7 letter word starting with ant

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
antacid noun A remedy for acidity of the stomach, as an alkali or absorbent., Counteractive of acidity.
antaean adjective Pertaining to Antaeus, a giant athlete slain by Hercules.
antares noun The principal star in Scorpio: — called also the Scorpion’s Heart.
anteact noun A preceding act.
antefix noun An ornament fixed upon a frieze., An ornament at the eaves, concealing the ends of the joint tiles of the roof., An ornament of the cymatium of a classic cornice, sometimes pierced for the escape of water.
ant egg One of the small white egg-shaped pupae or cocoons of the ant, often seen in or about ant-hills, and popularly supposed to be eggs.
antenna noun A movable, articulated organ of sensation, attached to the heads of insects and Crustacea. There are two in the former, and usually four in the latter. They are used as organs of touch, and in some species of Crustacea the cavity of the ear is situated near the basal joint. In insects, they are popularly called horns, and also feelers. The term in also applied to similar organs on the heads of other arthropods and of annelids.
antero- A combining form meaning anterior, front; as, antero-posterior, front and back; antero-lateral, front side, anterior and at the side.
anthoid adjective Resembling a flower; flowerlike.
anthrax noun A carbuncle., A malignant pustule., A microscopic, bacterial organism (Bacillus anthracis), resembling transparent rods. [See Illust. under Bacillus.], An infectious disease of cattle and sheep. It is ascribed to the presence of a rod-shaped bacterium (Bacillus anthracis), the spores of which constitute the contagious matter. It may be transmitted to man by inoculation. The spleen becomes greatly enlarged and filled with bacteria. Called also splenic fever.
antickt of Antic
anticly adverb Oddly; grotesquely.
anticor noun A dangerous inflammatory swelling of a horse’s breast, just opposite the heart.
antique adjective Old; ancient; of genuine antiquity; as, an antique statue. In this sense it usually refers to the flourishing ages of Greece and Rome., Old, as respects the present age, or a modern period of time; of old fashion; antiquated; as, an antique robe., Made in imitation of antiquity; as, the antique style of Thomson’s “Castle of Indolence.”, Odd; fantastic., In general, anything very old; but in a more limited sense, a relic or object of ancient art; collectively, the antique, the remains of ancient art, as busts, statues, paintings, and vases.
antilae plural of Antlia
antoeci noun pl Alt. of Antoecians
antonym noun A word of opposite meaning; a counterterm; — used as a correlative of synonym.