6 letter word starting with tan

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tanned imp. & past participle of Tan
tanate noun An Asiatic wild dog (Canis procyonoides), native of Japan and adjacent countries. It has a short, bushy tail. Called also raccoon dog.
tandem adverb & adjective One after another; — said especially of horses harnessed and driven one before another, instead of abreast., A team of horses harnessed one before the other.
tanged imp. & past participle of Tang
tangle noun To unite or knit together confusedly; to interweave or interlock, as threads, so as to make it difficult to unravel the knot; to entangle; to ravel., To involve; to insnare; to entrap; as, to be tangled in lies., To be entangled or united confusedly; to get in a tangle., Any large blackish seaweed, especially the Laminaria saccharina. See Kelp., A knot of threads, or other thing, united confusedly, or so interwoven as not to be easily disengaged; a snarl; as, hair or yarn in tangles; a tangle of vines and briers. Used also figuratively., An instrument consisting essentially of an iron bar to which are attached swabs, or bundles of frayed rope, or other similar substances, — used to capture starfishes, sea urchins, and other similar creatures living at the bottom of the sea.
tangly adjective Entangled; intricate., Covered with tangle, or seaweed.
tangue noun The tenrec.
tangun noun A piebald variety of the horse, native of Thibet.
tanier noun An aroid plant (Caladium sagittaefolium), the leaves of which are boiled and eaten in the West Indies.
tanist noun In Ireland, a lord or proprietor of a tract of land or of a castle, elected by a family, under the system of tanistry.
tanite noun A firm composition of emery and a certain kind of cement, used for making grinding wheels, slabs, etc.
tankia noun See Tanka.
tanner noun One whose occupation is to tan hides, or convert them into leather by the use of tan.
tannic adjective Of or pertaining to tan; derived from, or resembling, tan; as, tannic acid.
tannin noun Same as Tannic acid, under Tannic.
tanrec noun Same as Tenrec.