7 letter word starting with bu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bursten of Breste, p. p. of Burst, v. i.
bubbled imp. & past participle of Bubble
bubbler verb t. To cheat; to deceive., One who cheats., A fish of the Ohio river; — so called from the noise it makes.
bubonic adjective Of or pertaining to a bubo or buboes; characterized by buboes.
bubukle noun A red pimple.
buceros noun A genus of large perching birds; the hornbills.
bucking present participle & vb. noun of Buck, The act or process of soaking or boiling cloth in an alkaline liquid in the operation of bleaching; also, the liquid used., A washing., The process of breaking up or pulverizing ores.
buckety noun Paste used by weavers to dress their webs.
buckeye noun A name given to several American trees and shrubs of the same genus (Aesculus) as the horse chestnut., A cant name for a native in Ohio.
buckish adjective Dandified; foppish.
buckled imp. & past participle of Buckle
buckler noun A kind of shield, of various shapes and sizes, worn on one of the arms (usually the left) for protecting the front of the body., One of the large, bony, external plates found on many ganoid fishes., The anterior segment of the shell of trilobites., A block of wood or plate of iron made to fit a hawse hole, or the circular opening in a half-port, to prevent water from entering when the vessel pitches., To shield; to defend.
buckram noun A coarse cloth of linen or hemp, stiffened with size or glue, used in garments to keep them in the form intended, and for wrappers to cover merchandise., A plant. See Ramson., Made of buckram; as, a buckram suit., Stiff; precise., To strengthen with buckram; to make stiff.
bucolic adjective Of or pertaining to the life and occupation of a shepherd; pastoral; rustic., A pastoral poem, representing rural affairs, and the life, manners, and occupation of shepherds; as, the Bucolics of Theocritus and Virgil.
budding present participle & vb. noun of Bud, The act or process of producing buds., A process of asexual reproduction, in which a new organism or cell is formed by a protrusion of a portion of the animal or vegetable organism, the bud thus formed sometimes remaining attached to the parent stalk or cell, at other times becoming free; gemmation. See Hydroidea., The act or process of ingrafting one kind of plant upon another stock by inserting a bud under the bark.
budging present participle & vb. noun of Budge
buffalo noun A species of the genus Bos or Bubalus (B. bubalus), originally from India, but now found in most of the warmer countries of the eastern continent. It is larger and less docile than the common ox, and is fond of marshy places and rivers., A very large and savage species of the same genus (B. Caffer) found in South Africa; — called also Cape buffalo., Any species of wild ox., The bison of North America., A buffalo robe. See Buffalo robe, below., The buffalo fish. See Buffalo fish, below.
buffoon noun A man who makes a practice of amusing others by low tricks, antic gestures, etc.; a droll; a mimic; a harlequin; a clown; a merry-andrew., Characteristic of, or like, a buffoon., To act the part of a buffoon., To treat with buffoonery.
bugaboo noun Alt. of Bugbear
bugbear noun Something frightful, as a specter; anything imaginary that causes needless fright; something used to excite needless fear; also, something really dangerous, used to frighten children, etc., Same as Bugaboo., Causing needless fright., To alarm with idle phantoms.
bugbane noun A perennial white-flowered herb of the order Ranunculaceae and genus Cimiciguga; bugwort. There are several species.
bugfish noun The menhaden.
buggery noun Unnatural sexual intercourse; sodomy.
buggies plural of Buggy
bugloss noun A plant of the genus Anchusa, and especially the A. officinalis, sometimes called alkanet; oxtongue.
bugwort noun Bugbane.
builded imp. & past participle of Build
builder noun One who builds; one whose occupation is to build, as a carpenter, a shipwright, or a mason.
bulblet noun A small bulb, either produced on a larger bulb, or on some aerial part of a plant, as in the axils of leaves in the tiger lily, or replacing the flowers in some kinds of onion.
bulbose adjective Bulbous.
bulbous noun Having or containing bulbs, or a bulb; growing from bulbs; bulblike in shape or structure.
bulbule noun A small bulb; a bulblet.
bulchin noun A little bull.
bulging present participle & vb. noun of Bulge
bulimia noun Alt. of Bulimy
bulimus noun A genus of land snails having an elongated spiral shell, often of large size. The species are numerous and abundant in tropical America.
bulking present participle & vb. noun of Bulk
bullace noun A small European plum (Prunus communis, var. insitita). See Plum., The bully tree.
bullary noun A collection of papal bulls., A place for boiling or preparing salt; a boilery.
bullate adjective Appearing as if blistered; inflated; puckered.
bulldog noun A variety of dog, of remarkable ferocity, courage, and tenacity of grip; — so named, probably, from being formerly employed in baiting bulls., A refractory material used as a furnace lining, obtained by calcining the cinder or slag from the puddling furnace of a rolling mill., Characteristic of, or like, a bulldog; stubborn; as, bulldog courage; bulldog tenacity.
bullfly noun Any large fly troublesome to cattle, as the gadflies and breeze flies.
bullion noun Uncoined gold or silver in the mass., Base or uncurrent coin., Showy metallic ornament, as of gold, silver, or copper, on bridles, saddles, etc., Heavy twisted fringe, made of fine gold or silver wire and used for epaulets; also, any heavy twisted fringe whose cords are prominent.
bullish adjective Partaking of the nature of a bull, or a blunder.
bullist noun A writer or drawer up of papal bulls.
bullock noun A young bull, or any male of the ox kind., An ox, steer, or stag., To bully.
bullies plural of Bully
bullied imp. & past participle of Bully
bulrush noun A kind of large rush, growing in wet land or in water.
bulwark noun A rampart; a fortification; a bastion or outwork., That which secures against an enemy, or defends from attack; any means of defense or protection., The sides of a ship above the upper deck., To fortify with, or as with, a rampart or wall; to secure by fortification; to protect.
bumming noun of Bum
bumbard See Bombard.
bumbast See Bombast.
bumbelo noun A glass used in subliming camphor.
bumboat noun A clumsy boat, used for conveying provisions, fruit, etc., for sale, to vessels lying in port or off shore.
bummalo noun A small marine Asiatic fish (Saurus ophidon) used in India as a relish; — called also Bombay duck.
bummery noun See Bottomery.
bumping present participle & vb. noun of Bump
bumpkin noun An awkward, heavy country fellow; a clown; a country lout.
bunched imp. & past participle of Bunch
bundled imp. & past participle of Bundle
bunging present participle & vb. noun of Bung
bungled imp. & past participle of Bungle
bungler noun A clumsy, awkward workman; one who bungles.
bunking present participle & vb. noun of Bunk
bunnian noun See Bunyon.
bunting noun A bird of the genus Emberiza, or of an allied genus, related to the finches and sparrows (family Fringillidae)., Alt. of Buntine
buntine noun A thin woolen stuff, used chiefly for flags, colors, and ships’ signals.
buoying present participle & vb. noun of Buoy
buoyage noun Buoys, taken collectively; a series of buoys, as for the guidance of vessels into or out of port; the providing of buoys.
buoyant verb t. & i. Having the quality of rising or floating in a fluid; tending to rise or float; as, iron is buoyant in mercury., Bearing up, as a fluid; sustaining another body by being specifically heavier., Light-hearted; vivacious; cheerful; as, a buoyant disposition; buoyant spirits.
burbolt noun A birdbolt.
burdock noun A genus of coarse biennial herbs (Lappa), bearing small burs which adhere tenaciously to clothes, or to the fur or wool of animals.
bureaus plural of Bureau
bureaux plural of Bureau
burette noun An apparatus for delivering measured quantities of liquid or for measuring the quantity of liquid or gas received or discharged. It consists essentially of a graduated glass tube, usually furnished with a small aperture and stopcock.
burgage noun A tenure by which houses or lands are held of the king or other lord of a borough or city; at a certain yearly rent, or by services relating to trade or handicraft.
burgall noun A small marine fish; — also called cunner.
burgeon verb i. To bud. See Bourgeon.
burgess noun An inhabitant of a borough or walled town, or one who possesses a tenement therein; a citizen or freeman of a borough., One who represents a borough in Parliament., A magistrate of a borough., An inhabitant of a Scotch burgh qualified to vote for municipal officers.
burghal adjective Belonging to a burgh.
burgher noun A freeman of a burgh or borough, entitled to enjoy the privileges of the place; any inhabitant of a borough., A member of that party, among the Scotch seceders, which asserted the lawfulness of the burgess oath (in which burgesses profess “the true religion professed within the realm”), the opposite party being called antiburghers.
burglar noun One guilty of the crime of burglary.
burrhel noun The wild Himalayan, or blue, sheep (Ovis burrhel).
burking present participle & vb. noun of Burke
burkism noun The practice of killing persons for the purpose of selling their bodies for dissection.
burling present participle & vb. noun of Burl
burmans plural of Burman
burmese adjective Of or pertaining to Burmah, or its inhabitants., A native or the natives of Burmah. Also (sing.), the language of the Burmans.
burning present participle & vb. noun of Burn, That burns; being on fire; excessively hot; fiery., Consuming; intense; inflaming; exciting; vehement; powerful; as, burning zeal., The act of consuming by fire or heat, or of subjecting to the effect of fire or heat; the state of being on fire or excessively heated.
burnish adjective To cause to shine; to make smooth and bright; to polish; specifically, to polish by rubbing with something hard and smooth; as, to burnish brass or paper., To shine forth; to brighten; to become smooth and glossy, as from swelling or filling out; hence, to grow large., The effect of burnishing; gloss; brightness; luster.
burnous noun A cloaklike garment and hood woven in one piece, worn by Arabs., A combination cloak and hood worn by women.
burring present participle & vb. noun of Burr
burrock noun A small weir or dam in a river to direct the stream to gaps where fish traps are placed.
bursary noun The treasury of a college or monastery., A scholarship or charitable foundation in a university, as in Scotland; a sum given to enable a student to pursue his studies.
burster noun One that bursts.
burthen noun & verb t. See Burden.
burying present participle & vb. noun of Bury
busbies plural of Busby
bushing present participle & vb. noun of Bush, The operation of fitting bushes, or linings, into holes or places where wear is to be received, or friction diminished, as pivot holes, etc., A bush or lining; — sometimes called a thimble. See 4th Bush.
bushboy noun See Bushman.
bushmen plural of Bushman
bushman noun A woodsman; a settler in the bush., One of a race of South African nomads, living principally in the deserts, and not classified as allied in race or language to any other people.
bussing present participle & vb. noun of Buss
bustard noun A bird of the genus Otis.
bustled imp. & past participle of Bustle
bustler noun An active, stirring person.
bustoes plural of Busto
busying present participle & vb. noun of Busy
butting present participle & vb. noun of But, of Butt, An abuttal; a boundary.
butcher noun One who slaughters animals, or dresses their flesh for market; one whose occupation it is to kill animals for food., A slaughterer; one who kills in large numbers, or with unusual cruelty; one who causes needless loss of life, as in battle., To kill or slaughter (animals) for food, or for market; as, to butcher hogs., To murder, or kill, especially in an unusually bloody or barbarous manner.
butment noun A buttress of an arch; the supporter, or that part which joins it to the upright pier., The mass of stone or solid work at the end of a bridge, by which the extreme arches are sustained, or by which the end of a bridge without arches is supported.
buttery adjective Having the qualities, consistence, or appearance, of butter., An apartment in a house where butter, milk and other provisions are kept., A room in some English colleges where liquors, fruit, and refreshments are kept for sale to the students., A cellar in which butts of wine are kept.
buttock noun The part at the back of the hip, which, in man, forms one of the rounded protuberances on which he sits; the rump., The convexity of a ship behind, under the stern.
buttons noun A boy servant, or page, — in allusion to the buttons on his livery.
buttony adjective Ornamented with a large number of buttons.
butyric adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, butter.
butyrin noun A butyrate of glycerin; a fat contained in small quantity in milk, which helps to give to butter its peculiar flavor.
buxeous adjective Belonging to the box tree.
buzzing present participle & vb. noun of Buzz
buzzard noun A bird of prey of the Hawk family, belonging to the genus Buteo and related genera., A blockhead; a dunce., Senseless; stupid.
buzzsaw A circular saw; — so called from the buzzing it makes when running at full speed.