6 letter word starting with ter

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
teraph noun See Teraphim.
terbic adjective Of, pertaining to, or containing, terbium; also, designating certain of its compounds.
tercel noun See Tiercel. Called also tarsel, tassel.
tercet noun A triplet., A triplet; a group of three lines.
teredo noun A genus of long, slender, wormlike bivalve mollusks which bore into submerged wood, such as the piles of wharves, bottoms of ships, etc.; — called also shipworm. See Shipworm. See Illust. in App.
terete adjective Cylindrical and slightly tapering; columnar, as some stems of plants.
tergal adjective Of or pertaining to back, or tergum. See Dorsal.
tergum noun The back of an animal., The dorsal piece of a somite of an articulate animal., One of the dorsal plates of the operculum of a cirriped.
termed imp. & past participle of Term
termer noun One who resorted to London during the law term only, in order to practice tricks, to carry on intrigues, or the like., One who has an estate for a term of years or for life.
termes noun A genus of Pseudoneuroptera including the white ants, or termites. See Termite.
termly adjective Occurring every term; as, a termly fee., Term by term; every term.
termor noun Same as Termer, 2.
terpin noun A white crystalline substance regarded as a hydrate of oil of turpentine.
terrar noun See 2d Terrier, 2.
terras noun See /rass.
terrel noun A spherical magnet so placed that its poles, equator, etc., correspond to those of the earth.
terret noun One of the rings on the top of the saddle of a harness, through which the reins pass.
terror noun Extreme fear; fear that agitates body and mind; violent dread; fright., That which excites dread; a cause of extreme fear.