7 letter word starting with ana

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
anadrom noun A fish that leaves the sea and ascends rivers.
anaemia adjective A morbid condition in which the blood is deficient in quality or in quantity.
anaemic adjective Of or pertaining to anaemia.
anagoge noun An elevation of mind to things celestial., The spiritual meaning or application; esp. the application of the types and allegories of the Old Testament to subjects of the New.
anagogy noun Same as Anagoge.
anagram noun Literally, the letters of a word read backwards, but in its usual wider sense, the change or one word or phrase into another by the transposition of its letters. Thus Galenus becomes angelus; William Noy (attorney-general to Charles I., and a laborious man) may be turned into I moyl in law., To anagrammatize.
analogy noun A resemblance of relations; an agreement or likeness between things in some circumstances or effects, when the things are otherwise entirely different. Thus, learning enlightens the mind, because it is to the mind what light is to the eye, enabling it to discover things before hidden., A relation or correspondence in function, between organs or parts which are decidedly different., Proportion; equality of ratios., Conformity of words to the genius, structure, or general rules of a language; similarity of origin, inflection, or principle of pronunciation, and the like, as opposed to anomaly.
analyse noun Alt. of Analyser
analyst noun One who analyzes; formerly, one skilled in algebraical geometry; now commonly, one skilled in chemical analysis.
analyze verb t. To subject to analysis; to resolve (anything complex) into its elements; to separate into the constituent parts, for the purpose of an examination of each separately; to examine in such a manner as to ascertain the elements or nature of the thing examined; as, to analyze a fossil substance; to analyze a sentence or a word; to analyze an action to ascertain its morality.
anamese adjective Of or pertaining to Anam, to southeastern Asia., A native of Anam.
anapest noun A metrical foot consisting of three syllables, the first two short, or unaccented, the last long, or accented (/ / -); the reverse of the dactyl. In Latin d/-/-tas, and in English in-ter-vene#, are examples of anapests., A verse composed of such feet.
anarchy noun Absence of government; the state of society where there is no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political confusion., Hence, confusion or disorder, in general.
anatifa noun An animal of the barnacle tribe, of the genus Lepas, having a fleshy stem or peduncle; a goose barnacle. See Cirripedia.
anatine adjective Of or pertaining to the ducks; ducklike.
anatomy noun The art of dissecting, or artificially separating the different parts of any organized body, to discover their situation, structure, and economy; dissection., The science which treats of the structure of organic bodies; anatomical structure or organization., A treatise or book on anatomy., The act of dividing anything, corporeal or intellectual, for the purpose of examining its parts; analysis; as, the anatomy of a discourse., A skeleton; anything anatomized or dissected, or which has the appearance of being so.
anatron noun Native carbonate of soda; natron., Glass gall or sandiver., Saltpeter.