6 letter word starting with thi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
thible noun A slice; a skimmer; a spatula; a pudding stick.
thider adverb Thither.
thieve verb t. & i. To practice theft; to steal.
thinly adjective In a thin manner; in a loose, scattered manner; scantily; not thickly; as, ground thinly planted with trees; a country thinly inhabited.
thirst noun A sensation of dryness in the throat associated with a craving for liquids, produced by deprivation of drink, or by some other cause (as fear, excitement, etc.) which arrests the secretion of the pharyngeal mucous membrane; hence, the condition producing this sensation., Fig.: A want and eager desire after anything; a craving or longing; — usually with for, of, or after; as, the thirst for gold., To feel thirst; to experience a painful or uneasy sensation of the throat or fauces, as for want of drink., To have a vehement desire., To have a thirst for.
thirty adjective Being three times ten; consisting of one more than twenty-nine; twenty and ten; as, the month of June consists of thirty days., The sum of three tens, or twenty and ten; thirty units or objects., A symbol expressing thirty, as 30, or XXX.