6 letter word starting with tro

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
trocar noun A stylet, usually with a triangular point, used for exploring tissues or for inserting drainage tubes, as in dropsy.
troche noun A medicinal tablet or lozenge; strictly, one of circular form.
trochi plural of Trochus
trogon noun Any one of numerous species of beautiful tropical birds belonging to the family Trogonidae. They are noted for the brilliant colors and the resplendent luster of their plumage.
trogue noun A wooden trough, forming a drain.
troili plural of Troilus
trojan adjective Of or pertaining to ancient Troy or its inhabitants., A native or inhabitant of Troy.
trolly noun A form of truck which can be tilted, for carrying railroad materials, or the like., A narrow cart that is pushed by hand or drawn by an animal., A truck from which the load is suspended in some kinds of cranes., A truck which travels along the fixed conductors, and forms a means of connection between them and a railway car.
trompe noun A trumpet; a trump.
trones noun A steelyard., A form of weighing machine for heavy wares, consisting of two horizontal bars crossing each other, beaked at the extremities, and supported by a wooden pillar. It is now mostly disused.
trophi noun pl. The mouth parts of an insect, collectively, including the labrum, labium, maxillae, mandibles, and lingua, with their appendages.
trophy noun A sign or memorial of a victory raised on the field of battle, or, in case of a naval victory, on the nearest land. Sometimes trophies were erected in the chief city of the conquered people., The representation of such a memorial, as on a medal; esp. (Arch.), an ornament representing a group of arms and military weapons, offensive and defensive., Anything taken from an enemy and preserved as a memorial of victory, as arms, flags, standards, etc., Any evidence or memorial of victory or conquest; as, every redeemed soul is a trophy of grace.
tropic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from atropine and certain other alkaloids, as a white crystalline substance slightly soluble in water., One of the two small circles of the celestial sphere, situated on each side of the equator, at a distance of 23ยก 28/, and parallel to it, which the sun just reaches at its greatest declination north or south, and from which it turns again toward the equator, the northern circle being called the Tropic of Cancer, and the southern the Tropic of Capricorn, from the names of the two signs at which they touch the ecliptic., One of the two parallels of terrestrial latitude corresponding to the celestial tropics, and called by the same names., The region lying between these parallels of latitude, or near them on either side., Of or pertaining to the tropics; tropical.
trough noun A long, hollow vessel, generally for holding water or other liquid, especially one formed by excavating a log longitudinally on one side; a long tray; also, a wooden channel for conveying water, as to a mill wheel., Any channel, receptacle, or depression, of a long and narrow shape; as, trough between two ridges, etc.
troupe noun A company or troop, especially the company pf performers in a play or an opera.
trouse noun Trousers.
trover noun The gaining possession of any goods, whether by finding or by other means., An action to recover damages against one who found goods, and would not deliver them to the owner on demand; an action which lies in any case to recover the value of goods wrongfully converted by another to his own use. In this case the finding, though alleged, is an immaterial fact; the injury lies in the conversion.
trowel noun A mason’s tool, used in spreading and dressing mortar, and breaking bricks to shape them., A gardener’s tool, somewhat like a scoop, used in taking up plants, stirring the earth, etc., A tool used for smoothing a mold.