7 letter word starting with bed

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bedding present participle & vb. noun of Bed, A bed and its furniture; the materials of a bed, whether for man or beast; bedclothes; litter., The state or position of beds and layers.
bedagat noun The sacred books of the Buddhists in Burmah.
bedcord noun A cord or rope interwoven in a bedstead so as to support the bed.
bedegar noun A gall produced on rosebushes, esp. on the sweetbrier or eglantine, by a puncture from the ovipositor of a gallfly (Rhodites rosae). It was once supposed to have medicinal properties.
bedelry noun Beadleship.
bedevil verb t. To throw into utter disorder and confusion, as if by the agency of evil spirits; to bring under diabolical influence; to torment., To spoil; to corrupt.
bedewed imp. & past participle of Bedew
bedewer noun One who, or that which, bedews.
bedgown noun A nightgown.
bedight past participle of Bedight, To bedeck; to array or equip; to adorn.
bedizen verb t. To dress or adorn tawdrily or with false taste.
bedouin noun One of the nomadic Arabs who live in tents, and are scattered over Arabia, Syria, and northern Africa, esp. in the deserts., Pertaining to the Bedouins; nomad.
bedpost noun One of the four standards that support a bedstead or the canopy over a bedstead., Anciently, a post or pin on each side of the bed to keep the clothes from falling off. See Bedstaff.
bedroom noun A room or apartment intended or used for a bed; a lodging room., Room in a bed.
bedside noun The side of a bed.
bedsite noun A recess in a room for a bed.
bedsore noun A sore on the back or hips caused by lying for a long time in bed.
bedtick noun A tick or bag made of cloth, used for inclosing the materials of a bed.
bedtime noun The time to go to bed.
bedward adverb Towards bed.
bedwarf verb t. To make a dwarf of; to stunt or hinder the growth of; to dwarf.