6 letter word starting with za

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
zabism noun See Sabianism.
zabian adjective & noun See Sabian.
zachun noun An oil pressed by the Arabs from the fruit of a small thorny tree (Balanites Aegyptiaca), and sold to piligrims for a healing ointment.
zaffer noun A pigment obtained, usually by roasting cobalt glance with sand or quartz, as a dark earthy powder. It consists of crude cobalt oxide, or of an impure cobalt arseniate. It is used in porcelain painting, and in enameling pottery, to produce a blue color, and is often confounded with smalt, from which, however, it is distinct, as it contains no potash. The name is often loosely applied to mixtures of zaffer proper with silica, or oxides of iron, manganese, etc.
zaimet noun A district from which a Zaim draws his revenue.
zamang noun An immense leguminous tree (Pithecolobium Saman) of Venezuela. Its branches form a hemispherical mass, often one hundred and eighty feet across. The sweet pulpy pods are used commonly for feeding cattle. Also called rain tree.
zambos plural of Zambo
zamite noun A fossil cycad of the genus Zamia.
zander noun A European pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca) allied to the wall-eye; — called also sandari, sander, sannat, schill, and zant.
zanies plural of Zany
zareba noun An improvised stockade; especially, one made of thorn bushes, etc.
zarthe noun A European bream (Abramis vimba).