6 letter word starting with tim

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
timbal noun A kettledrum. See Tymbal.
timber noun A certain quantity of fur skins, as of martens, ermines, sables, etc., packed between boards; being in some cases forty skins, in others one hundred and twenty; — called also timmer., The crest on a coat of arms., To surmount as a timber does., That sort of wood which is proper for buildings or for tools, utensils, furniture, carriages, fences, ships, and the like; — usually said of felled trees, but sometimes of those standing. Cf. Lumber, 3., The body, stem, or trunk of a tree., Fig.: Material for any structure., A single piece or squared stick of wood intended for building, or already framed; collectively, the larger pieces or sticks of wood, forming the framework of a house, ship, or other structure, in distinction from the covering or boarding., Woods or forest; wooden land., A rib, or a curving piece of wood, branching outward from the keel and bending upward in a vertical direction. One timber is composed of several pieces united., To furnish with timber; — chiefly used in the past participle., To light on a tree., To make a nest.
timbre noun See 1st Timber., The crest on a coat of arms., The quality or tone distinguishing voices or instruments; tone color; clang tint; as, the timbre of the voice; the timbre of a violin. See Tone, and Partial tones, under Partial.
timing present participle & vb. noun of Time
timely superl. Being or occurring in good time; sufficiently early; seasonable., Keeping time or measure., Early; soon; in good season.
timist noun A performer who keeps good time., A timeserver.
timmer noun Same as 1st Timber.
timous adjective Timely; seasonable.