6 letter word starting with ver

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
verbal adjective Expressed in words, whether spoken or written, but commonly in spoken words; hence, spoken; oral; not written; as, a verbal contract; verbal testimony., Consisting in, or having to do with, words only; dealing with words rather than with the ideas intended to be conveyed; as, a verbal critic; a verbal change., Having word answering to word; word for word; literal; as, a verbal translation., Abounding with words; verbose., Of or pertaining to a verb; as, a verbal group; derived directly from a verb; as, a verbal noun; used in forming verbs; as, a verbal prefix., A noun derived from a verb.
verify verb t. To make into a verb; to use as a verb; to verbalize., To prove to be true or correct; to establish the truth of; to confirm; to substantiate., To confirm or establish the authenticity of by examination or competent evidence; to authenciate; as, to verify a written statement; to verify an account, a pleading, or the like., To maintain; to affirm; to support.
verdin noun A small yellow-headed bird (Auriparus flaviceps) of Lower California, allied to the titmice; — called also goldtit.
verdit noun Verdict.
verdoy adjective Charged with leaves, fruits, flowers, etc.; — said of a border.
verged imp. & past participle of Verge
verger noun One who carries a verge, or emblem of office., An attendant upon a dignitary, as on a bishop, a dean, a justice, etc., The official who takes care of the interior of a church building., A garden or orchard.
verily adverb In very truth; beyond doubt or question; in fact; certainly.
verine noun An alkaloid obtained as a yellow amorphous substance by the decomposition of veratrine.
verity noun The quality or state of being true, or real; consonance of a statement, proposition, or other thing, with fact; truth; reality., That which is true; a true assertion or tenet; a truth; a reality.
vermes noun pl. An extensive artificial division of the animal kingdom, including the parasitic worms, or helminths, together with the nemerteans, annelids, and allied groups. By some writers the branchiopods, the bryzoans, and the tunicates are also included. The name was used in a still wider sense by Linnaeus and his followers., A more restricted group, comprising only the helminths and closely allied orders.
vermil noun See Vermeil.
vermin noun sing. & pl. An animal, in general., A noxious or mischievous animal; especially, noxious little animals or insects, collectively, as squirrels, rats, mice, flies, lice, bugs, etc., Hence, in contempt, noxious human beings.
vernal adjective Of or pertaining to the spring; appearing in the spring; as, vernal bloom., Fig.: Belonging to youth, the spring of life.
verray adjective Very; true.
verrel noun See Ferrule.
versal adjective Universal.
versed imp. & past participle of Verse, Acquainted or familiar, as the result of experience, study, practice, etc.; skilled; practiced., Turned.
verser noun A versifier.
verset noun A verse.
versor noun The turning factor of a quaternion.
versus preposition Against; as, John Doe versus Richard Roe; — chiefly used in legal language, and abbreviated to v. or vs.
vertex noun A turning point; the principal or highest point; top; summit; crown; apex., The top, or crown, of the head., The zenith, or the point of the heavens directly overhead., The point in any figure opposite to, and farthest from, the base; the terminating point of some particular line or lines in a figure or a curve; the top, or the point opposite the base.
vervel noun See Varvel.
vervet noun A South African monkey (Cercopithecus pygerythrus, / Lelandii). The upper parts are grayish green, finely specked with black. The cheeks and belly are reddish white.