7 letter word starting with be

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
beaches plural of Beach
beached imp. & past participle of Beach, Bordered by a beach., Driven on a beach; stranded; drawn up on a beach; as, the ship is beached.
beading present participle & vb. noun of Bead, Molding in imitation of beads., The beads or bead-forming quality of certain liquors; as, the beading of a brand of whisky.
bealing p. pr & vb. noun of Beal
beaming present participle & vb. noun of Beam, Emitting beams; radiant.
beamful adjective Beamy; radiant.
beamily adverb In a beaming manner.
beamlet noun A small beam of light.
bearing present participle & vb. noun of Bear, The manner in which one bears or conducts one’s self; mien; behavior; carriage., Patient endurance; suffering without complaint., The situation of one object, with respect to another, such situation being supposed to have a connection with the object, or influence upon it, or to be influenced by it; hence, relation; connection., Purport; meaning; intended significance; aspect., The act, power, or time of producing or giving birth; as, a tree in full bearing; a tree past bearing., That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports; as, a lintel or beam may have four inches of bearing upon the wall., The portion of a support on which anything rests., Improperly, the unsupported span; as, the beam has twenty feet of bearing between its supports., The part of an axle or shaft in contact with its support, collar, or boxing; the journal., The part of the support on which a journal rests and rotates., Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or coat of arms — commonly in the pl., The situation of a distant object, with regard to a ship’s position, as on the bow, on the lee quarter, etc.; the direction or point of the compass in which an object is seen; as, the bearing of the cape was W. N. W., The widest part of a vessel below the plank-sheer., The line of flotation of a vessel when properly trimmed with cargo or ballast.
bearded imp. & past participle of Beard, Having a beard.
beardie noun The bearded loach (Nemachilus barbatus) of Europe.
bearish adjective Partaking of the qualities of a bear; resembling a bear in temper or manners.
beastly adjective Pertaining to, or having the form, nature, or habits of, a beast., Characterizing the nature of a beast; contrary to the nature and dignity of man; brutal; filthy., Abominable; as, beastly weather.
beating present participle & vb. noun of Beat, The act of striking or giving blows; punishment or chastisement by blows., Pulsation; throbbing; as, the beating of the heart., Pulsative sounds. See Beat, n., The process of sailing against the wind by tacks in zigzag direction.
beatify verb t. To pronounce or regard as happy, or supremely blessed, or as conferring happiness., To make happy; to bless with the completion of celestial enjoyment., To ascertain and declare, by a public process and decree, that a deceased person is one of “the blessed” and is to be reverenced as such, though not canonized.
beaufet noun A niche, cupboard, or sideboard for plate, china, glass, etc.; a buffet.
beaufin noun See Biffin.
beauish noun Like a beau; characteristic of a beau; foppish; fine.
beautie plural of Beauty
bebleed verb t. To make bloody; to stain with blood.
beblood verb t. Alt. of Bebloody
because conj. By or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that., In order that; that.
becharm verb t. To charm; to captivate.
becking present participle & vb. noun of Beck
becloud verb t. To cause obscurity or dimness to; to dim; to cloud.
becomed adjective Proper; decorous.
bedding present participle & vb. noun of Bed, A bed and its furniture; the materials of a bed, whether for man or beast; bedclothes; litter., The state or position of beds and layers.
bedagat noun The sacred books of the Buddhists in Burmah.
bedcord noun A cord or rope interwoven in a bedstead so as to support the bed.
bedegar noun A gall produced on rosebushes, esp. on the sweetbrier or eglantine, by a puncture from the ovipositor of a gallfly (Rhodites rosae). It was once supposed to have medicinal properties.
bedelry noun Beadleship.
bedevil verb t. To throw into utter disorder and confusion, as if by the agency of evil spirits; to bring under diabolical influence; to torment., To spoil; to corrupt.
bedewed imp. & past participle of Bedew
bedewer noun One who, or that which, bedews.
bedgown noun A nightgown.
bedight past participle of Bedight, To bedeck; to array or equip; to adorn.
bedizen verb t. To dress or adorn tawdrily or with false taste.
bedouin noun One of the nomadic Arabs who live in tents, and are scattered over Arabia, Syria, and northern Africa, esp. in the deserts., Pertaining to the Bedouins; nomad.
bedpost noun One of the four standards that support a bedstead or the canopy over a bedstead., Anciently, a post or pin on each side of the bed to keep the clothes from falling off. See Bedstaff.
bedroom noun A room or apartment intended or used for a bed; a lodging room., Room in a bed.
bedside noun The side of a bed.
bedsite noun A recess in a room for a bed.
bedsore noun A sore on the back or hips caused by lying for a long time in bed.
bedtick noun A tick or bag made of cloth, used for inclosing the materials of a bed.
bedtime noun The time to go to bed.
bedward adverb Towards bed.
bedwarf verb t. To make a dwarf of; to stunt or hinder the growth of; to dwarf.
beeches plural of Beech
beechen adjective Consisting, or made, of the wood or bark of the beech; belonging to the beech.
beehive noun A hive for a swarm of bees. Also used figuratively.
beeswax noun The wax secreted by bees, and of which their cells are constructed.
beetled imp. & past participle of Beetle
befrill verb t. To furnish or deck with a frill.
begging present participle & vb. noun of Beg
beggary noun The act of begging; the state of being a beggar; mendicancy; extreme poverty., Beggarly appearance., Beggarly.
beghard noun Alt. of Beguard
beguard noun One of an association of religious laymen living in imitation of the Beguines. They arose in the thirteenth century, were afterward subjected to much persecution, and were suppressed by Innocent X. in 1650. Called also Beguins.
begnawn of Begnaw
begonia noun A genus of plants, mostly of tropical America, many species of which are grown as ornamental plants. The leaves are curiously one-sided, and often exhibit brilliant colors.
begrave verb t. To bury; also, to engrave.
begrime verb t. To soil with grime or dirt deeply impressed or rubbed in.
beguile verb t. To delude by guile, artifice, or craft; to deceive or impose on, as by a false statement; to lure., To elude, or evade by craft; to foil., To cause the time of to pass without notice; to relieve the tedium or weariness of; to while away; to divert.
beguine noun A woman belonging to one of the religious and charitable associations or communities in the Netherlands, and elsewhere, whose members live in beguinages and are not bound by perpetual vows.
behaved imp. & past participle of Behave
behight imp. of Behight, of Behight, To promise; to vow., To give in trust; to commit; to intrust., To adjudge; to assign by authority., To mean, or intend., To consider or esteem to be; to declare to be., To call; to name; to address., To command; to order., A vow; a promise.
behoten of Behight
behoove verb t. To be necessary for; to be fit for; to be meet for, with respect to necessity, duty, or convenience; — mostly used impersonally., To be necessary, fit, or suitable; to befit; to belong as due., Advantage; behoof.
bejewel verb t. To ornament with a jewel or with jewels; to spangle.
beknave verb t. To call knave.
belabor verb t. To ply diligently; to work carefully upon., To beat soundly; to cudgel.
belaced imp. & past participle of Belace
belated imp. & past participle of Belate, Delayed beyond the usual time; too late; overtaken by night; benighted.
belayed of Belay
belched imp. & past participle of Belch
belcher noun One who, or that which, belches.
beldame noun Grandmother; — corresponding to belsire., An old woman in general; especially, an ugly old woman; a hag.
beleave verb t. & i. To leave or to be left.
beleper verb t. To infect with leprosy.
belgard noun A sweet or loving look.
belgian adjective Of or pertaining to Belgium., A native or inhabitant of Belgium.
belibel verb t. To libel or traduce; to calumniate.
belying present participle & vb. noun of Belie
believe noun To exercise belief in; to credit upon the authority or testimony of another; to be persuaded of the truth of, upon evidence furnished by reasons, arguments, and deductions of the mind, or by circumstances other than personal knowledge; to regard or accept as true; to place confidence in; to think; to consider; as, to believe a person, a statement, or a doctrine., To have a firm persuasion, esp. of the truths of religion; to have a persuasion approaching to certainty; to exercise belief or faith., To think; to suppose.
belight verb t. To illuminate.
belimed imp. & past participle of Belime
belling present participle & vb. noun of Bell, A bellowing, as of a deer in rutting time.
bellied adjective Having (such) a belly; puffed out; — used in composition; as, pot-bellied; shad-bellied., of Belly
bellman noun A man who rings a bell, especially to give notice of anything in the streets. Formerly, also, a night watchman who called the hours.
bellona noun The goddess of war.
bellows noun sing. & pl. An instrument, utensil, or machine, which, by alternate expansion and contraction, or by rise and fall of the top, draws in air through a valve and expels it through a tube for various purposes, as blowing fires, ventilating mines, or filling the pipes of an organ with wind.
bellies plural of Belly
beloved imp. & past participle of Belove, Greatly loved; dear to the heart., One greatly loved.
belsire noun A grandfather, or ancestor.
belting present participle & vb. noun of Belt, The material of which belts for machinery are made; also, belts, taken collectively.
beltane noun The first day of May (Old Style)., A festival of the heathen Celts on the first day of May, in the observance of which great bonfires were kindled. It still exists in a modified form in some parts of Scotland and Ireland.
beltein noun Alt. of Beltin
beluted imp. & past participle of Belute
bemired imp. & past participle of Bemire
bemourn verb t. To mourn over.
ben nut The seed of one or more species of moringa; as, oil of ben. See Moringa.
benamed past participle of Bename
benempt of Bename, Promised; vowed., Named; styled.
benches plural of Bench
benched imp. & past participle of Bench
bencher noun One of the senior and governing members of an Inn of Court., An alderman of a corporation., A member of a court or council., One who frequents the benches of a tavern; an idler.
bending present participle & vb. noun of Bend, The marking of the clothes with stripes or horizontal bands.
bendlet noun A narrow bend, esp. one half the width of the bend.
beneath preposition Lower in place, with something directly over or on; under; underneath; hence, at the foot of., Under, in relation to something that is superior, or that oppresses or burdens., Lower in rank, dignity, or excellence than; as, brutes are beneath man; man is beneath angels in the scale of beings. Hence: Unworthy of; unbecoming., In a lower place; underneath., Below, as opposed to heaven, or to any superior region or position; as, in earth beneath.
benefic adjective Favorable; beneficent.
benefit noun An act of kindness; a favor conferred., Whatever promotes prosperity and personal happiness, or adds value to property; advantage; profit., A theatrical performance, a concert, or the like, the proceeds of which do not go to the lessee of the theater or to the company, but to some individual actor, or to some charitable use., Beneficence; liberality., Natural advantages; endowments; accomplishments., To be beneficial to; to do good to; to advantage; to advance in health or prosperity; to be useful to; to profit., To gain advantage; to make improvement; to profit; as, he will benefit by the change.
bengali noun The language spoken in Bengal.
bengola noun A Bengal light.
benight verb t. To involve in darkness; to shroud with the shades of night; to obscure., To overtake with night or darkness, especially before the end of a day’s journey or task., To involve in moral darkness, or ignorance; to debar from intellectual light.
benison noun Blessing; beatitude; benediction.
benshee noun See Banshee.
benthal adjective Relating to the deepest zone or region of the ocean.
benzene noun A volatile, very inflammable liquid, C6H6, contained in the naphtha produced by the destructive distillation of coal, from which it is separated by fractional distillation. The name is sometimes applied also to the impure commercial product or benzole, and also, but rarely, to a similar mixed product of petroleum.
benzile noun A yellowish crystalline substance, C6H5.CO.CO.C6H5, formed from benzoin by the action of oxidizing agents, and consisting of a doubled benzoyl radical.
benzine noun A liquid consisting mainly of the lighter and more volatile hydrocarbons of petroleum or kerosene oil, used as a solvent and for cleansing soiled fabrics; — called also petroleum spirit, petroleum benzine. Varieties or similar products are gasoline, naphtha, rhigolene, ligroin, etc., Same as Benzene.
benzoic adjective Pertaining to, or obtained from, benzoin.
benzoin noun A resinous substance, dry and brittle, obtained from the Styrax benzoin, a tree of Sumatra, Java, etc., having a fragrant odor, and slightly aromatic taste. It is used in the preparation of benzoic acid, in medicine, and as a perfume., A white crystalline substance, C14H12O2, obtained from benzoic aldehyde and some other sources., The spicebush (Lindera benzoin).
benzole noun Alt. of Benzol
benzoyl noun A compound radical, C6H5.CO; the base of benzoic acid, of the oil of bitter almonds, and of an extensive series of compounds.
bepaint verb t. To paint; to cover or color with, or as with, paint.
bepinch verb t. To pinch, or mark with pinches.
beprose verb t. To reduce to prose.
bequest noun The act of bequeathing or leaving by will; as, a bequest of property by A. to B., That which is left by will, esp. personal property; a legacy; also, a gift., To bequeath, or leave as a legacy.
bequote verb t. To quote constantly or with great frequency.
berated imp. & past participle of Berate
berdash noun A kind of neckcloth.
bereave verb t. To make destitute; to deprive; to strip; — with of before the person or thing taken away., To take away from., To take away.
beretta noun Same as Berretta.
bergylt noun The Norway haddock. See Rosefish.
berhyme verb t. To mention in rhyme or verse; to rhyme about.
bernese adjective Pertaining to the city or canton of Bern, in Switzerland, or to its inhabitants., A native or natives of Bern.
berried adjective Furnished with berries; consisting of a berry; baccate; as, a berried shrub., of Berry
berries plural of Berry
berserk noun Alt. of Berserker
berstle noun See Bristle.
berthed imp. & past participle of Berth
bertram noun Pellitory of Spain (Anacyclus pyrethrum).
besaiel noun Alt. of Besayle
besaile noun Alt. of Besayle
besayle noun A great-grandfather., A kind of writ which formerly lay where a great-grandfather died seized of lands in fee simple, and on the day of his death a stranger abated or entered and kept the heir out. This is now abolished.
besaint verb t. To make a saint of.
bescorn verb t. To treat with scorn.
beseech verb t. To ask or entreat with urgency; to supplicate; to implore., Solicitation; supplication.
beshone imp. & past participle of Beshine
beshine verb t. To shine upon; to illumine.
beshrew verb t. To curse; to execrate.
besides adverb Alt. of Beside, Over and above; separate or distinct from; in addition to; other than; else than. See Beside, prep., 3, and Syn. under Beside.
besiege verb t. To beset or surround with armed forces, for the purpose of compelling to surrender; to lay siege to; to beleaguer; to beset.
beslave verb t. To enslave.
beslime verb t. To daub with slime; to soil.
besmear verb t. To smear with any viscous, glutinous matter; to bedaub; to soil.
besmoke verb t. To foul with smoke., To harden or dry in smoke.
besnuff verb t. To befoul with snuff.
besogne noun A worthless fellow; a bezonian.
besomed imp. & past participle of Besom
besomer noun One who uses a besom.
bespawl verb t. To daub, soil, or make foul with spawl or spittle.
bespoke imp. of Bespeak, of Bespeak, imp. & p. p. of Bespeak.
bespake of Bespeak
bespeak verb t. To speak or arrange for beforehand; to order or engage against a future time; as, to bespeak goods, a right, or a favor., To show beforehand; to foretell; to indicate., To betoken; to show; to indicate by external marks or appearances., To speak to; to address., To speak., A bespeaking. Among actors, a benefit (when a particular play is bespoken.)
bespice verb t. To season with spice, or with some spicy drug.
bespirt verb t. Same as Bespurt.
bespurt verb t. To spurt on or over; to asperse.
bestain verb t. To stain.
bestead imp. & past participle of Bestead, To put in a certain situation or condition; to circumstance; to place., To put in peril; to beset., To serve; to assist; to profit; to avail.
bestial adjective Belonging to a beast, or to the class of beasts., Having the qualities of a beast; brutal; below the dignity of reason or humanity; irrational; carnal; beastly; sensual., A domestic animal; also collectively, cattle; as, other kinds of bestial.
bestuck imp. & past participle of Bestick, imp. & p. p. Bestick.
bestick verb t. To stick over, as with sharp points pressed in; to mark by infixing points or spots here and there; to pierce.
bestill verb t. To make still.
bestorm verb i. & t. To storm.
bestrew verb t. To strew or scatter over; to besprinkle.
bestrid of Bestride, of Bestride
beswike verb t. To lure; to cheat.
betting present participle & vb. noun of Bet
betaine noun A nitrogenous base, C5H11NO2, produced artificially, and also occurring naturally in beet-root molasses and its residues, from which it is extracted as a white crystalline substance; — called also lycine and oxyneurine. It has a sweetish taste.
betaken past participle of Betake
beteela noun An East India muslin, formerly used for cravats, veils, etc.
bethink verb t. To call to mind; to recall or bring to recollection, reflection, or consideration; to think; to consider; — generally followed by a reflexive pronoun, often with of or that before the subject of thought., To think; to recollect; to consider.
bethumb verb t. To handle; to wear or soil by handling; as books.
bethump verb t. To beat or thump soundly.
betided imp. & past participle of Betide
betimes adverb In good season or time; before it is late; seasonably; early., In a short time; soon; speedily; forth with.
betitle verb t. To furnish with a title or titles; to entitle.
betoken verb t. To signify by some visible object; to show by signs or tokens., To foreshow by present signs; to indicate something future by that which is seen or known; as, a dark cloud often betokens a storm.
betroth verb t. To contract to any one for a marriage; to engage or promise in order to marriage; to affiance; — used esp. of a woman., To promise to take (as a future spouse); to plight one’s troth to., To nominate to a bishopric, in order to consecration.
betrust verb t. To trust or intrust.
bettong noun A small, leaping Australian marsupial of the genus Bettongia; the jerboa kangaroo.
betulin noun A substance of a resinous nature, obtained from the outer bark of the common European birch (Betula alba), or from the tar prepared therefrom; — called also birch camphor.
betutor verb t. To tutor; to instruct.
between preposition In the space which separates; betwixt; as, New York is between Boston and Philadelphia., Used in expressing motion from one body or place to another; from one to another of two., Belonging in common to two; shared by both., Belonging to, or participated in by, two, and involving reciprocal action or affecting their mutual relation; as, opposition between science and religion., With relation to two, as involved in an act or attribute of which another is the agent or subject; as, to judge between or to choose between courses; to distinguish between you and me; to mediate between nations., In intermediate relation to, in respect to time, quantity, or degree; as, between nine and ten o’clock., Intermediate time or space; interval.
betwixt preposition In the space which separates; between., From one to another of; mutually affecting.
beveled imp. & past participle of Bevel, Alt. of Bevelled
bevered imp. & past participle of Bever
beviled adjective Alt. of Bevilled
bewhore verb t. To corrupt with regard to chastity; to make a whore of., To pronounce or characterize as a whore.
bewitch verb t. To gain an ascendency over by charms or incantations; to affect (esp. to injure) by witchcraft or sorcery., To charm; to fascinate; to please to such a degree as to take away the power of resistance; to enchant.
bewreck verb t. To wreck.
bewreke verb t. To wreak; to avenge.
bezique noun A game at cards in which various combinations of cards in the hand, when declared, score points.
bezzled imp. & past participle of Bezzle