6 letter word starting with vi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
viable adjective Capable of living; born alive and with such form and development of organs as to be capable of living; — said of a newborn, or a prematurely born, infant.
vialed imp. & past participle of Vial
viatic adjective Of or pertaining to a journey or traveling.
vibrio noun A genus of motile bacteria characterized by short, slightly sinuous filaments and an undulatory motion; also, an individual of this genus.
vicary noun A vicar.
vicing present participle & vb. noun of Vice
vicety noun Fault; defect; coarseness.
vicine adjective Near; neighboring; vicinal., An alkaloid ex tracted from the seeds of the vetch (Vicia sativa) as a white crystalline substance.
victim noun A living being sacrificed to some deity, or in the performance of a religious rite; a creature immolated, or made an offering of., A person or thing destroyed or sacrificed in the pursuit of an object, or in gratification of a passion; as, a victim to jealousy, lust, or ambition., A person or living creature destroyed by, or suffering grievous injury from, another, from fortune or from accident; as, the victim of a defaulter; the victim of a railroad accident., Hence, one who is duped, or cheated; a dupe; a gull.
victor noun The winner in a contest; one who gets the better of another in any struggle; esp., one who defeats an enemy in battle; a vanquisher; a conqueror; — often followed by art, rarely by of., A destroyer., Victorious.
victus noun Food; diet.
vicu–a noun Alt. of Vicugna
vidame noun One of a class of temporal officers who originally represented the bishops, but later erected their offices into fiefs, and became feudal nobles.
vidual adjective Of or pertaining to the state of a widow; widowed.
vielle noun An old stringed instrument played upon with a wheel; a hurdy-gurdy.
viewed imp. & past participle of View
viewer noun One who views or examines., A person appointed to inspect highways, fences, or the like, and to report upon the same., The superintendent of a coal mine.
viewly adjective Alt. of Viewsome
vigily noun A vigil.
viking noun One belonging to the pirate crews from among the Northmen, who plundered the coasts of Europe in the eighth, ninth, and tenth centuries.
vilany noun Villainy.
vilify verb t. To make vile; to debase; to degrade; to disgrace., To degrade or debase by report; to defame; to traduce; to calumniate., To treat as vile; to despise.
vility noun Vileness; baseness.
villas plural of Villa
villan noun A villain.
villus noun One of the minute papillary processes on certain vascular membranes; a villosity; as, villi cover the lining of the small intestines of many animals and serve to increase the absorbing surface., Fine hairs on plants, resembling the pile of velvet.
vineal adjective Of or pertaining to vines; containing vines.
vinery noun A vineyard., A structure, usually inclosed with glass, for rearing and protecting vines; a grapery.
vinose adjective Vinous.
vinous adjective Of or pertaining to wine; having the qualities of wine; as, a vinous taste.
vintry noun A place where wine is sold.
violet noun Any plant or flower of the genus Viola, of many species. The violets are generally low, herbaceous plants, and the flowers of many of the species are blue, while others are white or yellow, or of several colors, as the pansy (Viola tricolor)., The color of a violet, or that part of the spectrum farthest from red. It is the most refrangible part of the spectrum., In art, a color produced by a combination of red and blue in equal proportions; a bluish purple color., Any one of numerous species of small violet-colored butterflies belonging to Lycaena, or Rusticus, and allied genera., Dark blue, inclining to red; bluish purple; having a color produced by red and blue combined.
violin noun A small instrument with four strings, played with a bow; a fiddle.
virago noun A woman of extraordinary stature, strength, and courage; a woman who has the robust body and masculine mind of a man; a female warrior., Hence, a mannish woman; a bold, turbulent woman; a termagant; a vixen.
virent adjective Green; not withered.
virger noun See Verger.
virgin noun A woman who has had no carnal knowledge of man; a maid., A person of the male sex who has not known sexual indulgence., See Virgo., Any one of several species of gossamer-winged butterflies of the family Lycaenidae., A female insect producing eggs from which young are hatched, though there has been no fecundation by a male; a parthenogenetic insect., Being a virgin; chaste; of or pertaining to a virgin; becoming a virgin; maidenly; modest; indicating modesty; as, a virgin blush., Pure; undefiled; unmixed; fresh; new; as, virgin soil; virgin gold., Not yet pregnant; impregnant., To act the virgin; to be or keep chaste; — followed by it. See It, 5.
virial noun A certain function relating to a system of forces and their points of application, — first used by Clausius in the investigation of problems in molecular physics.
virile adjective Having the nature, properties, or qualities, of an adult man; characteristic of developed manhood; hence, masterful; forceful; specifically, capable of begetting; — opposed to womanly, feminine, and puerile; as, virile age, virile power, virile organs.
virole noun A ring surrounding a bugle or hunting horn.
virose adjective Having a nauseous odor; fetid; poisonous.
virtue noun Manly strength or courage; bravery; daring; spirit; valor., Active quality or power; capacity or power adequate to the production of a given effect; energy; strength; potency; efficacy; as, the virtue of a medicine., Energy or influence operating without contact of the material or sensible substance., Excellence; value; merit; meritoriousness; worth., Specifically, moral excellence; integrity of character; purity of soul; performance of duty., A particular moral excellence; as, the virtue of temperance, of charity, etc., Specifically: Chastity; purity; especially, the chastity of women; virginity., One of the orders of the celestial hierarchy.
visaed imp. & past participle of Visa
visage noun The face, countenance, or look of a person or an animal; — chiefly applied to the human face., To face.
visard noun A mask. See Visor., To mask.
viscid adjective Sticking or adhering, and having a ropy or glutinous consistency; viscous; glutinous; sticky; tenacious; clammy; as, turpentine, tar, gums, etc., are more or less viscid.
viscin noun A clear, viscous, tasteless substance extracted from the mucilaginous sap of the mistletoe (Viscum album), holly, etc., and constituting an essential ingredient of birdlime.
viscum noun A genus of parasitic shrubs, including the mistletoe of Europe., Birdlime, which is often made from the berries of the European mistletoe.
viscus noun One of the organs, as the brain, heart, or stomach, in the great cavities of the body of an animal; — especially used in the plural, and applied to the organs contained in the abdomen.
viseed imp. & past participle of Vise
vishnu noun A divinity of the modern Hindu trimurti, or trinity. He is regarded as the preserver, while Brahma is the creator, and Siva the destroyer of the creation.
vision verb The act of seeing external objects; actual sight., The faculty of seeing; sight; one of the five senses, by which colors and the physical qualities of external objects are appreciated as a result of the stimulating action of light on the sensitive retina, an expansion of the optic nerve., That which is seen; an object of sight., Especially, that which is seen otherwise than by the ordinary sight, or the rational eye; a supernatural, prophetic, or imaginary sight; an apparition; a phantom; a specter; as, the visions of Isaiah., Hence, something unreal or imaginary; a creation of fancy., To see in a vision; to dream.
visite noun A light cape or short cloak of silk or lace worn by women in summer.
visive adjective Of or pertaining to the sight; visual.
vistas plural of Vista
visual adjective Of or pertaining to sight; used in sight; serving as the instrument of seeing; as, the visual nerve., That can be seen; visible.
vitals noun pl. Organs that are necessary for life; more especially, the heart, lungs, and brain., Fig.: The part essential to the life or health of anything; as, the vitals of a state.
vitric adjective Having the nature and qualities of glass; glasslike; — distinguished from ceramic.
vittae plural of Vitta
vivace adjective & adverb Brisk; vivacious; with spirit; — a direction to perform a passage in a brisk and lively manner.
vivary noun A vivarium.
vively adverb In a lively manner.
vivers noun pl. Provisions; victuals.
vivify verb t. To endue with life; to make to be living; to quicken; to animate.
vizard noun A mask; a visor.
vizier noun A councilor of state; a high executive officer in Turkey and other Oriental countries.