in due proportion; to prepare by combining; to modify, as by adding some new element; to qualify, as by an ingredient; hence, to soften; to mollify; to assuage; to soothe; to calm., To fit together; to adjust; to accomodate., To bring to a proper degree of hardness; as, to temper iron or steel., To govern; to manage., To moisten to a proper consistency and stir thoroughly, as clay for making brick, loam for molding, etc., To adjust, as the mathematical scale to the actual scale, or to that in actual use., The state of any compound substance which results from the mixture of various ingredients; due mixture of different qualities; just combination; as, the temper of mortar., Constitution of body; temperament; in old writers, the mixture or relative proportion of the four humors, blood, choler, phlegm, and melancholy., Disposition of mind; the constitution of the mind, particularly with regard to the passions and affections; as, a calm temper; a hasty temper; a fretful temper., Calmness of mind; moderation; equanimity; composure; as, to keep one’s temper., Heat of mind or passion; irritation; proneness to anger; — in a reproachful sense., The state of a metal or other substance, especially as to its hardness, produced by some process of heating or cooling; as, the temper of iron or steel., Middle state or course; mean; medium., Milk of lime, or other substance, employed in the process formerly used to clarify sugar., To accord; to agree; to act and think in conformity., To have or get a proper or desired state or quality; to grow soft and pliable.
temple noun A contrivence used in a loom for keeping the web stretched transversely., The space, on either side of the head, back of the eye and forehead, above the zygomatic arch and in front of the ear., One of the side bars of a pair of spectacles, jointed to the bows, and passing one on either side of the head to hold the spectacles in place., A place or edifice dedicated to the worship of some deity; as, the temple of Jupiter at Athens, or of Juggernaut in India., The edifice erected at Jerusalem for the worship of Jehovah., Hence, among Christians, an edifice erected as a place of public worship; a church., Fig.: Any place in which the divine presence specially resides., To build a temple for; to appropriate a temple to; as, to temple a god.
tempse noun See Temse.
tenace noun The holding by the fourth hand of the best and third best cards of a suit led; also, sometimes, the combination of best with third best card of a suit in any hand.
tenacy noun Tenaciousness; obstinacy.
tenant noun One who holds or possesses lands, or other real estate, by any kind of right, whether in fee simple, in common, in severalty, for life, for years, or at will; also, one who has the occupation or temporary possession of lands or tenements the title of which is in another; — correlative to landlord. See Citation from Blackstone, under Tenement, 2., One who has possession of any place; a dweller; an occupant., To hold, occupy, or possess as a tenant.
tended imp. & past participle of Tend
tender noun One who tends; one who takes care of any person or thing; a nurse., A vessel employed to attend other vessels, to supply them with provisions and other stores, to convey intelligence, or the like., A car attached to a locomotive, for carrying a supply of fuel and water., To offer in payment or satisfaction of a demand, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture; as, to tender the amount of rent or debt., To offer in words; to present for acceptance., An offer, either of money to pay a debt, or of service to be performed, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture, which would be incurred by nonpayment or nonperformance; as, the tender of rent due, or of the amount of a note, with interest., Any offer or proposal made for acceptance; as, a tender of a loan, of service, or of friendship; a tender of a bid for a contract., The thing offered; especially, money offered in payment of an obligation., Easily impressed, broken, bruised, or injured; not firm or hard; delicate; as, tender plants; tender flesh; tender fruit., Sensible to impression and pain; easily pained., Physically weak; not hardly or able to endure hardship; immature; effeminate., Susceptible of the softer passions, as love, compassion, kindness; compassionate; pitiful; anxious for another’s good; easily excited to pity, forgiveness, or favor; sympathetic., Exciting kind concern; dear; precious., Careful to save inviolate, or not to injure; — with of., Unwilling to cause pain; gentle; mild., Adapted to excite feeling or sympathy; expressive of the softer passions; pathetic; as, tender expressions; tender expostulations; a tender strain., Apt to give pain; causing grief or pain; delicate; as, a tender subject., Heeling over too easily when under sail; — said of a vessel., Regard; care; kind concern., To have a care of; to be tender toward; hence, to regard; to esteem; to value.
tendon noun A tough insensible cord, bundle, or band of fibrous connective tissue uniting a muscle with some other part; a sinew.
tendry noun A tender; an offer.
tenent noun A tenet.
tennis noun A play in which a ball is driven to and fro, or kept in motion by striking it with a racket or with the open hand., To drive backward and forward, as a ball in playing tennis.
tenrec noun A small insectivore (Centetes ecaudatus), native of Madagascar, but introduced also into the islands of Bourbon and Mauritius; — called also tanrec. The name is applied to other allied genera. See Tendrac.
tensor noun A muscle that stretches a part, or renders it tense., The ratio of one vector to another in length, no regard being had to the direction of the two vectors; — so called because considered as a stretching factor in changing one vector into another. See Versor.
tented imp. & past participle of Tent, Covered with tents.
tenter noun One who takes care of, or tends, machines in a factory; a kind of assistant foreman., A kind of governor., A machine or frame for stretching cloth by means of hooks, called tenter-hooks, so that it may dry even and square., To admit extension., To hang or stretch on, or as on, tenters.
tentif adjective Attentive.
tenues plural of Tenuis
tenuis noun One of the three surd mutes /, /, /; — so called in relation to their respective middle letters, or medials, /, /, /, and their aspirates, /, /, /. The term is also applied to the corresponding letters and articulate elements in other languages.
tenure noun The act or right of holding, as property, especially real estate., The manner of holding lands and tenements of a superior., The consideration, condition, or service which the occupier of land gives to his lord or superior for the use of his land., Manner of holding, in general; as, in absolute governments, men hold their rights by a precarious tenure.
tepefy verb t. & i. To make or become tepid, or moderately warm.
teraph noun See Teraphim.
terbic adjective Of, pertaining to, or containing, terbium; also, designating certain of its compounds.
tercel noun See Tiercel. Called also tarsel, tassel.
tercet noun A triplet., A triplet; a group of three lines.
teredo noun A genus of long, slender, wormlike bivalve mollusks which bore into submerged wood, such as the piles of wharves, bottoms of ships, etc.; — called also shipworm. See Shipworm. See Illust. in App.
terete adjective Cylindrical and slightly tapering; columnar, as some stems of plants.
tergal adjective Of or pertaining to back, or tergum. See Dorsal.
tergum noun The back of an animal., The dorsal piece of a somite of an articulate animal., One of the dorsal plates of the operculum of a cirriped.
termed imp. & past participle of Term
termer noun One who resorted to London during the law term only, in order to practice tricks, to carry on intrigues, or the like., One who has an estate for a term of years or for life.
termes noun A genus of Pseudoneuroptera including the white ants, or termites. See Termite.
termly adjective Occurring every term; as, a termly fee., Term by term; every term.
termor noun Same as Termer, 2.
terpin noun A white crystalline substance regarded as a hydrate of oil of turpentine.
terrar noun See 2d Terrier, 2.
terras noun See /rass.
terrel noun A spherical magnet so placed that its poles, equator, etc., correspond to those of the earth.
terret noun One of the rings on the top of the saddle of a harness, through which the reins pass.
terror noun Extreme fear; fear that agitates body and mind; violent dread; fright., That which excites dread; a cause of extreme fear.
tested imp. & past participle of Test
testae plural of Testa
tester noun A headpiece; a helmet., A flat canopy, as over a pulpit or tomb., A canopy over a bed, supported by the bedposts., An old French silver coin, originally of the value of about eighteen pence, subsequently reduced to ninepence, and later to sixpence, sterling. Hence, in modern English slang, a sixpence; — often contracted to tizzy. Called also teston.
testes noun pl. of Teste, or of Testis., of Testis
testif adjective Testy; headstrong; obstinate.
testis noun A testicle.
teston noun A tester; a sixpence.
tetany noun A morbid condition resembling tetanus, but distinguished from it by being less severe and having intermittent spasms.
tetard noun A gobioid fish (Eleotris gyrinus) of the Southern United States; — called also sleeper.
tetaug noun See Tautog.
tetchy adjective See Techy.
tether noun A long rope or chain by which an animal is fastened, as to a stake, so that it can range or feed only within certain limits., To confine, as an animal, with a long rope or chain, as for feeding within certain limits.
tethys noun A genus of a large naked mollusks having a very large, broad, fringed cephalic disk, and branched dorsal gills. Some of the species become a foot long and are brilliantly colored.
tetra- A combining form or prefix signifying four, as in tetrabasic, tetrapetalous., A combining form (also used adjectively) denoting four proportional or combining parts of the substance or ingredient denoted by the term to which it is prefixed, as in tetra-chloride, tetroxide.
tetrad noun The number four; a collection of four things; a quaternion., A tetravalent or quadrivalent atom or radical; as, carbon is a tetrad.
tetric adjective Alt. of Tetrical
tetrol noun A hypothetical hydrocarbon, C4H4, analogous to benzene; — so called from the four carbon atoms in the molecule.
tetryl noun Butyl; — so called from the four carbon atoms in the molecule.
tetter noun A vesicular disease of the skin; herpes. See Herpes., To affect with tetter.
tettix noun The cicada., A genus of small grasshoppers.
teufit noun The lapwing; — called also teuchit.
teuton noun One of an ancient German tribe; later, a name applied to any member of the Germanic race in Europe; now used to designate a German, Dutchman, Scandinavian, etc., in distinction from a Celt or one of a Latin race., A member of the Teutonic branch of the Indo-European, or Aryan, family.
tewing present participle & vb. noun of Tew
tewhit noun The lapwing; — called also teewheep.
tewtaw verb t. To beat; to break, as flax or hemp.
thaler noun A German silver coin worth about three shillings sterling, or about 73 cents.
thalia noun That one of the nine Muses who presided over comedy., One of the three Graces., One of the Nereids.
thalli plural of Thallus
tammuz noun A deity among the ancient Syrians, in honor of whom the Hebrew idolatresses held an annual lamentation. This deity has been conjectured to be the same with the Phoenician Adon, or Adonis., The fourth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, — supposed to correspond nearly with our month of July.
thamyn noun An Asiatic deer (Rucervus Eldi) resembling the swamp deer; — called also Eld’s deer.
thanks plural of Thank
tharms noun pl. Twisted guts.
tharos noun A small American butterfly (Phycoides tharos) having the upper surface of the wings variegated with orange and black, the outer margins black with small white crescents; — called also pearl crescent.
thatch noun Straw, rushes, or the like, used for making or covering the roofs of buildings, or of stacks of hay or grain., A name in the West Indies for several kinds of palm, the leaves of which are used for thatching., To cover with, or with a roof of, straw, reeds, or some similar substance; as, to thatch a roof, a stable, or a stack of grain.
thawed imp. & past participle of Thaw
theave noun A ewe lamb of the first year; also, a sheep three years old.
theban adjective Of or pertaining to Thebes., A native or inhabitant of Thebes; also, a wise man.
thecae plural of Theca
thecal adjective Of or pertaining to a theca; as, a thecal abscess.
thecla noun Any one of many species of small delicately colored butterflies belonging to Thecla and allied genera; — called also hairstreak, and elfin.
thedom noun Success; fortune; luck; chance.
theine noun See Caffeine. Called also theina.
theism noun The belief or acknowledgment of the existence of a God, as opposed to atheism, pantheism, or polytheism.
theist noun One who believes in the existence of a God; especially, one who believes in a personal God; — opposed to atheist.
themis noun The goddess of law and order; the patroness of existing rights.
thenal adjective Alt. of Thenar
thenar adjective Of or pertaining to the thenar; corresponding to thenar; palmar., The palm of the hand., The prominence of the palm above the base of the thumb; the thenar eminence; the ball of the thumb. Sometimes applied to the corresponding part of the foot.
thence adverb From that place., From that time; thenceforth; thereafter., For that reason; therefore., Not there; elsewhere; absent.
theory noun A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice; hypothesis; speculation., An exposition of the general or abstract principles of any science; as, the theory of music., The science, as distinguished from the art; as, the theory and practice of medicine., The philosophical explanation of phenomena, either physical or moral; as, Lavoisier’s theory of combustion; Adam Smith’s theory of moral sentiments.
theses plural of Thesis
thesis noun A position or proposition which a person advances and offers to maintain, or which is actually maintained by argument., Hence, an essay or dissertation written upon specific or definite theme; especially, an essay presented by a candidate for a diploma or degree., An affirmation, or distinction from a supposition or hypothesis., The accented part of the measure, expressed by the downward beat; — the opposite of arsis., The depression of the voice in pronouncing the syllables of a word., The part of the foot upon which such a depression falls.
thewed adjective Furnished with thews or muscles; as, a well-thewed limb., Accustomed; mannered.
thible noun A slice; a skimmer; a spatula; a pudding stick.
thider adverb Thither.
thieve verb t. & i. To practice theft; to steal.
thinly adjective In a thin manner; in a loose, scattered manner; scantily; not thickly; as, ground thinly planted with trees; a country thinly inhabited.
thirst noun A sensation of dryness in the throat associated with a craving for liquids, produced by deprivation of drink, or by some other cause (as fear, excitement, etc.) which arrests the secretion of the pharyngeal mucous membrane; hence, the condition producing this sensation., Fig.: A want and eager desire after anything; a craving or longing; — usually with for, of, or after; as, the thirst for gold., To feel thirst; to experience a painful or uneasy sensation of the throat or fauces, as for want of drink., To have a vehement desire., To have a thirst for.
thirty adjective Being three times ten; consisting of one more than twenty-nine; twenty and ten; as, the month of June consists of thirty days., The sum of three tens, or twenty and ten; thirty units or objects., A symbol expressing thirty, as 30, or XXX.
tholed imp. & past participle of Thole
thooid adjective Of or pertaining to a group of carnivores, including the wovels and the dogs.
thoral adjective Of or pertaining to a bed.
thorax noun The part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen, containing that part of the body cavity the walls of which are supported by the dorsal vertebrae, the ribs, and the sternum, and which the heart and lungs are situated; the chest., The middle region of the body of an insect, or that region which bears the legs and wings. It is composed of three united somites, each of which is composed of several distinct parts. See Illust. in Appendix. and Illust. of Coleoptera., The second, or middle, region of the body of a crustacean, arachnid, or other articulate animal. In the case of decapod Crustacea, some writers include under the term thorax only the three segments bearing the maxillipeds; others include also the five segments bearing the legs. See Illust. in Appendix., A breastplate, cuirass, or corselet; especially, the breastplate worn by the ancient Greeks.
thoria noun A rare white earthy substance, consisting of the oxide of thorium; — formerly called also thorina.
thoric adjective Of or pertaining to thorium; designating the compounds of thorium.
thorny superl. Full of thorns or spines; rough with thorns; spiny; as, a thorny wood; a thorny tree; a thorny crown., Like a thorn or thorns; hence, figuratively, troublesome; vexatious; harassing; perplexing.
thorow preposition Through., Thorough.
thorpe noun A group of houses in the country; a small village; a hamlet; a dorp; — now chiefly occurring in names of places and persons; as, Althorp, Mablethorpe.
though conj. Granting, admitting, or supposing that; notwithstanding that; if., However; nevertheless; notwithstanding; — used in familiar language, and in the middle or at the end of a sentence.
thowel noun Alt. of Thowl
thrack verb t. To load or burden; as, to thrack a man with property.
thrall noun A slave; a bondman., Slavery; bondage; servitude; thraldom., A shelf; a stand for barrels, etc., Of or pertaining to a thrall; in the condition of a thrall; bond; enslaved., To enslave.
thrash verb t. Alt. of Thresh, Alt. of Thresh
thresh verb t. To beat out grain from, as straw or husks; to beat the straw or husk of (grain) with a flail; to beat off, as the kernels of grain; as, to thrash wheat, rye, or oats; to thrash over the old straw., To beat soundly, as with a stick or whip; to drub., To practice thrashing grain or the like; to perform the business of beating grain from straw; as, a man who thrashes well., Hence, to labor; to toil; also, to move violently., Same as Thrash.
thrast past participle of Thraste
thrave noun Twenty-four (in some places, twelve) sheaves of wheat; a shock, or stook., The number of two dozen; also, an indefinite number; a bunch; a company; a throng.
thread noun A very small twist of flax, wool, cotton, silk, or other fibrous substance, drawn out to considerable length; a compound cord consisting of two or more single yarns doubled, or joined together, and twisted., A filament, as of a flower, or of any fibrous substance, as of bark; also, a line of gold or silver., The prominent part of the spiral of a screw or nut; the rib. See Screw, n., 1., Fig.: Something continued in a long course or tenor; a,s the thread of life, or of a discourse., Fig.: Composition; quality; fineness., To pass a thread through the eye of; as, to thread a needle., To pass or pierce through as a narrow way; also, to effect or make, as one’s way, through or between obstacles; to thrid., To form a thread, or spiral rib, on or in; as, to thread a screw or nut.
threap verb t. To call; to name., To maintain obstinately against denial or contradiction; also, to contend or argue against (another) with obstinacy; to chide; as, he threaped me down that it was so., To beat, or thrash., To cozen, or cheat., To contend obstinately; to be pertinacious., An obstinate decision or determination; a pertinacious affirmation.
threat noun The expression of an intention to inflict evil or injury on another; the declaration of an evil, loss, or pain to come; menace; threatening; denunciation., To threaten.
threne noun Lamentation; threnody; a dirge.
threpe verb t. To call; to term.
threst past participle & of Threste
thrice adverb Three times., In a threefold manner or degree; repeatedly; very.
thrift noun A thriving state; good husbandry; economical management in regard to property; frugality., Success and advance in the acquisition of property; increase of worldly goods; gain; prosperity., Vigorous growth, as of a plant., One of several species of flowering plants of the genera Statice and Armeria.
thrill noun A warbling; a trill., A breathing place or hole; a nostril, as of a bird., To perforate by a pointed instrument; to bore; to transfix; to drill., Hence, to affect, as if by something that pierces or pricks; to cause to have a shivering, throbbing, tingling, or exquisite sensation; to pierce; to penetrate., To hurl; to throw; to cast., To pierce, as something sharp; to penetrate; especially, to cause a tingling sensation that runs through the system with a slight shivering; as, a sharp sound thrills through the whole frame., To feel a sharp, shivering, tingling, or exquisite sensation, running through the body., A drill. See 3d Drill, 1., A sensation as of being thrilled; a tremulous excitement; as, a thrill of horror; a thrill of joy.
throng imp. of Thring, A multitude of persons or of living beings pressing or pressed into a close body or assemblage; a crowd., A great multitude; as, the heavenly throng., To crowd together; to press together into a close body, as a multitude of persons; to gather or move in multitudes., To crowd, or press, as persons; to oppress or annoy with a crowd of living beings., To crowd into; to fill closely by crowding or pressing into, as a hall or a street., Thronged; crowded; also, much occupied; busy.
thring verb t. & i. To press, crowd, or throng.
thrips noun Any one of numerous small species of Thysanoptera, especially those which attack useful plants, as the grain thrips (Thrips cerealium).
thrist noun Thrist.
throve imp. of Thrive, imp. of Thrive.
thrive verb i. To prosper by industry, economy, and good management of property; to increase in goods and estate; as, a farmer thrives by good husbandry., To prosper in any business; to have increase or success., To increase in bulk or stature; to grow vigorously or luxuriantly, as a plant; to flourish; as, young cattle thrive in rich pastures; trees thrive in a good soil.
throat noun The part of the neck in front of, or ventral to, the vertebral column., Hence, the passage through it to the stomach and lungs; the pharynx; — sometimes restricted to the fauces., A contracted portion of a vessel, or of a passage way; as, the throat of a pitcher or vase., The part of a chimney between the gathering, or portion of the funnel which contracts in ascending, and the flue., The upper fore corner of a boom-and-gaff sail, or of a staysail., That end of a gaff which is next the mast., The angle where the arm of an anchor is joined to the shank., The inside of a timber knee., The orifice of a tubular organ; the outer end of the tube of a monopetalous corolla; the faux, or fauces., To utter in the throat; to mutter; as, to throat threats., To mow, as beans, in a direction against their bending.
throne noun A chair of state, commonly a royal seat, but sometimes the seat of a prince, bishop, or other high dignitary., Hence, sovereign power and dignity; also, the one who occupies a throne, or is invested with sovereign authority; an exalted or dignified personage., A high order of angels in the celestial hierarchy; — a meaning given by the schoolmen., To place on a royal seat; to enthrone., To place in an elevated position; to give sovereignty or dominion to; to exalt., To be in, or sit upon, a throne; to be placed as if upon a throne.
thrown past participle of Throw, a. & p. p. from Throw, v.
throwe noun A turning lathe.
thrush noun Any one of numerous species of singing birds belonging to Turdus and allied genera. They are noted for the sweetness of their songs., Any one of numerous species of singing birds more or less resembling the true thrushes in appearance or habits; as the thunderbird and the American brown thrush (or thrasher). See Brown thrush., An affection of the mouth, fauces, etc., common in newly born children, characterized by minute ulcers called aphthae. See Aphthae., An inflammatory and suppurative affection of the feet in certain animals. In the horse it is in the frog.
thrust noun & verb Thrist., of Thrust, To push or drive with force; to drive, force, or impel; to shove; as, to thrust anything with the hand or foot, or with an instrument., To stab; to pierce; — usually with through., To make a push; to attack with a pointed weapon; as, a fencer thrusts at his antagonist., To enter by pushing; to squeeze in., To push forward; to come with force; to press on; to intrude., A violent push or driving, as with a pointed weapon moved in the direction of its length, or with the hand or foot, or with any instrument; a stab; — a word much used as a term of fencing., An attack; an assault., The force or pressure of one part of a construction against other parts; especially (Arch.), a horizontal or diagonal outward pressure, as of an arch against its abutments, or of rafters against the wall which support them., The breaking down of the roof of a gallery under its superincumbent weight.
thryes adjective Thrice.
thulia noun Oxide of thulium.
thunny noun The tunny.
thurgh preposition Through.
thurst noun The ruins of the fallen roof resulting from the removal of the pillars and stalls.
thuyin noun A substance extracted from trees of the genus Thuja, or Thuya, and probably identical with quercitrin.
thwack verb t. To strike with something flat or heavy; to bang, or thrash: to thump., To fill to overflow., A heavy blow with something flat or heavy; a thump.
thwart adjective Situated or placed across something else; transverse; oblique., Fig.: Perverse; crossgrained., Thwartly; obliquely; transversely; athwart., Across; athwart., A seat in an open boat reaching from one side to the other, or athwart the boat., To move across or counter to; to cross; as, an arrow thwarts the air., To cross, as a purpose; to oppose; to run counter to; to contravene; hence, to frustrate or defeat., To move or go in an oblique or crosswise manner., Hence, to be in opposition; to clash.
thwite verb t. To cut or clip with a knife; to whittle.
thymic adjective Of or pertaining to the thymus gland., Pertaining to, or derived from, thyme; as, thymic acid.
thymol noun A phenol derivative of cymene, C10H13.OH, isomeric with carvacrol, found in oil of thyme, and extracted as a white crystalline substance of a pleasant aromatic odor and strong antiseptic properties; — called also hydroxy cymene.
thymus adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, the thymus gland., The thymus gland.
thyro- A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the thyroid body or the thyroid cartilage; as, thyrohyal.
thyrse noun A thyrsus.
thyrsi plural of Thyrsus
thysbe noun A common clearwing moth (Hemaris thysbe).
tibiae plural of Tibia
tibial adjective Of or pertaining to a tibia., Of or pertaining to a pipe or flute., A tibial bone; a tibiale.
tibio- A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the tibia; as, tibiotarsus, tibiofibular.
tibrie noun The pollack.
ticked imp. & past participle of Tick
ticken noun See Ticking.
ticker noun One who, or that which, ticks, or produces a ticking sound, as a watch or clock, a telegraphic sounder, etc.
ticket verb A small piece of paper, cardboard, or the like, serving as a notice, certificate, or distinguishing token of something., A little note or notice., A tradesman’s bill or account., A certificate or token of right of admission to a place of assembly, or of passage in a public conveyance; as, a theater ticket; a railroad or steamboat ticket., A label to show the character or price of goods., A certificate or token of a share in a lottery or other scheme for distributing money, goods, or the like., A printed list of candidates to be voted for at an election; a set of nominations by one party for election; a ballot., To distinguish by a ticket; to put a ticket on; as, to ticket goods., To furnish with a tickets; to book; as, to ticket passengers to California.
tickle verb t. To touch lightly, so as to produce a peculiar thrilling sensation, which commonly causes laughter, and a kind of spasm which become dengerous if too long protracted., To please; to gratify; to make joyous., To feel titillation., To excite the sensation of titillation., Ticklish; easily tickled., Liable to change; uncertain; inconstant., Wavering, or liable to waver and fall at the slightest touch; unstable; easily overthrown.
tidbit noun A delicate or tender piece of anything eatable; a delicious morsel.
tidder verb t. Alt. of Tiddle
tiddle verb t. To use with tenderness; to fondle.
tidife noun The blue titmouse.
tidily adverb In a tidy manner.
tiding noun Tidings.
tidley noun The wren., The goldcrest.
tidies plural of Tidy
tidied imp. & past participle of Tidy
tiebar noun A flat bar used as a tie.
tierce noun A cask whose content is one third of a pipe; that is, forty-two wine gallons; also, a liquid measure of forty-two wine, or thirty-five imperial, gallons., A cask larger than a barrel, and smaller than a hogshead or a puncheon, in which salt provisions, rice, etc., are packed for shipment., The third tone of the scale. See Mediant., A sequence of three playing cards of the same suit. Tierce of ace, king, queen, is called tierce-major., A position in thrusting or parrying in which the wrist and nails are turned downward., The third hour of the day, or nine a. m,; one of the canonical hours; also, the service appointed for that hour., Divided into three equal parts of three different tinctures; — said of an escutcheon.
tiewig noun A wig having a tie or ties, or one having some of the curls tied up; also, a wig tied upon the head.
tiffed imp. & past participle of Tiff
tiffin noun A lunch, or slight repast between breakfast and dinner; — originally, a Provincial English word, but introduced into India, and brought back to England in a special sense.
tights noun pl. Close-fitting garments, especially for the lower part of the body and the legs.
tiglic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid, C4H7CO2H (called also methyl crotonic acid), homologous with crotonic acid, and obtained from croton oil (from Croton Tiglium) as a white crystalline substance.
tiling present participle & vb. noun of Tile, A surface covered with tiles, or composed of tiles., Tiles, collectively.
tilery noun A place where tiles are made or burned; a tile kiln.
tilled imp. & past participle of Till
tiller verb t. One who tills; a husbandman; a cultivator; a plowman., A shoot of a plant, springing from the root or bottom of the original stalk; a sucker., A sprout or young tree that springs from a root or stump., A young timber tree., To put forth new shoots from the root, or round the bottom of the original stalk; as, wheat or rye tillers; some spread plants by tillering., A lever of wood or metal fitted to the rudder head and used for turning side to side in steering. In small boats hand power is used; in large vessels, the tiller is moved by means of mechanical appliances. See Illust. of Rudder. Cf. 2d Helm, 1., The stalk, or handle, of a crossbow; also, sometimes, the bow itself., The handle of anything., A small drawer; a till.
tilley Alt. of Tilley seed
tillet noun A bag made of thin glazed muslin, used as a wrapper for dress goods.
tillow verb i. See 3d Tiller.
tilmus noun Floccillation.
tilted imp. & past participle of Tilt
tilter noun One who tilts, or jousts; hence, one who fights., One who operates a tilt hammer.
timbal noun A kettledrum. See Tymbal.
timber noun A certain quantity of fur skins, as of martens, ermines, sables, etc., packed between boards; being in some cases forty skins, in others one hundred and twenty; — called also timmer., The crest on a coat of arms., To surmount as a timber does., That sort of wood which is proper for buildings or for tools, utensils, furniture, carriages, fences, ships, and the like; — usually said of felled trees, but sometimes of those standing. Cf. Lumber, 3., The body, stem, or trunk of a tree., Fig.: Material for any structure., A single piece or squared stick of wood intended for building, or already framed; collectively, the larger pieces or sticks of wood, forming the framework of a house, ship, or other structure, in distinction from the covering or boarding., Woods or forest; wooden land., A rib, or a curving piece of wood, branching outward from the keel and bending upward in a vertical direction. One timber is composed of several pieces united., To furnish with timber; — chiefly used in the past participle., To light on a tree., To make a nest.
timbre noun See 1st Timber., The crest on a coat of arms., The quality or tone distinguishing voices or instruments; tone color; clang tint; as, the timbre of the voice; the timbre of a violin. See Tone, and Partial tones, under Partial.
timing present participle & vb. noun of Time
timely superl. Being or occurring in good time; sufficiently early; seasonable., Keeping time or measure., Early; soon; in good season.
timist noun A performer who keeps good time., A timeserver.
timmer noun Same as 1st Timber.
timous adjective Timely; seasonable.
tinned imp. & past participle of Tin, Covered, or plated, with tin; as, a tinned roof; tinned iron., Packed in tin cases; canned; as, tinned meats.
tincal noun Crude native borax, formerly imported from Thibet. It was once the chief source of boric compounds. Cf. Borax.
tindal noun A petty officer among lascars, or native East Indian sailors; a boatswain’s mate; a cockswain., An attendant on an army.
tinder noun Something very inflammable, used for kindling fire from a spark, as scorched linen.
tinean noun Any species of Tinea, or of the family Tineidae, which includes numerous small moths, many of which are injurious to woolen and fur goods and to cultivated plants. Also used adjectively.
tineid noun Same as Tinean.
tinged imp. & past participle of Tinge
tinger noun One who, or that which, tinges.
tingid adjective Of or pertaining to the genus Tingis.
tingis noun A genus of small hemipterous insects which injure trees by sucking the sap from the leaves. See Illustration in Appendix.
tingle verb i. To feel a kind of thrilling sensation, as in hearing a shrill sound., To feel a sharp, thrilling pain., To have, or to cause, a sharp, thrilling sensation, or a slight pricking sensation.
tinker noun A mender of brass kettles, pans, and other metal ware., One skilled in a variety of small mechanical work., A small mortar on the end of a staff., A young mackerel about two years old., The chub mackerel., The silversides., A skate., The razor-billed auk., To mend or solder, as metal wares; hence, more generally, to mend., To busy one’s self in mending old kettles, pans, etc.; to play the tinker; to be occupied with small mechanical works.
tinkle noun The common guillemot., To make, or give forth, small, quick, sharp sounds, as a piece of metal does when struck; to clink., To hear, or resound with, a small, sharp sound., To cause to clonk, or make small, sharp, quick sounds., A small, sharp, quick sound, as that made by striking metal.
tinmen plural of Tinman
tinman noun A manufacturer of tin vessels; a dealer in tinware.
tinnen adjective Made or consisting of tin.
tinner noun One who works in a tin mine., One who makes, or works in, tinware; a tinman.
tinsel noun A shining material used for ornamental purposes; especially, a very thin, gauzelike cloth with much gold or silver woven into it; also, very thin metal overlaid with a thin coating of gold or silver, brass foil, or the like., Something shining and gaudy; something superficially shining and showy, or having a false luster, and more gay than valuable., Showy to excess; gaudy; specious; superficial., To adorn with tinsel; to deck out with cheap but showy ornaments; to make gaudy.
tinted imp. & past participle of Tint
tintle noun The wren.
tipped imp. & past participle of Tip
tipcat noun A game in which a small piece of wood pointed at both ends, called a cat, is tipped, or struck with a stick or bat, so as to fly into the air.
tipper noun A kind of ale brewed with brackish water obtained from a particular well; — so called from the first brewer of it, one Thomas Tipper.
tippet noun A cape, or scarflike garment for covering the neck, or the neck and shoulders, — usually made of fur, cloth, or other warm material., A length of twisted hair or gut in a fish line., A handful of straw bound together at one end, and used for thatching.
tipple verb i. To drink spirituous or strong liquors habitually; to indulge in the frequent and improper used of spirituous liquors; especially, to drink frequently in small quantities, but without absolute drunkeness., To drink, as strong liquors, frequently or in excess., To put up in bundles in order to dry, as hay., Liquor taken in tippling; drink.
tiptoe noun The end, or tip, of the toe., Being on tiptoe, or as on tiptoe; hence, raised as high as possible; lifted up; exalted; also, alert., Noiseless; stealthy., To step or walk on tiptoe.
tiptop noun The highest or utmost degree; the best of anything., Very excellent; most excellent; perfect.
tipula noun Any one of many species of long-legged dipterous insects belonging to Tipula and allied genera. They have long and slender bodies. See Crane fly, under Crane.
tip-up noun The spotted sandpiper; — called also teeter-tail. See under Sandpiper.
tirade noun A declamatory strain or flight of censure or abuse; a rambling invective; an oration or harangue abounding in censorious and bitter language.
tiring present participle & vb. noun of Tire
t iron See under T.
tirrit noun A word from the vocabulary of Mrs. Quickly, the hostess in Shakespeare’s Henry IV., probably meaning terror.
tirwit noun The lapwing.
tisane noun See Ptisan.
tissue noun A woven fabric., A fine transparent silk stuff, used for veils, etc.; specifically, cloth interwoven with gold or silver threads, or embossed with figures., One of the elementary materials or fibres, having a uniform structure and a specialized function, of which ordinary animals and plants are composed; a texture; as, epithelial tissue; connective tissue., Fig.: Web; texture; complicated fabrication; connected series; as, a tissue of forgeries, or of falsehood., To form tissue of; to interweave.
titbit noun Same as Tidbit.
tithed imp. & past participle of Tithe
tither noun One who collects tithes., One who pays tithes.
tithly adjective Tightly; nimbly.
titled imp. & past participle of Title, Having or bearing a title.
titler noun A large truncated cone of refined sugar.
titmal noun The blue titmouse.
titter verb t. To laugh with the tongue striking against the root of the upper teeth; to laugh with restraint, or without much noise; to giggle., A restrained laugh., To seesaw. See Teeter.
tittle noun A particle; a minute part; a jot; an iota.
tmesis noun The separation of the parts of a compound word by the intervention of one or more words; as, in what place soever, for whatsoever place.
tobine noun A stout twilled silk used for dresses.
tocher noun Dowry brought by a bride to her husband.
tockay noun A spotted lizard native of India.
tocsin noun An alarm bell, or the ringing of a bell for the purpose of alarm.
to-day preposition On this day; on the present day., The present day.
toddle verb i. To walk with short, tottering steps, as a child., A toddling walk.
toeing present participle & vb. noun of Toe
toffee noun Alt. of Toffy
tofore preposition Alt. of Toforn
toforn preposition Before.
toggle noun A wooden pin tapering toward both ends with a groove around its middle, fixed transversely in the eye of a rope to be secured to any other loop or bight or ring; a kind of button or frog capable of being readily engaged and disengaged for temporary purposes., Two rods or plates connected by a toggle joint.
toiled imp. & past participle of Toil
toiler noun One who toils, or labors painfully.
toilet noun A covering of linen, silk, or tapestry, spread over a table in a chamber or a dressing room., A dressing table., Act or mode of dressing, or that which is arranged in dressing; attire; dress; as, her toilet is perfect.
tolane noun A hydrocarbon, C14H10, related both to the acetylene and the aromatic series, and produced artificially as a white crystalline substance; — called also diphenyl acetylene.
toling present participle & vb. noun of Tole
toledo noun A sword or sword blade made at Toledo in Spain, which city was famous in the 16th and 17th centuries for the excellence of its weapons.
tolled imp. & past participle of Toll
toller noun A toll gatherer., One who tolls a bell.
tolmen noun See Dolmen.
tolsey noun A tollbooth; also, a merchants’ meeting place, or exchange.
toltec noun One of a race which formerly occupied Mexico.
toluic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, one of three metameric acids, CH3.C6H4.CO2H, which are related to toluene and analogous to benzoic acids. They are white crystalline substances, and are called respectively orthotoluic acid, metatoluic acid, and paratoluic acid.
toluid noun A complex double tolyl and toluidine derivative of glycocoll, obtained as a white crystalline substance.
toluol noun Alt. of Toluole
toluyl noun Any one of the three hypothetical radicals corresponding to the three toluic acids.
tomato noun The fruit of a plant of the Nightshade family (Lycopersicum esculentun); also, the plant itself. The fruit, which is called also love apple, is usually of a rounded, flattened form, but often irregular in shape. It is of a bright red or yellow color, and is eaten either cooked or uncooked.
tombed imp. & past participle of Tomb
tombac noun An alloy of copper and zinc, resembling brass, and containing about 84 per cent of copper; — called also German, / Dutch, brass. It is very malleable and ductile, and when beaten into thin leaves is sometimes called Dutch metal. The addition of arsenic makes white tombac.
tomboy noun A romping girl; a hoiden.
tomcat noun A male cat, especially when full grown or of large size.
tomcod noun A small edible American fish (Microgadus tomcod) of the Codfish family, very abundant in autumn on the Atlantic coast of the Northen United States; — called also frostfish. See Illust. under Frostfish., The kingfish. See Kingfish (a)., The jack. See 2d Jack, 8. (c).
tomium noun The cutting edge of the bill of a bird.
tomorn adverb To-morrow.
tompon noun An inking pad used in lithographic printing.
tomrig noun A rude, wild, wanton girl; a hoiden; a tomboy.
tomtit noun A titmouse, esp. the blue titmouse., The wren.
toning present participle & vb. noun of Tone
tongue noun an organ situated in the floor of the mouth of most vertebrates and connected with the hyoid arch., The power of articulate utterance; speech., Discourse; fluency of speech or expression., Honorable discourse; eulogy., A language; the whole sum of words used by a particular nation; as, the English tongue., Speech; words or declarations only; — opposed to thoughts or actions., A people having a distinct language., The lingual ribbon, or odontophore, of a mollusk., The proboscis of a moth or a butterfly., The lingua of an insect., Any small sole., That which is considered as resembing an animal’s tongue, in position or form., A projection, or slender appendage or fixture; as, the tongue of a buckle, or of a balance., A projection on the side, as of a board, which fits into a groove., A point, or long, narrow strip of land, projecting from the mainland into a sea or a lake., The pole of a vehicle; especially, the pole of an ox cart, to the end of which the oxen are yoked., The clapper of a bell., A short piece of rope spliced into the upper part of standing backstays, etc.; also. the upper main piece of a mast composed of several pieces., Same as Reed, n., 5., To speak; to utter., To chide; to scold., To modulate or modify with the tongue, as notes, in playing the flute and some other wind instruments., To join means of a tongue and grove; as, to tongue boards together., To talk; to prate., To use the tongue in forming the notes, as in playing the flute and some other wind instruments.
tonguy adjective Ready or voluble in speaking; as, a tonguy speaker.
tonite noun An explosive compound; a preparation of gun cotton.
tonous adjective Abounding in tone or sound.
tonsil noun One of the two glandular organs situated in the throat at the sides of the fauces. The tonsils are sometimes called the almonds, from their shape.
tonsor noun A barber.
tonies plural of Tony
tooled imp. & past participle of Tool
tooted imp. & past participle of Toot
tooter noun One who toots; one who plays upon a pipe or horn.
toothy adjective Toothed; with teeth.
toozoo noun The ringdove.
topped imp. & past participle of Top
toping present participle & vb. noun of Tope
topful adjective Full to the top, ore brim; brimfull.
tophet noun A place lying east or southeast of Jerusalem, in the valley of Hinnom.
tophin noun Same as Toph.
tophus noun One of the mineral concretions about the joints, and in other situations, occurring chiefly in gouty persons. They consist usually of urate of sodium; when occurring in the internal organs they are also composed of phosphate of calcium., Calcareous tufa.
topmem plural of Topman
topman noun See Topsman, 2., A man stationed in the top.
topple verb i. To fall forward; to pitch or tumble down., To throw down; to overturn.
toquet noun See Toque, 1.
torace verb t. Alt. of Torase
torase verb t. To scratch to pieces.
torose adjective Cylindrical with alternate swellings and contractions; having the surface covered with rounded prominences.
torous adjective Torose.
torpid adjective Having lost motion, or the power of exertion and feeling; numb; benumbed; as, a torpid limb., Dull; stupid; sluggish; inactive.
torpor noun Loss of motion, or of the motion; a state of inactivity with partial or total insensibility; numbness., Dullness; sluggishness; inactivity; as, a torpor of the mental faculties.
torque noun A collar or neck chain, usually twisted, especially as worn by ancient barbaric nations, as the Gauls, Germans, and Britons., That which tends to produce torsion; a couple of forces., A turning or twisting; tendency to turn, or cause to turn, about an axis.
torrid adjective Parched; dried with heat; as, a torrid plain or desert., Violenty hot; drying or scorching with heat; burning; parching.
torril noun A worthless woman; also, a worthless horse.
torsal noun A torsel.
torsel noun A plate of timber for the end of a beam or joist to rest on.
torsos plural of Torso
torula noun A chain of special bacteria. (b) A genus of budding fungi. Same as Saccharomyces. Also used adjectively.
torved adjective Stern; grim. See Torvous.
tories plural of Tory
tossed imp. & past participle of Toss
tossel noun See Tassel.
tosser noun Ohe who tosser.
toting present participle & vb. noun of Tote
totear verb t. To tear or rend in pieces.
totter verb i. To shake so as to threaten a fall; to vacillate; to be unsteady; to stagger; as,an old man totters with age., To shake; to reel; to lean; to waver.
toucan noun Any one of numerous species of fruit-eating birds of tropical America belonging to Ramphastos, Pteroglossus, and allied genera of the family Ramphastidae. They have a very large, but light and thin, beak, often nearly as long as the body itself. Most of the species are brilliantly colored with red, yellow, white, and black in striking contrast., A modern constellation of the southern hemisphere.
touchy adjective Peevish; irritable; irascible; techy; apt to take fire.
touite noun The wood warbler.
toupee noun Alt. of Toupet
toupet noun A little tuft; a curl or artificial lock of hair., A small wig, or a toppiece of a wig.
toured imp. & past participle of Tour
toused imp. & past participle of Touze
tousel verb t. Same as Tousle.
touser noun One who touses.
tousle verb t. To put into disorder; to tumble; to touse.
touter noun One who seeks customers, as for an inn, a public conveyance, shops, and the like: hence, an obtrusive candidate for office.
towing present participle & vb. noun of Tow
towage verb The act of towing., The price paid for towing.
towall noun A towel.
toward preposition Alt. of Towards, Alt. of Towards, Approaching; coming near., Readly to do or learn; compliant with duty; not froward; apt; docile; tractable; as, a toward youth., Ready to act; forward; bold; valiant.
towery adjective Having towers; adorned or defended by towers.
towhee noun The chewink.
towned adjective Having towns; containing many towns.
towser noun A familiar name for a dog.
toxine noun A poisonous product formed by pathogenic bacteria, as a toxic proteid or poisonous ptomaine.
toying present participle & vb. noun of Toy
toyear adverb This year.
toyful adjective Full of trifling play.
toyish adjective Sportive; trifling; wanton., Resembling a toy.
toyman noun One who deals in toys.
trabea noun A toga of purple, or ornamented with purple horizontal stripes. — worn by kings, consuls, and augurs.
traced imp. & past participle of Trace
tracer noun One who, or that which, traces.
traded imp. & past participle of Trade, Professional; practiced.
trader noun One engaged in trade or commerce; one who makes a business of buying and selling or of barter; a merchant; a trafficker; as, a trader to the East Indies; a country trader., A vessel engaged in the coasting or foreign trade.
tragic adjective Alt. of Tragical, A writer of tragedy., A tragedy; a tragic drama.
tragus noun The prominence in front of the external opening of the ear. See Illust. under Ear.
t rail See under T.
trainy adjective Belonging to train oil.
trajet noun Alt. of Trajetry
trance noun A tedious journey., A state in which the soul seems to have passed out of the body into another state of being, or to be rapt into visions; an ecstasy., A condition, often simulating death, in which there is a total suspension of the power of voluntary movement, with abolition of all evidences of mental activity and the reduction to a minimum of all the vital functions so that the patient lies still and apparently unconscious of surrounding objects, while the pulsation of the heart and the breathing, although still present, are almost or altogether imperceptible., To entrance., To pass over or across; to traverse., To pass; to travel.
trans- A prefix, signifying over, beyond, through and through, on the other side, as in transalpine, beyond the Alps; transform, to form through and through, that is, anew, transfigure.
transe noun See Trance.
trapan noun A snare; a stratagem; a trepan. See 3d Trepan., To insnare; to catch by stratagem; to entrap; to trepan.
trapes noun A slattern; an idle, sluttish, or untidy woman., To go about in an idle or slatternly fashion; to trape; to traipse.
trappy adjective Same as Trappous.
trashy superl. Like trash; containing much trash; waste; rejected; worthless; useless; as, a trashy novel.
traunt verb i. Same as Trant.
travel verb i. To labor; to travail., To go or march on foot; to walk; as, to travel over the city, or through the streets., To pass by riding, or in any manner, to a distant place, or to many places; to journey; as, a man travels for his health; he is traveling in California., To pass; to go; to move., To journey over; to traverse; as, to travel the continent., To force to journey., The act of traveling, or journeying from place to place; a journey., An account, by a traveler, of occurrences and observations during a journey; as, a book of travels; — often used as the title of a book; as, Travels in Italy., The length of stroke of a reciprocating piece; as, the travel of a slide valve., Labor; parturition; travail.
treaty noun The act of treating for the adjustment of differences, as for forming an agreement; negotiation., An agreement so made; specifically, an agreement, league, or contract between two or more nations or sovereigns, formally signed by commissioners properly authorized, and solemnly ratified by the several sovereigns, or the supreme power of each state; an agreement between two or more independent states; as, a treaty of peace; a treaty of alliance., A proposal tending to an agreement., A treatise; a tract.
treble adjective Threefold; triple., Acute; sharp; as, a treble sound., Playing or singing the highest part or most acute sounds; playing or singing the treble; as, a treble violin or voice., Trebly; triply., The highest of the four principal parts in music; the part usually sung by boys or women; soprano., To make thrice as much; to make threefold., To utter in a treble key; to whine., To become threefold.
trebly adverb In a treble manner; with a threefold number or quantity; triply.
trefle noun A species of time; — so called from its resemblance in form to a trefoil., Having a three-lobed extremity or extremities, as a cross; also, more rarely, ornamented with trefoils projecting from the edges, as a bearing.
treget noun Guile; trickery.
tremex noun A genus of large hymenopterous insects allied to the sawflies. The female lays her eggs in holes which she bores in the trunks of trees with her large and long ovipositor, and the larva bores in the wood. See Illust. of Horntail.
tremor verb A trembling; a shivering or shaking; a quivering or vibratory motion; as, the tremor of a person who is weak, infirm, or old.
trench verb t. To cut; to form or shape by cutting; to make by incision, hewing, or the like., To fortify by cutting a ditch, and raising a rampart or breastwork with the earth thrown out of the ditch; to intrench., To cut furrows or ditches in; as, to trench land for the purpose of draining it., To dig or cultivate very deeply, usually by digging parallel contiguous trenches in succession, filling each from the next; as, to trench a garden for certain crops., To encroach; to intrench., To have direction; to aim or tend., A long, narrow cut in the earth; a ditch; as, a trench for draining land., An alley; a narrow path or walk cut through woods, shrubbery, or the like., An excavation made during a siege, for the purpose of covering the troops as they advance toward the besieged place. The term includes the parallels and the approaches.
trepan noun A crown-saw or cylindrical saw for perforating the skull, turned, when used, like a bit or gimlet. See Trephine., A kind of broad chisel for sinking shafts., To perforate (the skull) with a trepan, so as to remove a portion of the bone, and thus relieve the brain from pressure or irritation; to perform an operation with the trepan., A snare; a trapan., a deceiver; a cheat., To insnare; to trap; to trapan.
trepid adjective Trembling; quaking.
tresor noun Treasure.
tressy adjective Abounding in tresses.
tretis noun Alt. of Tretys, Alt. of Tretys
tretys noun A treatise; also, a treaty., Long and well-proportioned; nicely made; pretty.
trevat noun A weaver’s cutting instrument; for severing the loops of the pile threads of velvet.
trevet noun A stool or other thing supported by three legs; a trivet.
trewth noun Truth.
tribal adjective Of or pertaining to a tribe or tribes; as, a tribal scepter.
tricae plural of Trica
tricky adjective Given to tricks; practicing deception; trickish; knavish.
tricot noun A fabric of woolen, silk, or cotton knitted, or women to resemble knitted work.
triens noun A Roman copper coin, equal to one third of the as. See 3d As, 2.
trifid adjective Cleft to the middle, or slightly beyond the middle, into three parts; three-cleft.
trifle noun A thing of very little value or importance; a paltry, or trivial, affair., A dish composed of sweetmeats, fruits, cake, wine, etc., with syllabub poured over it., To act or talk without seriousness, gravity, weight, or dignity; to act or talk with levity; to indulge in light or trivial amusements., To make of no importance; to treat as a trifle., To spend in vanity; to fritter away; to waste; as, to trifle away money.
trigon noun A figure having three angles; a triangle., A division consisting of three signs., Trine, an aspect of two planets distant 120 degrees from each other., A kind of triangular lyre or harp., A kind of game at ball played by three persons standing at the angular points of a triangle.
trigyn noun Any one of the Trigynia.
trillo noun A trill or shake. See Trill.
trimly adverb In a trim manner; nicely.
trinal adjective Threefold.
tringa noun A genus of limicoline birds including many species of sandpipers. See Dunlin, Knot, and Sandpiper.
triole noun Same as Triplet.
tripel noun Same as Tripoli.
triple adjective Consisting of three united; multiplied by three; threefold; as, a triple knot; a triple tie., Three times repeated; treble. See Treble., One of three; third., To make threefold, or thrice as much or as many; to treble; as, to triple the tax on coffee.
triply adverb In a triple manner.
tripod noun Any utensil or vessel, as a stool, table, altar, caldron, etc., supported on three feet., A three-legged frame or stand, usually jointed at top, for supporting a theodolite, compass, telescope, camera, or other instrument.
tripos noun A tripod., A university examination of questionists, for honors; also, a tripos paper; one who prepares a tripos paper.
triste imp. of Trist, A cattle fair.
tristy adjective See Trist, a.
triton noun A fabled sea demigod, the son of Neptune and Amphitrite, and the trumpeter of Neptune. He is represented by poets and painters as having the upper part of his body like that of a man, and the lower part like that of a fish. He often has a trumpet made of a shell., Any one of many species of marine gastropods belonging to Triton and allied genera, having a stout spiral shell, often handsomely colored and ornamented with prominent varices. Some of the species are among the largest of all gastropods. Called also trumpet shell, and sea trumpet., Any one of numerous species of aquatic salamanders. The common European species are Hemisalamandra cristata, Molge palmata, and M. alpestris, a red-bellied species common in Switzerland. The most common species of the United States is Diemyctylus viridescens. See Illust. under Salamander.
trityl noun Propyl.
triune adjective Being three in one; — an epithet used to express the unity of a trinity of persons in the Godhead.
trivet noun A tree-legged stool, table, or other support; especially, a stand to hold a kettle or similar vessel near the fire; a tripod., A weaver’s knife. See Trevat.
trocar noun A stylet, usually with a triangular point, used for exploring tissues or for inserting drainage tubes, as in dropsy.
troche noun A medicinal tablet or lozenge; strictly, one of circular form.
trochi plural of Trochus
trogon noun Any one of numerous species of beautiful tropical birds belonging to the family Trogonidae. They are noted for the brilliant colors and the resplendent luster of their plumage.
trogue noun A wooden trough, forming a drain.
troili plural of Troilus
trojan adjective Of or pertaining to ancient Troy or its inhabitants., A native or inhabitant of Troy.
trolly noun A form of truck which can be tilted, for carrying railroad materials, or the like., A narrow cart that is pushed by hand or drawn by an animal., A truck from which the load is suspended in some kinds of cranes., A truck which travels along the fixed conductors, and forms a means of connection between them and a railway car.
trompe noun A trumpet; a trump.
trones noun A steelyard., A form of weighing machine for heavy wares, consisting of two horizontal bars crossing each other, beaked at the extremities, and supported by a wooden pillar. It is now mostly disused.
trophi noun pl. The mouth parts of an insect, collectively, including the labrum, labium, maxillae, mandibles, and lingua, with their appendages.
trophy noun A sign or memorial of a victory raised on the field of battle, or, in case of a naval victory, on the nearest land. Sometimes trophies were erected in the chief city of the conquered people., The representation of such a memorial, as on a medal; esp. (Arch.), an ornament representing a group of arms and military weapons, offensive and defensive., Anything taken from an enemy and preserved as a memorial of victory, as arms, flags, standards, etc., Any evidence or memorial of victory or conquest; as, every redeemed soul is a trophy of grace.
tropic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from atropine and certain other alkaloids, as a white crystalline substance slightly soluble in water., One of the two small circles of the celestial sphere, situated on each side of the equator, at a distance of 23¡ 28/, and parallel to it, which the sun just reaches at its greatest declination north or south, and from which it turns again toward the equator, the northern circle being called the Tropic of Cancer, and the southern the Tropic of Capricorn, from the names of the two signs at which they touch the ecliptic., One of the two parallels of terrestrial latitude corresponding to the celestial tropics, and called by the same names., The region lying between these parallels of latitude, or near them on either side., Of or pertaining to the tropics; tropical.
trough noun A long, hollow vessel, generally for holding water or other liquid, especially one formed by excavating a log longitudinally on one side; a long tray; also, a wooden channel for conveying water, as to a mill wheel., Any channel, receptacle, or depression, of a long and narrow shape; as, trough between two ridges, etc.
troupe noun A company or troop, especially the company pf performers in a play or an opera.
trouse noun Trousers.
trover noun The gaining possession of any goods, whether by finding or by other means., An action to recover damages against one who found goods, and would not deliver them to the owner on demand; an action which lies in any case to recover the value of goods wrongfully converted by another to his own use. In this case the finding, though alleged, is an immaterial fact; the injury lies in the conversion.
trowel noun A mason’s tool, used in spreading and dressing mortar, and breaking bricks to shape them., A gardener’s tool, somewhat like a scoop, used in taking up plants, stirring the earth, etc., A tool used for smoothing a mold.
truage noun A pledge of truth or peace made on payment of a tax., A tax or impost; tribute.
truand noun & adjective See Truant.
truant noun One who stays away from business or any duty; especially, one who stays out of school without leave; an idler; a loiterer; a shirk., Wandering from business or duty; loitering; idle, and shirking duty; as, a truant boy., To idle away time; to loiter, or wander; to play the truant., To idle away; to waste.
trudge verb i. To walk or march with labor; to jog along; to move wearily.
truism noun An undoubted or self-evident truth; a statement which is pliantly true; a proposition needing no proof or argument; — opposed to falsism.
trunch noun A stake; a small post.
trusty superl. Admitting of being safely trusted; justly deserving confidence; fit to be confided in; trustworthy; reliable., Hence, not liable to fail; strong; firm., Involving trust; as, a trusty business.
truths plural of Truth
truthy adjective Truthful; likely; probable.
trying present participle & vb. noun of Try, Adapted to try, or put to severe trial; severe; afflictive; as, a trying occasion or position.
trygon noun Any one of several species of large sting rays belonging to Trygon and allied genera.
tsetse noun A venomous two-winged African fly (Glossina morsitans) whose bite is very poisonous, and even fatal, to horses and cattle, but harmless to men. It renders extensive districts in which it abounds uninhabitable during certain seasons of the year.
tubbed imp. & past participle of Tub
tubing present participle & vb. noun of Tube, The act of making tubes., A series of tubes; tubes, collectively; a length or piece of a tube; material for tubes; as, leather tubing.
tubful noun As much as a tub will hold; enough to fill a tub.
tubmen plural of Tubman
tubman noun One of the two most experienced barristers in the Court of Exchequer. Cf. Postman, 2.
tubule noun A small pipe or fistular body; a little tube., A minute tube lined with glandular epithelium; as, the uriniferous tubules of the kidney.
tucked imp. & past participle of Tuck
tucker noun One who, or that which, tucks; specifically, an instrument with which tuck are made., A narrow piece of linen or the like, folded across the breast, or attached to the gown at the neck, forming a part of a woman’s dress in the 17th century and later., A fuller., To tire; to weary; — usually with out.
tucket noun A slight flourish on a trumpet; a fanfare., A steak; a collop.
tucuma noun A Brazilian palm (Astrocaryum Tucuma) which furnishes an edible fruit.
tufted imp. & past participle of Tuft, Adorned with a tuft; as, the tufted duck., Growing in tufts or clusters; tufty.
tugged imp. & past participle of Tug
tugger noun One who tugs.
tumble verb i. To roll over, or to and fro; to throw one’s self about; as, a person on pain tumbles and tosses., To roll down; to fall suddenly and violently; to be precipitated; as, to tumble from a scaffold., To play tricks by various movements and contortions of the body; to perform the feats of an acrobat., To turn over; to turn or throw about, as for examination or search; to roll or move in a rough, coarse, or unceremonious manner; to throw down or headlong; to precipitate; — sometimes with over, about, etc.; as, to tumble books or papers., To disturb; to rumple; as, to tumble a bed., Act of tumbling, or rolling over; a fall.
tumefy verb t. To swell; to cause to swell, or puff up., To rise in a tumor; to swell.
tumped imp. & past participle of Tump
tumult noun The commotion or agitation of a multitude, usually accompanied with great noise, uproar, and confusion of voices; hurly-burly; noisy confusion., Violent commotion or agitation, with confusion of sounds; as, the tumult of the elements., Irregular or confused motion; agitation; high excitement; as, the tumult of the spirits or passions., To make a tumult; to be in great commotion.
tumuli plural of Tumulus
tunned imp. & past participle of Tun
tundra noun A rolling, marshy, mossy plain of Northern Siberia.
tuning present participle & vb. noun of Tune, a. & n. from Tune, v.
tunker noun Same as Dunker.
tunnel noun . A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or tube at the other, for conveying liquor, fluids, etc., into casks, bottles, or other vessels; a funnel., The opening of a chimney for the passage of smoke; a flue; a funnel., An artificial passage or archway for conducting canals or railroads under elevated ground, for the formation of roads under rivers or canals, and the construction of sewers, drains, and the like., A level passage driven across the measures, or at right angles to veins which it is desired to reach; — distinguished from the drift, or gangway, which is led along the vein when reached by the tunnel., To form into a tunnel, or funnel, or to form like a tunnel; as, to tunnel fibrous plants into nests., To catch in a tunnel net., To make an opening, or a passageway, through or under; as, to tunnel a mountain; to tunnel a river.
tupelo noun A North American tree (Nyssa multiflora) of the Dogwood family, having brilliant, glossy foliage and acid red berries. The wood is crossgrained and very difficult to split. Called also black gum, sour gum, and pepperidge.
tupmen plural of Tupman
tupman noun A man who breeds, or deals in tups.
turatt noun The hare kangaroo.
turban noun A headdress worn by men in the Levant and by most Mohammedans of the male sex, consisting of a cap, and a sash, scarf, or shawl, usually of cotton or linen, wound about the cap, and sometimes hanging down the neck., A kind of headdress worn by women., The whole set of whorls of a spiral shell.
turbid adjective Having the lees or sediment disturbed; roiled; muddy; thick; not clear; — used of liquids of any kind; as, turbid water; turbid wine., Disturbed; confused; disordered.
turbit noun The turbot., A variety of the domestic pigeon, remarkable for its short beak.
turbot noun A large European flounder (Rhombus maximus) highly esteemed as a food fish. It often weighs from thirty to forty pounds. Its color on the upper side is brownish with small roundish tubercles scattered over the surface. The lower, or blind, side is white. Called also bannock fluke., Any one of numerous species of flounders more or less related to the true turbots, as the American plaice, or summer flounder (see Flounder), the halibut, and the diamond flounder (Hypsopsetta guttulata) of California., The filefish; — so called in Bermuda., The trigger fish.
turdus noun A genus of singing birds including the true thrushes.
tureen noun A large, deep vessel for holding soup, or other liquid food, at the table.
turves plural of Turf, pl. of Turf.
turfed imp. & past participle of Turf
turfen adjective Made of turf; covered with turf.
turgid adjective Distended beyond the natural state by some internal agent or expansive force; swelled; swollen; bloated; inflated; tumid; — especially applied to an enlarged part of the body; as, a turgid limb; turgid fruit., Swelling in style or language; vainly ostentatious; bombastic; pompous; as, a turgid style of speaking.
turion noun Same as Turio.
turkey noun An empire in the southeast of Europe and southwest of Asia., Any large American gallinaceous bird belonging to the genus Meleagris, especially the North American wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), and the domestic turkey, which was probably derived from the Mexican wild turkey, but had been domesticated by the Indians long before the discovery of America.
turkic adjective Turkish.
turkis noun Turquois.
turkle noun A turtle.
turkos plural of Turko
turned imp. & past participle of Turn
turnep noun See Turnip.
turner noun One who turns; especially, one whose occupation is to form articles with a lathe., A variety of pigeon; a tumbler., A person who practices athletic or gymnastic exercises.
turney noun & verb Tourney.
turnip verb t. The edible, fleshy, roundish, or somewhat conical, root of a cruciferous plant (Brassica campestris, var. Napus); also, the plant itself.
turnix noun Any one of numerous species of birds belonging to Turnix or Hemipodius and allied genera of the family Turnicidae. These birds resemble quails and partridges in general appearance and in some of their habits, but differ in important anatomical characteristics. The hind toe is usually lacking. They are found in Asia, Africa, Southern Europe, the East Indian Islands, and esp. in Australia and adjacent islands, where they are called quails (see Quail, n., 3.). See Turnicimorphae.
turnus noun A common, large, handsome, American swallowtail butterfly, now regarded as one of the forms of Papilio, / Jasoniades, glaucus. The wings are yellow, margined and barred with black, and with an orange-red spot near the posterior angle of the hind wings. Called also tiger swallowtail. See Illust. under Swallowtail.
turpin noun A land tortoise.
turrel noun A certain tool used by coopers.
turret noun A little tower, frequently a merely ornamental structure at one of the angles of a larger structure., A movable building, of a square form, consisting of ten or even twenty stories and sometimes one hundred and twenty cubits high, usually moved on wheels, and employed in approaching a fortified place, for carrying soldiers, engines, ladders, casting bridges, and other necessaries., A revolving tower constructed of thick iron plates, within which cannon are mounted. Turrets are used on vessels of war and on land., The elevated central portion of the roof of a passenger car. Its sides are pierced for light and ventilation.
turtle noun The turtledove., Any one of the numerous species of Testudinata, especially a sea turtle, or chelonian., The curved plate in which the form is held in a type-revolving cylinder press.
tuscan adjective Of or pertaining to Tuscany in Italy; — specifically designating one of the five orders of architecture recognized and described by the Italian writers of the 16th century, or characteristic of the order. The original of this order was not used by the Greeks, but by the Romans under the Empire. See Order, and Illust. of Capital., A native or inhabitant of Tuscany.
tuscor noun A tush of a horse.
tusked adjective Furnished with tusks.
tusker noun An elephant having large tusks.
tussle verb i. & t. To struggle, as in sport; to scuffle; to struggle with., A struggle; a scuffle.
tutele noun Tutelage.
tutory noun Tutorage.
tutrix noun A female guardian; a tutoress.
tutsan noun A plant of the genus Hypericum (H. Androsoemum), from which a healing ointment is prepared in Spain; — called also parkleaves.
tuyere noun A nozzle, mouthpiece, or fixture through which the blast is delivered to the interior of a blast furnace, or to the fire of a forge.
twaddy noun Idle trifling; twaddle.
twaite noun A European shad; — called also twaite shad. See Shad., A piece of cleared ground. See Thwaite.
tweese noun Alt. of Tweeze
tweeze noun A surgeon’s case of instruments.
twelve adjective One more that eleven; two and ten; twice six; a dozen., The number next following eleven; the sum of ten and two, or of twice six; twelve units or objects; a dozen., A symbol representing twelve units, as 12, or xii.
twenty adjective One more that nineteen; twice; as, twenty men., An indefinite number more or less that twenty., The number next following nineteen; the sum of twelve and eight, or twice ten; twenty units or objects; a score., A symbol representing twenty units, as 20, or xx.
twibil noun A kind of mattock, or ax; esp., a tool like a pickax, but having, instead of the points, flat terminations, one of which is parallel to the handle, the other perpendicular to it., A tool for making mortises., A reaping hook.
twiggy adjective Of or pertaining to a twig or twigs; like a twig or twigs; full of twigs; abounding with shoots.
twight verb t. To twit., p. p. of Twitch.
twilly noun A machine for cleansing or loosening wool by the action of a revolving cylinder covered with long iron spikes or teeth; a willy or willying machine; — called also twilly devil, and devil. See Devil, n., 6, and Willy.
twined imp. & past participle of Twine
twiner noun Any plant which twines about a support.
twinge verb i. To pull with a twitch; to pinch; to tweak., To affect with a sharp, sudden pain; to torment with pinching or sharp pains., To have a sudden, sharp, local pain, like a twitch; to suffer a keen, darting, or shooting pain; as, the side twinges., A pinch; a tweak; a twitch., A sudden sharp pain; a darting local pain of momentary continuance; as, a twinge in the arm or side.
twiste imp. of Twist.
twitch verb t. To pull with a sudden jerk; to pluck with a short, quick motion; to snatch; as, to twitch one by the sleeve; to twitch a thing out of another’s hand; to twitch off clusters of grapes., The act of twitching; a pull with a jerk; a short, sudden, quick pull; as, a twitch by the sleeve., A short, spastic contraction of the fibers or muscles; a simple muscular contraction; as, convulsive twitches; a twitch in the side., A stick with a hole in one end through which passes a loop, which can be drawn tightly over the upper lip or an ear of a horse. By twisting the stick the compression is made sufficiently painful to keep the animal quiet during a slight surgical operation.
ty-all noun Something serving to tie or secure.
tycoon noun The title by which the shogun, or former commander in chief of the Japanese army, was known to foreigners.
tyfoon noun See Typhoon.
tylari plural of Tylarus
tymbal noun A kind of kettledrum.
tympan noun A drum., A panel; a tympanum., A frame covered with parchment or cloth, on which the blank sheets are put, in order to be laid on the form to be impressed.
typing present participle & vb. noun of Type
typhon noun According to Hesiod, the son of Typhoeus, and father of the winds, but later identified with him., A violent whirlwind; a typhoon.
typhos noun Typhus.
typhus noun A contagious continued fever lasting from two to three weeks, attended with great prostration and cerebral disorder, and marked by a copious eruption of red spots upon the body. Also called jail fever, famine fever, putrid fever, spottled fever, etc. See Jail fever, under Jail.
typify verb t. To represent by an image, form, model, or resemblance.
tyrant noun An absolute ruler; a sovereign unrestrained by law or constitution; a usurper of sovereignty., Specifically, a monarch, or other ruler or master, who uses power to oppress his subjects; a person who exercises unlawful authority, or lawful authority in an unlawful manner; one who by taxation, injustice, or cruel punishment, or the demand of unreasonable services, imposes burdens and hardships on those under his control, which law and humanity do not authorize, or which the purposes of government do not require; a cruel master; an oppressor., Any one of numerous species of American clamatorial birds belonging to the family Tyrannidae; — called also tyrant bird., To act like a tyrant; to play the tyrant; to tyrannical.
tyrian adjective Of or pertaining to Tyre or its people., Being of the color called Tyrian purple., A native of Tyre.
tystie noun The black guillemot.
tzetze noun Same as Tsetse.