7 letter word starting with as

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
asaphus noun A genus of trilobites found in the Lower Silurian formation. See Illust. in Append.
asarone noun A crystallized substance, resembling camphor, obtained from the Asarum Europaeum; — called also camphor of asarum.
asbolin noun A peculiar acrid and bitter oil, obtained from wood soot.
ascarid noun A parasitic nematoid worm, espec. the roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, often occurring in the human intestine, and allied species found in domestic animals; also commonly applied to the pinworm (Oxyuris), often troublesome to children and aged persons.
ascetic adjective Extremely rigid in self-denial and devotions; austere; severe., In the early church, one who devoted himself to a solitary and contemplative life, characterized by devotion, extreme self-denial, and self-mortification; a hermit; a recluse; hence, one who practices extreme rigor and self-denial in religious things.
ascidia plural of Ascidium
ascians noun pl. Persons who, at certain times of the year, have no shadow at noon; — applied to the inhabitants of the torrid zone, who have, twice a year, a vertical sun.
ascites noun A collection of serous fluid in the cavity of the abdomen; dropsy of the peritoneum.
ascitic adjective Alt. of Ascitical
ascribe verb t. To attribute, impute, or refer, as to a cause; as, his death was ascribed to a poison; to ascribe an effect to the right cause; to ascribe such a book to such an author., To attribute, as a quality, or an appurtenance; to consider or allege to belong.
ascript adjective See Adscript.
aseptic adjective Not liable to putrefaction; nonputrescent., An aseptic substance.
asexual adjective Having no distinct sex; without sexual action; as, asexual reproduction. See Fission and Gemmation.
ashamed adjective Affected by shame; abashed or confused by guilt, or a conviction or consciousness of some wrong action or impropriety.
ashweed noun Goutweed.
asiarch noun One of the chiefs or pontiffs of the Roman province of Asia, who had the superintendence of the public games and religious rites.
asiatic adjective Of or pertaining to Asia or to its inhabitants., A native, or one of the people, of Asia.
asinego noun Alt. of Assinego
asinine adjective Of or belonging to, or having the qualities of, the ass, as stupidity and obstinacy.
askance adverb Alt. of Askant, To turn aside.
asonant adjective Not sounding or sounded.
asperne verb t. To spurn; to despise.
asperse verb t. To sprinkle, as water or dust, upon anybody or anything, or to besprinkle any one with a liquid or with dust., To bespatter with foul reports or false and injurious charges; to tarnish in point of reputation or good name; to slander or calumniate; as, to asperse a poet or his writings; to asperse a man’s character.
asphalt noun Alt. of Asphaltum, To cover with asphalt; as, to asphalt a roof; asphalted streets.
asphyxy noun Apparent death, or suspended animation; the condition which results from interruption of respiration, as in suffocation or drowning, or the inhalation of irrespirable gases.
aspired imp. & past participle of Aspire
aspirer noun One who aspires.
asprawl adverb & adjective Sprawling.
asquint adverb With the eye directed to one side; not in the straight line of vision; obliquely; awry, so as to see distortedly; as, to look asquint.
assagai noun Alt. of Assegai
assegai noun A spear used by tribes in South Africa as a missile and for stabbing, a kind of light javelin., Same as Assagai.
assamar noun The peculiar bitter substance, soft or liquid, and of a yellow color, produced when meat, bread, gum, sugar, starch, and the like, are roasted till they turn brown.
assapan noun Alt. of Assapanic
assault noun A violent onset or attack with physical means, as blows, weapons, etc.; an onslaught; the rush or charge of an attacking force; onset; as, to make assault upon a man, a house, or a town., A violent onset or attack with moral weapons, as words, arguments, appeals, and the like; as, to make an assault on the prerogatives of a prince, or on the constitution of a government., An apparently violent attempt, or willful offer with force or violence, to do hurt to another; an attempt or offer to beat another, accompanied by a degree of violence, but without touching his person, as by lifting the fist, or a cane, in a threatening manner, or by striking at him, and missing him. If the blow aimed takes effect, it is a battery., To make an assault upon, as by a sudden rush of armed men; to attack with unlawful or insulting physical violence or menaces., To attack with moral means, or with a view of producing moral effects; to attack by words, arguments, or unfriendly measures; to assail; as, to assault a reputation or an administration.
assayed imp. & past participle of Assay
assayer noun One who assays. Specifically: One who examines metallic ores or compounds, for the purpose of determining the amount of any particular metal in the same, especially of gold or silver.
assever verb t. See Asseverate.
assiege verb t. To besiege., A siege.
assized imp. & past participle of Assize
assizer noun An officer who has the care or inspection of weights and measures, etc.
assizor noun A juror.
assober verb t. To make or keep sober.
assuage verb t. To soften, in a figurative sense; to allay, mitigate, ease, or lessen, as heat, pain, or grief; to appease or pacify, as passion or tumult; to satisfy, as appetite or desire., To abate or subside.
assumed imp. & past participle of Assume, Supposed., Pretended; hypocritical; make-believe; as, an assumed character.
assumer noun One who assumes, arrogates, pretends, or supposes.
assumpt verb t. To take up; to elevate; to assume., That which is assumed; an assumption.
assured imp. & past participle of Assure, Made sure; safe; insured; certain; indubitable; not doubting; bold to excess., One whose life or property is insured.
assurer noun One who assures. Specifically: One who insures against loss; an insurer or underwriter., One who takes out a life assurance policy.
asswage verb See Assuage.
astacus noun A genus of crustaceans, containing the crawfish of fresh-water lobster of Europe, and allied species of western North America. See Crawfish.
astarte noun A genus of bivalve mollusks, common on the coasts of America and Europe.
astatic adjective Having little or no tendency to take a fixed or definite position or direction: thus, a suspended magnetic needle, when rendered astatic, loses its polarity, or tendency to point in a given direction.
asteism noun Genteel irony; a polite and ingenious manner of deriding another.
astheny noun Want or loss of strength; debility; diminution of the vital forces.
astoned imp. & past participle of Astone
astound of Astone, Stunned; astounded; astonished., of Astound, To stun; to stupefy., To astonish; to strike with amazement; to confound with wonder, surprise, or fear.
astrand adverb & adjective Stranded.
astrict verb t. To bind up; to confine; to constrict; to contract., To bind; to constrain; to restrict; to limit., To restrict the tenure of; as, to astrict lands. See Astriction, 4., Concise; contracted.
astride adverb With one leg on each side, as a man when on horseback; with the legs stretched wide apart; astraddle.
astylar adjective Without columns or pilasters.
asunder adverb Apart; separate from each other; into parts; in two; separately; into or in different pieces or places.
asylums plural of Asylum