7 letter word starting with ac

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
acacias plural of Acacia
acaciae plural of Acacia
acacine noun Gum arabic.
academe noun An academy.
academy noun A garden or grove near Athens (so named from the hero Academus), where Plato and his followers held their philosophical conferences; hence, the school of philosophy of which Plato was head., An institution for the study of higher learning; a college or a university. Popularly, a school, or seminary of learning, holding a rank between a college and a common school., A place of training; a school., A society of learned men united for the advancement of the arts and sciences, and literature, or some particular art or science; as, the French Academy; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; academies of literature and philology., A school or place of training in which some special art is taught; as, the military academy at West Point; a riding academy; the Academy of Music.
acadian adjective Of or pertaining to Acadie, or Nova Scotia., A native of Acadie.
acaleph noun Alt. of Acalephan
acantha noun A prickle., A spine or prickly fin., The vertebral column; the spinous process of a vertebra.
acanthi plural of Acanthus
acarina noun pl. The group of Arachnida which includes the mites and ticks. Many species are parasitic, and cause diseases like the itch and mange.
acarine adjective Of or caused by acari or mites; as, acarine diseases.
acaroid adjective Shaped like or resembling a mite.
acceded imp. & past participle of Accede
acceder noun One who accedes.
accidie noun Sloth; torpor.
acclaim verb t. To applaud., To declare by acclamations., To shout; as, to acclaim my joy., To shout applause., Acclamation.
acclive adjective Acclivous.
accoast verb t. & i. To lie or sail along the coast or side of; to accost.
accompt noun See Account.
account noun A reckoning; computation; calculation; enumeration; a record of some reckoning; as, the Julian account of time., A registry of pecuniary transactions; a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of other things subjected to a reckoning or review; as, to keep one’s account at the bank., A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event; as, no satisfactory account has been given of these phenomena. Hence, the word is often used simply for reason, ground, consideration, motive, etc.; as, on no account, on every account, on all accounts., A statement of facts or occurrences; recital of transactions; a relation or narrative; a report; a description; as, an account of a battle., A statement and explanation or vindication of one’s conduct with reference to judgment thereon., An estimate or estimation; valuation; judgment., Importance; worth; value; advantage; profit., To reckon; to compute; to count., To place to one’s account; to put to the credit of; to assign; — with to., To value, estimate, or hold in opinion; to judge or consider; to deem., To recount; to relate., To render or receive an account or relation of particulars; as, an officer must account with or to the treasurer for money received., To render an account; to answer in judgment; — with for; as, we must account for the use of our opportunities., To give a satisfactory reason; to tell the cause of; to explain; — with for; as, idleness accounts for poverty.
accourt verb t. To treat courteously; to court.
accrete verb i. To grow together., To adhere; to grow (to); to be added; — with to., To make adhere; to add., Characterized by accretion; made up; as, accrete matter., Grown together.
accrual noun Accrument.
accrued imp. & past participle of Accrue
accruer noun The act of accruing; accretion; as, title by accruer.
accurse verb t. To devote to destruction; to imprecate misery or evil upon; to curse; to execrate; to anathematize.
accurst past participle & adjective Doomed to destruction or misery; cursed; hence, bad enough to be under the curse; execrable; detestable; exceedingly hateful; — as, an accursed deed.
accusal noun Accusation.
accused imp. & past participle of Accuse, Charged with offense; as, an accused person.
accuser noun One who accuses; one who brings a charge of crime or fault.
acephal noun One of the Acephala.
acerate noun A combination of aceric acid with a salifiable base., Acerose; needle-shaped.
acerbic adjective Sour or severe.
acerose adjective Having the nature of chaff; chaffy., Needle-shaped, having a sharp, rigid point, as the leaf of the pine.
acerous adjective Same as Acerose., Destitute of tentacles, as certain mollusks., Without antennae, as some insects.
acerval adjective Pertaining to a heap.
acetary noun An acid pulp in certain fruits, as the pear.
acetate noun A salt formed by the union of acetic acid with a base or positive radical; as, acetate of lead, acetate of potash.
acetify verb t. To convert into acid or vinegar., To turn acid.
acetize verb i. To acetify.
acetone noun A volatile liquid consisting of three parts of carbon, six of hydrogen, and one of oxygen; pyroacetic spirit, — obtained by the distillation of certain acetates, or by the destructive distillation of citric acid, starch, sugar, or gum, with quicklime.
acetose adjective Sour like vinegar; acetous.
acetous adjective Having a sour taste; sour; acid., Causing, or connected with, acetification; as, acetous fermentation.
achaean adjective Alt. of Achaian
achaian adjective Of or pertaining to Achaia in Greece; also, Grecian., A native of Achaia; a Greek.
acheron noun A river in the Nether World or infernal regions; also, the infernal regions themselves. By some of the English poets it was supposed to be a flaming lake or gulf.
achieve verb t. To carry on to a final close; to bring out into a perfected state; to accomplish; to perform; — as, to achieve a feat, an exploit, an enterprise., To obtain, or gain, as the result of exertion; to succeed in gaining; to win., To finish; to kill.
achiote noun Seeds of the annotto tree; also, the coloring matter, annotto.
acholia noun Deficiency or want of bile.
acicula noun One of the needlelike or bristlelike spines or prickles of some animals and plants; also, a needlelike crystal.
acidify verb t. To make acid; to convert into an acid; as, to acidify sugar., To sour; to imbitter.
acidity noun The quality of being sour; sourness; tartness; sharpness to the taste; as, the acidity of lemon juice.
aciform adjective Shaped like a needle.
acinose adjective Alt. of Acinous
acinous adjective Consisting of acini, or minute granular concretions; as, acinose or acinous glands.
aciurgy noun Operative surgery.
aclinic adjective Without inclination or dipping; — said the magnetic needle balances itself horizontally, having no dip. The aclinic line is also termed the magnetic equator.
acnodal adjective Pertaining to acnodes.
acology noun Materia medica; the science of remedies.
acolyte noun One who has received the highest of the four minor orders in the Catholic church, being ordained to carry the wine and water and the lights at the Mass., One who attends; an assistant.
acolyth noun Same as Acolyte.
aconite noun The herb wolfsbane, or monkshood; — applied to any plant of the genus Aconitum (tribe Hellebore), all the species of which are poisonous., An extract or tincture obtained from Aconitum napellus, used as a poison and medicinally.
acontia noun pl. Threadlike defensive organs, composed largely of nettling cells (cnidae), thrown out of the mouth or special pores of certain Actiniae when irritated.
acorned adjective Furnished or loaded with acorns., Fed or filled with acorns.
acouchy noun A small species of agouti (Dasyprocta acouchy).
acquest noun Acquisition; the thing gained., Property acquired by purchase, gift, or otherwise than by inheritance.
acquiet verb t. To quiet.
acquire verb t. To gain, usually by one’s own exertions; to get as one’s own; as, to acquire a title, riches, knowledge, skill, good or bad habits.
acquiry noun Acquirement.
acquist noun Acquisition; gain.
acrania noun Partial or total absence of the skull., The lowest group of Vertebrata, including the amphioxus, in which no skull exists.
acrasia noun Alt. of Acrasy
acreage noun Acres collectively; as, the acreage of a farm or a country.
acridly adverb In an acid manner.
acrisia noun Alt. of Acrisy
acritan adjective Of or pertaining to the Acrita., An individual of the Acrita.
acrobat noun One who practices rope dancing, high vaulting, or other daring gymnastic feats.
acrogen noun A plant of the highest class of cryptogams, including the ferns, etc. See Cryptogamia.
acronyc adjective Alt. of Acronychal
acroter noun Same as Acroterium.
acrotic adjective Pertaining to or affecting the surface.
acrylic adjective Of or containing acryl, the hypothetical radical of which acrolein is the hydride; as, acrylic acid.
actable adjective Capable of being acted.
actinal adjective Pertaining to the part of a radiate animal which contains the mouth.
actinia noun An animal of the class Anthozoa, and family Actinidae. From a resemblance to flowers in form and color, they are often called animal flowers and sea anemones. [See Polyp.]., A genus in the family Actinidae.
actinic adjective Of or pertaining to actinism; as, actinic rays.
actless adjective Without action or spirit.
actress noun A female actor or doer., A female stageplayer; a woman who acts a part.
actuary noun A registrar or clerk; — used originally in courts of civil law jurisdiction, but in Europe used for a clerk or registrar generally., The computing official of an insurance company; one whose profession it is to calculate for insurance companies the risks and premiums for life, fire, and other insurances.
actuate verb t. To put into action or motion; to move or incite to action; to influence actively; to move as motives do; — more commonly used of persons., To carry out in practice; to perform., Put in action; actuated.
actuose adjective Very active.
aculeus noun A prickle growing on the bark, as in some brambles and roses., A sting.
acutely adverb In an acute manner; sharply; keenly; with nice discrimination.