6 letter word starting with z

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
zabism noun See Sabianism.
zabian adjective & noun See Sabian.
zachun noun An oil pressed by the Arabs from the fruit of a small thorny tree (Balanites Aegyptiaca), and sold to piligrims for a healing ointment.
zaffer noun A pigment obtained, usually by roasting cobalt glance with sand or quartz, as a dark earthy powder. It consists of crude cobalt oxide, or of an impure cobalt arseniate. It is used in porcelain painting, and in enameling pottery, to produce a blue color, and is often confounded with smalt, from which, however, it is distinct, as it contains no potash. The name is often loosely applied to mixtures of zaffer proper with silica, or oxides of iron, manganese, etc.
zaimet noun A district from which a Zaim draws his revenue.
zamang noun An immense leguminous tree (Pithecolobium Saman) of Venezuela. Its branches form a hemispherical mass, often one hundred and eighty feet across. The sweet pulpy pods are used commonly for feeding cattle. Also called rain tree.
zambos plural of Zambo
zamite noun A fossil cycad of the genus Zamia.
zander noun A European pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca) allied to the wall-eye; — called also sandari, sander, sannat, schill, and zant.
zanies plural of Zany
zareba noun An improvised stockade; especially, one made of thorn bushes, etc.
zarthe noun A European bream (Abramis vimba).
zealed adjective Full of zeal; characterized by zeal.
zealot noun One who is zealous; one who engages warmly in any cause, and pursues his object with earnestness and ardor; especially, one who is overzealous, or carried away by his zeal; one absorbed in devotion to anything; an enthusiast; a fanatical partisan.
zechin noun See Sequin.
zeekoe noun A hippopotamus.
zehner noun An Austrian silver coin equal to ten kreutzers, or about five cents.
zenana noun The part of a dwelling appropriated to women.
zendik noun An atheist or unbeliever; — name given in the East to those charged with disbelief of any revealed religion, or accused of magical heresies.
zenick noun A South African burrowing mammal (Suricata tetradactyla), allied to the civets. It is grayish brown, with yellowish transverse stripes on the back. Called also suricat.
zenith noun That point in the visible celestial hemisphere which is vertical to the spectator; the point of the heavens directly overhead; — opposed to nadir., hence, figuratively, the point of culmination; the greatest height; the height of success or prosperity.
zephyr noun The west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze.
zequin noun See Sequin.
zeriba noun Same as Zareba.
zeroes plural of Zero
zested imp. & past participle of Zest
zeugma noun A figure by which an adjective or verb, which agrees with a nearer word, is, by way of supplement, referred also to another more remote; as, “hic illius arma, hic currus fuit;” where fuit, which agrees directly with currus, is referred also to arma.
zibeth noun A carnivorous mammal (Viverra zibetha) closely allied to the civet, from which it differs in having the spots on the body less distinct, the throat whiter, and the black rings on the tail more numerous.
zigger verb i. Alt. of Zighyr
zighyr verb i. Same as Sicker.
zigzag noun Something that has short turns or angles., A molding running in a zigzag line; a chevron, or series of chevrons. See Illust. of Chevron, 3., See Boyau., Having short, sharp turns; running this way and that in an onward course., To form with short turns., To move in a zigzag manner; also, to have a zigzag shape.
zillah noun A district or local division, as of a province.
zinced of Zinc
zincic adjective Pertaining to, containing, or resembling, zinc; zincous.
zincky adjective Pertaining to zinc, or having its appearance.
zinco- A combining form from zinc; in chemistry, designating zinc as an element of certain double compounds. Also used adjectively.
zingel noun A small, edible, freshwater European perch (Aspro zingel), having a round, elongated body and prominent snout.
zinnia noun Any plant of the composite genus Zinnia, Mexican herbs with opposite leaves and large gay-colored blossoms. Zinnia elegans is the commonest species in cultivation.
zirco- A combining form (also used adjectively) designating zirconium as an element of certain double compounds; zircono-; as in zircofluoric acid, sodium zircofluoride.
zircon noun A mineral occurring in tetragonal crystals, usually of a brown or gray color. It consists of silica and zirconia. A red variety, used as a gem, is called hyacinth. Colorless, pale-yellow or smoky-brown varieties from Ceylon are called jargon.
zither noun An instrument of music used in Austria and Germany. It has from thirty to forty wires strung across a shallow sounding-board, which lies horizontally on a table before the performer, who uses both hands in playing on it. [Not to be confounded with the old lute-shaped cittern, or cithern.]
zodiac noun An imaginary belt in the heavens, 16¡ or 18¡ broad, in the middle of which is the ecliptic, or sun’s path. It comprises the twelve constellations, which one constituted, and from which were named, the twelve signs of the zodiac., A figure representing the signs, symbols, and constellations of the zodiac., A girdle; a belt.
zonate adjective Divided by parallel planes; as, zonate tetraspores, found in certain red algae.
zonnar noun See Zonar.
zonule noun A little zone, or girdle.
zonure noun Any one of several of South African lizards of the genus Zonura, common in rocky situations.
zoonic adjective Of or pertaining to animals; obtained from animal substances.
zootic adjective Containing the remains of organized bodies; — said of rock or soil.
zoozoo noun The wood pigeon.
zoster noun Shingles.
zouave noun One of an active and hardy body of soldiers in the French service, originally Arabs, but now composed of Frenchmen who wear the Arab dress., Hence, one of a body of soldiers who adopt the dress and drill of the Zouaves, as was done by a number of volunteer regiments in the army of the United States in the Civil War, 1861-65.
zounds interj. An exclamation formerly used as an oath, and an expression of anger or wonder.
zoutch verb t. To stew, as flounders, eels, etc., with just enough or liquid to cover them.
zufolo noun A little flute or flageolet, especially that which is used to teach birds.
zuisin noun The American widgeon.
zygoma noun The jugal, malar, or cheek bone., The zygomatic process of the temporal bone., The whole zygomatic arch.
zymase noun A soluble ferment, or enzyme. See Enzyme.
zymome noun A glutinous substance, insoluble in alcohol, resembling legumin; — now called vegetable fibrin, vegetable albumin, or gluten casein.
zymose noun Invertin.
zythem noun See Zythum.
zythum noun A kind of ancient malt beverage; a liquor made from malt and wheat.