7 letter word starting with bou

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bounden of Bind, Bound; fastened by bonds., Under obligation; bound by some favor rendered; obliged; beholden., Made obligatory; imposed as a duty; binding.
boudoir noun A small room, esp. if pleasant, or elegantly furnished, to which a lady may retire to be alone, or to receive intimate friends; a lady’s (or sometimes a gentleman’s) private room.
boughty adjective Bending.
bouilli noun Boiled or stewed meat; beef boiled with vegetables in water from which its gravy is to be made; beef from which bouillon or soup has been made.
boulder noun Same as Bowlder., A large stone, worn smooth or rounded by the action of water; a large pebble., A mass of any rock, whether rounded or not, that has been transported by natural agencies from its native bed. See Drift.
boultel noun Alt. of Boultin
boultin noun A molding, the convexity of which is one fourth of a circle, being a member just below the abacus in the Tuscan and Roman Doric capital; a torus; an ovolo., One of the shafts of a clustered column.
boulter noun A long, stout fishing line to which many hooks are attached.
bounced imp. & past participle of Bounce
bouncer noun One who bounces; a large, heavy person who makes much noise in moving., A boaster; a bully., A bold lie; also, a liar., Something big; a good stout example of the kind.
bounded imp. & past participle of Bound
bounder noun One who, or that which, limits; a boundary.
bouquet noun A nosegay; a bunch of flowers., A perfume; an aroma; as, the bouquet of wine.
bourbon noun A member of a family which has occupied several European thrones, and whose descendants still claim the throne of France., A politician who is behind the age; a ruler or politician who neither forgets nor learns anything; an obstinate conservative.
bourder noun A jester.
bourdon noun A pilgrim’s staff., A drone bass, as in a bagpipe, or a hurdy-gurdy. See Burden (of a song.), A kind of organ stop.
bourree noun An old French dance tune in common time.
boutade noun An outbreak; a caprice; a whim.