6 letter word starting with us

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
usable adjective Capable of being used.
usager noun One who has the use of anything in trust for another.
usance verb t. Use; usage; employment., Custom; practice; usage., Interest paid for money; usury., The time, fixed variously by the usage between different countries, when a bill of exchange is payable; as, a bill drawn on London at one usance, or at double usance.
usbegs noun pl. Alt. of Usbeks
usbeks noun pl. A Turkish tribe which about the close of the 15th century conquered, and settled in, that part of Asia now called Turkestan.
useful adjective Full of use, advantage, or profit; producing, or having power to produce, good; serviceable for any end or object; helpful toward advancing any purpose; beneficial; profitable; advantageous; as, vessels and instruments useful in a family; books useful for improvement; useful knowledge; useful arts.
usself noun pl. Ourselves.
ustion noun The act of burning, or the state of being burned.
usured imp. & past participle of Usure
usurer noun One who lends money and takes interest for it; a money lender., One who lends money at a rate of interest beyond that established by law; one who exacts an exorbitant rate of interest for the use of money.