7 letter word starting with arc

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
arcaded adjective Furnished with an arcade.
arcadia noun A mountainous and picturesque district of Greece, in the heart of the Peloponnesus, whose people were distinguished for contentment and rural happiness., Fig.: Any region or scene of simple pleasure and untroubled quiet.
arcadic adjective Of or pertaining to Arcadia; pastoral; ideally rural; as, Arcadian simplicity or scenery.
arcanum noun A secret; a mystery; — generally used in the plural., A secret remedy; an elixir.
arching present participle & vb. noun of Arch, The arched part of a structure., Hogging; — opposed to sagging.
archaic adjective Of or characterized by antiquity or archaism; antiquated; obsolescent.
archery noun The use of the bow and arrows in battle, hunting, etc.; the art, practice, or skill of shooting with a bow and arrows., Archers, or bowmen, collectively.
archeus noun The vital principle or force which (according to the Paracelsians) presides over the growth and continuation of living beings; the anima mundi or plastic power of the old philosophers.
archive noun The place in which public records or historic documents are kept., Public records or documents preserved as evidence of facts; as, the archives of a country or family.
archway noun A way or passage under an arch.
arcuate adjective Alt. of Arcuated
arcubus noun See Arquebus.