7 letter word starting with ca

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cabaret noun A tavern; a house where liquors are retailed., a type of restaurant where liquor and dinner is served, and entertainment is provided, as by musicians, dancers, or comedians, and providing space for dancing by the patrons; — similar to a nightclub. The term cabaret is often used in the names of such an establishment., the type of entertainment provided in a cabaret{2}.
cabbage noun An esculent vegetable of many varieties, derived from the wild Brassica oleracea of Europe. The common cabbage has a compact head of leaves. The cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc., are sometimes classed as cabbages., The terminal bud of certain palm trees, used, like, cabbage, for food. See Cabbage tree, below., The cabbage palmetto. See below., To form a head like that the cabbage; as, to make lettuce cabbage., To purloin or embezzle, as the pieces of cloth remaining after cutting out a garment; to pilfer., Cloth or clippings cabbaged or purloined by one who cuts out garments.
cabbler noun One who works at cabbling.
cabesse noun The finest kind of silk received from India.
cabezon noun A California fish (Hemilepidotus spinosus), allied to the sculpin.
cabined imp. & past participle of Cabin
cabinet noun A hut; a cottage; a small house., A small room, or retired apartment; a closet., A private room in which consultations are held., The advisory council of the chief executive officer of a nation; a cabinet council., A set of drawers or a cupboard intended to contain articles of value. Hence:, A decorative piece of furniture, whether open like an etagere or closed with doors. See Etagere., Any building or room set apart for the safe keeping and exhibition of works of art, etc.; also, the collection itself., Suitable for a cabinet; small., To inclose
cabbiri noun pl. Certain deities originally worshiped with mystical rites by the Pelasgians in Lemnos and Samothrace and afterwards throughout Greece; — also called sons of Hephaestus (or Vulcan), as being masters of the art of working metals.
cabiric adjective Of or pertaining to the Cabiri, or to their mystical worship.
cabling present participle & vb. noun of Cable, The decoration of a fluted shaft of a column or of a pilaster with reeds, or rounded moldings, which seem to be laid in the hollows of the fluting. These are limited in length to about one third of the height of the shaft.
caboose noun A house on deck, where the cooking is done; — commonly called the galley., A car used on freight or construction trains for brakemen, workmen, etc.; a tool car.
cacaine noun The essential principle of cacao; — now called theobromine.
cacajao noun A South American short-tailed monkey (Pithecia (/ Brachyurus) melanocephala).
cachexy noun A condition of ill health and impairment of nutrition due to impoverishment of the blood, esp. when caused by a specific morbid process (as cancer or tubercle).
cachiri noun A fermented liquor made in Cayenne from the grated root of the manioc, and resembling perry.
cacique noun See Cazique.
cackled imp. & past participle of Cackle
cackler noun A fowl that cackles., One who prattles, or tells tales; a tattler.
cacodyl noun Alkarsin; a colorless, poisonous, arsenical liquid, As2(CH3)4, spontaneously inflammable and possessing an intensely disagreeable odor. It is the type of a series of compounds analogous to the nitrogen compounds called hydrazines.
cacolet noun A chair, litter, or other contrivance fitted to the back or pack saddle of a mule for carrying travelers in mountainous districts, or for the transportation of the sick and wounded of an army.
cadaver noun A dead human body; a corpse.
cadbait noun See Caddice.
caddice noun Alt. of Caddis
caddish adjective Like a cad; lowbred and presuming.
caddies plural of Caddy
cadence noun The act or state of declining or sinking., A fall of the voice in reading or speaking, especially at the end of a sentence., A rhythmical modulation of the voice or of any sound; as, music of bells in cadence sweet., Rhythmical flow of language, in prose or verse., See Cadency., Harmony and proportion in motions, as of a well-managed horse., A uniform time and place in marching., The close or fall of a strain; the point of rest, commonly reached by the immediate succession of the tonic to the dominant chord., A cadenza, or closing embellishment; a pause before the end of a strain, which the performer may fill with a flight of fancy., To regulate by musical measure.
cadency noun Descent of related families; distinction between the members of a family according to their ages.
cadenza noun A parenthetic flourish or flight of ornament in the course of a piece, commonly just before the final cadence.
cadging present participle & vb. noun of Cadge
cadmean adjective Of or pertaining to Cadmus, a fabulous prince of Thebes, who was said to have introduced into Greece the sixteen simple letters of the alphabet — /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /. These are called Cadmean letters.
cadmian adjective See Cadmean.
cadmium noun A comparatively rare element related to zinc, and occurring in some zinc ores. It is a white metal, both ductile and malleable. Symbol Cd. Atomic weight 111.8. It was discovered by Stromeyer in 1817, who named it from its association with zinc or zinc ore.
cadrans noun An instrument with a graduated disk by means of which the angles of gems are measured in the process of cutting and polishing.
caecias noun A wind from the northeast.
caecums plural of Caecum
caesium noun A rare alkaline metal found in mineral water; — so called from the two characteristic blue lines in its spectrum. It was the first element discovered by spectrum analysis, and is the most strongly basic and electro-positive substance known. Symbol Cs. Atomic weight 132.6.
caesura noun A metrical break in a verse, occurring in the middle of a foot and commonly near the middle of the verse; a sense pause in the middle of a foot. Also, a long syllable on which the caesural accent rests, or which is used as a foot.
cafenet noun Alt. of Cafeneh
cafeneh noun A humble inn or house of rest for travelers, where coffee is sold.
caffeic adjective Pertaining to, or obtained from, coffee.
caffila noun See Cafila.
cafileh noun A caravan of travelers; a military supply train or government caravan; a string of pack horses.
caisson noun A chest to hold ammunition., A four-wheeled carriage for conveying ammunition, consisting of two parts, a body and a limber. In light field batteries there is one caisson to each piece, having two ammunition boxes on the body, and one on the limber., A chest filled with explosive materials, to be laid in the way of an enemy and exploded on his approach., A water-tight box, of timber or iron within which work is carried on in building foundations or structures below the water level., A hollow floating box, usually of iron, which serves to close the entrances of docks and basins., A structure, usually with an air chamber, placed beneath a vessel to lift or float it., A sunk panel of ceilings or soffits.
caitiff adjective Captive; wretched; unfortunate., Base; wicked and mean; cowardly; despicable., A captive; a prisoner., A wretched or unfortunate man., A mean, despicable person; one whose character meanness and wickedness meet.
cajeput noun See Cajuput.
cajoled imp. & past participle of Cajole
cajoler noun A flatterer; a wheedler.
cajuput noun A highly stimulating volatile inflammable oil, distilled from the leaves of an East Indian tree (Melaleuca cajuputi, etc.) It is greenish in color and has a camphoraceous odor and pungent taste.
calabar noun A district on the west coast of Africa.
calaite noun A mineral. See Turquoise.
calamar noun Alt. of Calamary
calamus noun The indian cane, a plant of the Palm family. It furnishes the common rattan. See Rattan, and Dragon’s blood., A species of Acorus (A. calamus), commonly called calamus, or sweet flag. The root has a pungent, aromatic taste, and is used in medicine as a stomachic; the leaves have an aromatic odor, and were formerly used instead of rushes to strew on floors., The horny basal portion of a feather; the barrel or quill.
calando adjective Gradually diminishing in rapidity and loudness.
calcify verb t. To make stony or calcareous by the deposit or secretion of salts of lime., To become changed into a stony or calcareous condition, in which lime is a principal ingredient, as in the formation of teeth.
calcine verb i. To reduce to a powder, or to a friable state, by the action of heat; to expel volatile matter from by means of heat, as carbonic acid from limestone, and thus (usually) to produce disintegration; as to, calcine bones., To oxidize, as a metal by the action of heat; to reduce to a metallic calx., To be converted into a powder or friable substance, or into a calx, by the action of heat.
calcite noun Calcium carbonate, or carbonate of lime. It is rhombohedral in its crystallization, and thus distinguished from aragonite. It includes common limestone, chalk, and marble. Called also calc-spar and calcareous spar.
calcium noun An elementary substance; a metal which combined with oxygen forms lime. It is of a pale yellow color, tenacious, and malleable. It is a member of the alkaline earth group of elements. Atomic weight 40. Symbol Ca.
calcule noun Reckoning; computation., To calculate
calculi noun pl. See Calculus., of Calculus
caldron noun A large kettle or boiler of copper, brass, or iron. [Written also cauldron.]
caleche noun See Calash.
calends noun pl. The first day of each month in the ancient Roman calendar.
caliber noun Alt. of Calibre
calibre noun The diameter of the bore, as a cannon or other firearm, or of any tube; or the weight or size of the projectile which a firearm will carry; as, an 8 inch gun, a 12-pounder, a 44 caliber., The diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet or column., Fig.: Capacity or compass of mind.
calicle noun One of the small cuplike cavities, often with elevated borders, covering the surface of most corals. Each is formed by a polyp. (b) One of the cuplike structures inclosing the zooids of certain hydroids. See Campanularian.
calipee noun A part of a turtle which is attached to the lower shell. It contains a fatty and gelatinous substance of a light yellowish color, much esteemed as a delicacy.
caliver noun An early form of hand gun, variety of the arquebus; originally a gun having a regular size of bore.
calking present participle & vb. noun of Calk, The act or process of making seems tight, as in ships, or of furnishing with calks, as a shoe, or copying, as a drawing.
calling present participle & vb. noun of Call, The act of one who calls; a crying aloud, esp. in order to summon, or to attact the attention of, some one., A summoning or convocation, as of Parliament., A divine summons or invitation; also, the state of being divinely called., A naming, or inviting; a reading over or reciting in order, or a call of names with a view to obtaining an answer, as in legislative bodies., One’s usual occupation, or employment; vocation; business; trade., The persons, collectively, engaged in any particular professions or employment., Title; appellation; name.
callose adjective Furnished with protuberant or hardened spots.
callous adjective Hardened; indurated., Hardened in mind; insensible; unfeeling; unsusceptible.
calming present participle & vb. noun of Calm
calomel noun Mild chloride of mercury, Hg2Cl2, a heavy, white or yellowish white substance, insoluble and tasteless, much used in medicine as a mercurial and purgative; mercurous chloride. It occurs native as the mineral horn quicksilver.
caloric noun The principle of heat, or the agent to which the phenomena of heat and combustion were formerly ascribed; — not now used in scientific nomenclature, but sometimes used as a general term for heat., Of or pertaining to caloric.
calorie noun The unit of heat according to the French standard; the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram (sometimes, one gram) of water one degree centigrade, or from 0¡ to 1¡. Compare the English standard unit, Foot pound.
calotte noun Alt. of Callot
caloyer noun A monk of the Greek Church; a cenobite, anchoret, or recluse of the rule of St. Basil, especially, one on or near Mt. Athos.
caltrop noun Alt. of Caltrap
caltrap noun A genus of herbaceous plants (Tribulus) of the order Zygophylleae, having a hard several-celled fruit, armed with stout spines, and resembling the military instrument of the same name. The species grow in warm countries, and are often very annoying to cattle., An instrument with four iron points, so disposed that, any three of them being on the ground, the other projects upward. They are scattered on the ground where an enemy’s cavalry are to pass, to impede their progress by endangering the horses’ feet.
calumba noun The root of a plant (Jateorrhiza Calumba, and probably Cocculus palmatus), indigenous in Mozambique. It has an unpleasantly bitter taste, and is used as a tonic and antiseptic.
calumet noun A kind of pipe, used by the North American Indians for smoking tobacco. The bowl is usually made of soft red stone, and the tube is a long reed often ornamented with feathers.
calumny noun False accusation of a crime or offense, maliciously made or reported, to the injury of another; malicious misrepresentation; slander; detraction.
calvary noun The place where Christ was crucified, on a small hill outside of Jerusalem., A representation of the crucifixion, consisting of three crosses with the figures of Christ and the thieves, often as large as life, and sometimes surrounded by figures of other personages who were present at the crucifixion., A cross, set upon three steps; — more properly called cross calvary.
calving present participle & vb. noun of Calve
calvish adjective Like a calf; stupid.
calycle noun A row of small bracts, at the base of the calyx, on the outside.
calypso noun A small and beautiful species of orchid, having a flower variegated with purple, pink, and yellow. It grows in cold and wet localities in the northern part of the United States. The Calypso borealis is the only orchid which reaches 68¡ N.
calyxes plural of Calyx, of Nematocalyx
calyces plural of Calyx
camaieu noun A cameo., Painting in shades of one color; monochrome.
cambial adjective Belonging to exchanges in commerce; of exchange.
cambist noun A banker; a money changer or broker; one who deals in bills of exchange, or who is skilled in the science of exchange.
cambium noun A series of formative cells lying outside of the wood proper and inside of the inner bark. The growth of new wood takes place in the cambium, which is very soft., A fancied nutritive juice, formerly supposed to originate in the blood, to repair losses of the system, and to promote its increase.
camblet noun See Camlet.
camboge noun See Gamboge.
cambrel noun See Gambrel, n., 2.
cambria noun The ancient Latin name of Wales. It is used by modern poets.
cambric noun A fine, thin, and white fabric made of flax or linen., A fabric made, in imitation of linen cambric, of fine, hardspun cotton, often with figures of various colors; — also called cotton cambric, and cambric muslin.
camelot noun See Camelet.
cameras plural of Camera
camerae plural of Camera
cammock noun A plant having long hard, crooked roots, the Ononis spinosa; — called also rest-harrow. The Scandix Pecten-Veneris is also called cammock.
camping present participle & vb noun of Camp, Lodging in a camp., A game of football.
campana noun A church bell., The pasque flower., Same as Gutta.
camphol noun See Borneol.
camphor noun A tough, white, aromatic resin, or gum, obtained from different species of the Laurus family, esp. from Cinnamomum camphara (the Laurus camphara of Linnaeus.). Camphor, C10H16O, is volatile and fragrant, and is used in medicine as a diaphoretic, a stimulant, or sedative., A gum resembling ordinary camphor, obtained from a tree (Dryobalanops camphora) growing in Sumatra and Borneo; — called also Malay camphor, camphor of Borneo, or borneol. See Borneol., To impregnate or wash with camphor; to camphorate.
campion noun A plant of the Pink family (Cucubalus bacciferus), bearing berries regarded as poisonous.
camwood noun See Barwood.
canning present participle &vb. noun of Can
canakin noun A little can or cup.
candent adjective Heated to whiteness; glowing with heat.
candied adjective Preserved in or with sugar; incrusted with a candylike substance; as, candied fruits., Converted wholly or partially into sugar or candy; as candied sirup., Conted or more or less with sugar; as, candidied raisins, Figuratively; Honeyed; sweet; flattering., Covered or incrusted with that which resembles sugar or candy., of Candy
candify verb t. / verb i. To make or become white, or candied.
candiot adjective Of or pertaining to Candia; Cretary.
candite noun A variety of spinel, of a dark color, found at Candy, in Ceylon.
candock noun A plant or weed that grows in rivers; a species of Equisetum; also, the yellow frog lily (Nuphar luteum).
candroy noun A machine for spreading out cotton cloths to prepare them for printing.
canella noun A genus of trees of the order Canellaceae, growing in the West Indies.
caninal adjective See Canine, a.
cankery adjective Like a canker; full of canker., Surly; sore; malignant.
cannery noun A place where the business of canning fruit, meat, etc., is carried on.
cannily adverb In a canny manner.
cannons plural of Cannon
cannula noun A small tube of metal, wood, or India rubber, used for various purposes, esp. for injecting or withdrawing fluids. It is usually associated with a trocar.
canonic adjective Alt. of Cannonical
canonry noun pl. A benefice or prebend in a cathedral or collegiate church; a right to a place in chapter and to a portion of its revenues; the dignity or emoluments of a canon.
canopus noun A star of the first magnitude in the southern constellation Argo.
canopes imp. & past participle of Canopy
canting present participle & vb. noun of Cant, Speaking in a whining tone of voice; using technical or religious terms affectedly; affectedly pious; as, a canting rogue; a canting tone., The use of cant; hypocrisy.
cantata noun A poem set to music; a musical composition comprising choruses, solos, interludes, etc., arranged in a somewhat dramatic manner; originally, a composition for a single noise, consisting of both recitative and melody.
canteen noun A vessel used by soldiers for carrying water, liquor, or other drink., The sutler’s shop in a garrison; also, a chest containing culinary and other vessels for officers.
canthus noun The corner where the upper and under eyelids meet on each side of the eye.
cantile verb i. Same as Cantle, v. t.
cantine noun See Canteen.
cantion noun A song or verses.
cantlet noun A piece; a fragment; a corner.
cantoon noun A cotton stuff showing a fine cord on one side and a satiny surface on the other.
cantrap noun Alt. of Cantrip
cantrip noun A charm; an incantation; a shell; a trick; adroit mischief.
cantred noun Alt. of Cantref
cantref noun A district comprising a hundred villages, as in Wales.
canular adjective Alt. of Canulated
canvass noun To sift; to strain; to examine thoroughly; to scrutinize; as, to canvass the votes cast at an election; to canvass a district with reference to its probable vote., To examine by discussion; to debate., To go trough, with personal solicitation or public addresses; as, to canvass a district for votes; to canvass a city for subscriptions., To search thoroughly; to engage in solicitation by traversing a district; as, to canvass for subscriptions or for votes; to canvass for a book, a publisher, or in behalf of a charity; — commonly followed by for., Close inspection; careful review for verification; as, a canvass of votes., Examination in the way of discussion or debate., Search; exploration; solicitation; systematic effort to obtain votes, subscribers, etc.
canzone noun A song or air for one or more voices, of Provencal origin, resembling, though not strictly, the madrigal., An instrumental piece in the madrigal style.
capping present participle & vb. noun of Cap
capable adjective Possessing ability, qualification, or susceptibility; having capacity; of sufficient size or strength; as, a room capable of holding a large number; a castle capable of resisting a long assault., Possessing adequate power; qualified; able; fully competent; as, a capable instructor; a capable judge; a mind capable of nice investigations., Possessing legal power or capacity; as, a man capable of making a contract, or a will., Capacious; large; comprehensive.
capapie adverb From head to foot; at all points.
caparro noun A large South American monkey (Lagothrix Humboldtii), with prehensile tail.
capcase noun A small traveling case or bandbox; formerly, a chest.
capelan noun See Capelin.
capelin noun A small marine fish (Mallotus villosus) of the family Salmonidae, very abundant on the coasts of Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland, and Alaska. It is used as a bait for the cod.
capella noun A brilliant star in the constellation Auriga.
capelle noun The private orchestra or band of a prince or of a church.
capered imp. & past participle of Caper
caperer noun One who capers, leaps, and skips about, or dances.
capital noun Of or pertaining to the head., Having reference to, or involving, the forfeiture of the head or life; affecting life; punishable with death; as, capital trials; capital punishment., First in importance; chief; principal., Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the general government of a state or nation; as, Washington and Paris are capital cities., Of first rate quality; excellent; as, a capital speech or song., The head or uppermost member of a column, pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts, abacus, bell (or vase), and necking. See these terms, and Column., The seat of government; the chief city or town in a country; a metropolis., Money, property, or stock employed in trade, manufactures, etc.; the sum invested or lent, as distinguished from the income or interest. See Capital stock, under Capital, a., That portion of the produce of industry, which may be directly employed either to support human beings or to assist in production., Anything which can be used to increase one’s power or influence., An imaginary line dividing a bastion, ravelin, or other work, into two equal parts., A chapter, or section, of a book., See Capital letter, under Capital, a.
capitol The temple of Jupiter, at Rome, on the Mona Capitolinus, where the Senate met., The edifice at Washington occupied by the Congress of the United States; also, the building in which the legislature of State holds its sessions; a statehouse.
capling noun The cap or coupling of a flail, through which the thongs pass which connect the handle and swingel.
caponet noun A young capon.
capouch noun & verb t. Same as Capoch.
cappeak noun The front piece of a cap; — now more commonly called visor.
caprate noun A salt of capric acid.
caprice verb i. An abrupt change in feeling, opinion, or action, proceeding from some whim or fancy; a freak; a notion., See Capriccio.
caprine adjective Of or pertaining to a goat; as, caprine gambols.
caproic adjective See under Capric.
capsize verb t. & i. To upset or overturn, as a vessel or other body., An upset or overturn.
capstan noun A vertical cleated drum or cylinder, revolving on an upright spindle, and surmounted by a drumhead with sockets for bars or levers. It is much used, especially on shipboard, for moving or raising heavy weights or exerting great power by traction upon a rope or cable, passing around the drum. It is operated either by steam power or by a number of men walking around the capstan, each pushing on the end of a lever fixed in its socket.
capsule noun a dry fruit or pod which is made up of several parts or carpels, and opens to discharge the seeds, as, the capsule of the poppy, the flax, the lily, etc., A small saucer of clay for roasting or melting samples of ores, etc.; a scorifier., a small, shallow, evaporating dish, usually of porcelain., A small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous envelope in which nauseous or acrid doses are inclosed to be swallowed., A membranous sac containing fluid, or investing an organ or joint; as, the capsule of the lens of the eye. Also, a capsulelike organ., A metallic seal or cover for closing a bottle., A small cup or shell, as of metal, for a percussion cap, cartridge, etc.
captain noun A head, or chief officer, The military officer who commands a company, troop, or battery, or who has the rank entitling him to do so though he may be employed on other service., An officer in the United States navy, next above a commander and below a commodore, and ranking with a colonel in the army., By courtesy, an officer actually commanding a vessel, although not having the rank of captain., The master or commanding officer of a merchant vessel., One in charge of a portion of a ship’s company; as, a captain of a top, captain of a gun, etc., The foreman of a body of workmen., A person having authority over others acting in concert; as, the captain of a boat’s crew; the captain of a football team., A military leader; a warrior., To act as captain of; to lead., Chief; superior.
caption noun A caviling; a sophism., The act of taking or arresting a person by judicial process., That part of a legal instrument, as a commission, indictment, etc., which shows where, when, and by what authority, it was taken, found, or executed., The heading of a chapter, section, or page.
captive noun A prisoner taken by force or stratagem, esp., by an enemy, in war; one kept in bondage or in the power of another., One charmed or subdued by beaty, excellence, or affection; one who is captivated., Made prisoner, especially in war; held in bondage or in confinement., Subdued by love; charmed; captivated., Of or pertaining to bondage or confinement; serving to confine; as, captive chains; captive hours., To take prisoner; to capture.
capture noun The act of seizing by force, or getting possession of by superior power or by stratagem; as, the capture of an enemy, a vessel, or a criminal., The securing of an object of strife or desire, as by the power of some attraction., The thing taken by force, surprise, or stratagem; a prize; prey., To seize or take possession of by force, surprise, or stratagem; to overcome and hold; to secure by effort.
capulet noun Same as Capellet.
capulin noun The Mexican cherry (Prunus Capollin).
carabid adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the genus Carbus or family Carabidae., One of the Carabidae, a family of active insectivorous beetles.
carabus noun A genus of ground beetles, including numerous species. They devour many injurious insects.
caracal noun A lynx (Felis, or Lynx, caracal.) It is a native of Africa and Asia. Its ears are black externally, and tipped with long black hairs.
caramel noun Burnt sugar; a brown or black porous substance obtained by heating sugar. It is soluble in water, and is used for coloring spirits, gravies, etc., A kind of confectionery, usually a small cube or square of tenacious paste, or candy, of varying composition and flavor.
carapax noun See Carapace.
caravan noun A company of travelers, pilgrims, or merchants, organized and equipped for a long journey, or marching or traveling together, esp. through deserts and countries infested by robbers or hostile tribes, as in Asia or Africa., A large, covered wagon, or a train of such wagons, for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition; an itinerant show, as of wild beasts., A covered vehicle for carrying passengers or for moving furniture, etc.; — sometimes shorted into van.
caravel noun A name given to several kinds of vessels., The caravel of the 16th century was a small vessel with broad bows, high, narrow poop, four masts, and lateen sails. Columbus commanded three caravels on his great voyage., A Portuguese vessel of 100 or 150 tons burden., A small fishing boat used on the French coast., A Turkish man-of-war.
caraway noun A biennial plant of the Parsley family (Carum Carui). The seeds have an aromatic smell, and a warm, pungent taste. They are used in cookery and confectionery, and also in medicine as a carminative., A cake or sweetmeat containing caraway seeds.
carbide noun A binary compound of carbon with some other element or radical, in which the carbon plays the part of a negative; — formerly termed carburet.
carbine noun A short, light musket or rifle, esp. one used by mounted soldiers or cavalry.
carbone verb t. To broil. [Obs.] “We had a calf’s head carboned”.
carcase noun See Carcass.
carcass noun A dead body, whether of man or beast; a corpse; now commonly the dead body of a beast., The living body; — now commonly used in contempt or ridicule., The abandoned and decaying remains of some bulky and once comely thing, as a ship; the skeleton, or the uncovered or unfinished frame, of a thing., A hollow case or shell, filled with combustibles, to be thrown from a mortar or howitzer, to set fire to buldings, ships, etc.
carding present participle & vb. noun of Card, The act or process of preparing staple for spinning, etc., by carding it. See the Note under Card, v. t., A roll of wool or other fiber as it comes from the carding machine.
cardecu noun A quarter of a crown.
cardiac adjective Pertaining to, resembling, or hear the heart; as, the cardiac arteries; the cardiac, or left, end of the stomach., Exciting action in the heart, through the medium of the stomach; cordial; stimulant., A medicine which excites action in the stomach; a cardial.
cardoon noun A large herbaceous plant (Cynara Cardunculus) related to the artichoke; — used in cookery and as a salad.
careful adjective Full of care; anxious; solicitous., Filling with care or solicitude; exposing to concern, anxiety, or trouble; painful., Taking care; giving good heed; watchful; cautious; provident; not indifferent, heedless, or reckless; — often followed by of, for, or the infinitive; as, careful of money; careful to do right.
cargoes plural of Cargo
cariama noun A large, long-legged South American bird (Dicholophus cristatus) which preys upon snakes, etc. See Seriema.
caribou noun The American reindeer, especially the common or woodland species (Rangifer Caribou).
cariole noun A small, light, open one-horse carriage, A covered cart, A kind of calash. See Carryall.
carious adjective Affected with caries; decaying; as, a carious tooth.
carking adjective Distressing; worrying; perplexing; corroding; as, carking cares.
carline noun Alt. of Caroline, Alt. of Carling
carling noun A short timber running lengthwise of a ship, from one transverse desk beam to another; also, one of the cross timbers that strengthen a hath; — usually in pl.
carlist noun A partisan of Charles X. of France, or of Don Carlos of Spain.
carlock noun A sort of Russian isinglass, made from the air bladder of the sturgeon, and used in clarifying wine.
carmine noun A rich red or crimson color with a shade of purple., A beautiful pigment, or a lake, of this color, prepared from cochineal, and used in miniature painting., The essential coloring principle of cochineal, extracted as a purple-red amorphous mass. It is a glucoside and possesses acid properties; — hence called also carminic acid.
carnage noun Flesh of slain animals or men., Great destruction of life, as in battle; bloodshed; slaughter; massacre; murder; havoc.
carnary noun A vault or crypt in connection with a church, used as a repository for human bones disintered from their original burial places; a charnel house.
carnate adjective Invested with, or embodied in, flesh.
carnify verb i. To form flesh; to become like flesh.
carnose adjective Alt. of Carnous
carnous adjective Of or pertaining to flesh; fleshy., Of a fleshy consistence; — applied to succulent leaves, stems, etc.
caroche noun A kind of pleasure carriage; a coach.
caroled imp. & past participle of Carol
carolin noun A former gold coin of Germany worth nearly five dollars; also, a gold coin of Sweden worth nearly five dollars.
carolus noun An English gold coin of the value of twenty or twenty-three shillings. It was first struck in the reign of Charles I.
caromel noun See Caramel.
carotic adjective Of or pertaining to stupor; as, a carotic state., Carotid; as, the carotic arteries.
carotid noun One of the two main arteries of the neck, by which blood is conveyed from the aorta to the head. [See Illust. of Aorta.], Alt. of Carotidal
carotin noun A red crystallizable tasteless substance, extracted from the carrot.
carouse noun A large draught of liquor., A drinking match; a carousal., To drink deeply or freely in compliment; to take part in a carousal; to engage in drunken revels., To drink up; to drain; to drink freely or jovially.
carping present participle & vb. noun of Carp, Fault-finding; censorious caviling. See Captious.
carpale noun One of the bones or cartilages of the carpus; esp. one of the series articulating with the metacarpals.
carrack noun See Carack.
carrick noun A carack. See Carack.
carrier noun One who, or that which, carries or conveys; a messenger., One who is employed, or makes it his business, to carry goods for others for hire; a porter; a teamster., That which drives or carries; as: (a) A piece which communicates to an object in a lathe the motion of the face plate; a lathe dog. (b) A spool holder or bobbin holder in a braiding machine. (c) A movable piece in magazine guns which transfers the cartridge to a position from which it can be thrust into the barrel.
carrion noun The dead and putrefying body or flesh of an animal; flesh so corrupted as to be unfit for food., A contemptible or worthless person; — a term of reproach., Of or pertaining to dead and putrefying carcasses; feeding on carrion.
carroty adjective Like a carrot in color or in taste; — an epithet given to reddish yellow hair, etc.
carried imp. & past participle of Carry
carries plural of Carry
carting present participle & vb. noun of Cart
cartage noun The act of carrying in a cart., The price paid for carting.
cartman noun One who drives or uses a cart; a teamster; a carter.
cartoon noun A design or study drawn of the full size, to serve as a model for transferring or copying; — used in the making of mosaics, tapestries, fresco pantings and the like; as, the cartoons of Raphael., A large pictorial sketch, as in a journal or magazine; esp. a pictorial caricature; as, the cartoons of “Puck.”
cartway noun A way or road for carts.
carving present participle & vb. noun of Carve, The act or art of one who carves., A piece of decorative work cut in stone, wood, or other material., The whole body of decorative sculpture of any kind or epoch, or in any material; as, the Italian carving of the 15th century.
carvene noun An oily substance, C10H16, extracted from oil caraway.
carvist noun A hawk which is of proper age and training to be carried on the hand; a hawk in its first year.
cascade noun A fall of water over a precipice, as in a river or brook; a waterfall less than a cataract., To fall in a cascade., To vomit.
caseous adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, cheese; having the qualities of cheese; cheesy.
cashier noun One who has charge of money; a cash keeper; the officer who has charge of the payments and receipts (moneys, checks, notes), of a bank or a mercantile company., To dismiss or discard; to discharge; to dismiss with ignominy from military service or from an office or place of trust., To put away or reject; to disregard.
casings noun pl. Dried dung of cattle used as fuel.
casinos plural of Casino
cassada noun See Cassava.
cassate verb t. To render void or useless; to vacate or annul.
cassava noun A shrubby euphorbiaceous plant of the genus Manihot, with fleshy rootstocks yielding an edible starch; — called also manioc., A nutritious starch obtained from the rootstocks of the cassava plant, used as food and in making tapioca.
cassino noun A game at cards, played by two or more persons, usually for twenty-one points.
cassius noun A brownish purple pigment, obtained by the action of some compounds of tin upon certain salts of gold. It is used in painting and staining porcelain and glass to give a beautiful purple color. Commonly called Purple of Cassius.
cassock noun A long outer garment formerly worn by men and women, as well as by soldiers as part of their uniform., A garment resembling a long frock coat worn by the clergy of certain churches when officiating, and by others as the usually outer garment.
casting present participle & vb. noun of Cast, The act of one who casts or throws, as in fishing., The act or process of making casts or impressions, or of shaping metal or plaster in a mold; the act or the process of pouring molten metal into a mold., That which is cast in a mold; esp. the mass of metal so cast; as, a casting in iron; bronze casting., The warping of a board., The act of casting off, or that which is cast off, as skin, feathers, excrement, etc.
castled imp. & past participle of Castle, Having a castle or castles; supporting a castle; as, a castled height or crag., Fortified; turreted; as, castled walls.
castlet noun A small castle.
castrel noun See Kestrel.
casuist noun One who is skilled in, or given to, casuistry., To play the casuist.
catting present participle & vb. noun of Cat
cataian noun A native of Cathay or China; a foreigner; — formerly a term of reproach.
catalan adjective Of or pertaining to Catalonia., A native or inhabitant of Catalonia; also, the language of Catalonia.
catalog noun & verb Catalogue.
catalpa noun A genus of American and East Indian trees, of which the best know species are the Catalpa bignonioides, a large, ornamental North American tree, with spotted white flowers and long cylindrical pods, and the C. speciosa, of the Mississipi valley; — called also Indian bean.
catarrh noun An inflammatory affection of any mucous membrane, in which there are congestion, swelling, and an altertion in the quantity and quality of mucus secreted; as, catarrh of the stomach; catarrh of the bladder.
catawba noun A well known light red variety of American grape., A light-colored, sprightly American wine from the Catawba grape.
catbird noun An American bird (Galeoscoptes Carolinensis), allied to the mocking bird, and like it capable of imitating the notes of other birds, but less perfectly. Its note resembles at times the mewing of a cat.
catboat noun A small sailboat, with a single mast placed as far forward as possible, carring a sail extended by a gaff and long boom. See Illustration in Appendix.
catcall noun A sound like the cry of a cat, such as is made in playhouses to express dissatisfaction with a play; also, a small shrill instrument for making such a noise.
catched of Catch
catcher noun One who, or that which, catches., The player who stands behind the batsman to catch the ball.
catchup noun Alt. of Catsup
catechu noun A dry, brown, astringent extract, obtained by decoction and evaporation from the Acacia catechu, and several other plants growing in India. It contains a large portion of tannin or tannic acid, and is used in medicine and in the arts. It is also known by the names terra japonica, cutch, gambier, etc.
catered imp. & past participle of Cater
cateran noun A Highland robber: a kind of irregular soldier.
caterer noun One who caters.
catfall noun A rope used in hoisting the anchor to the cathead.
catfish noun A name given in the United States to various species of siluroid fishes; as, the yellow cat (Amiurus natalis); the bind cat (Gronias nigrilabrus); the mud cat (Pilodictic oilwaris), the stone cat (Noturus flavus); the sea cat (Arius felis), etc. This name is also sometimes applied to the wolf fish. See Bullhrad.
cathead noun A projecting piece of timber or iron near the bow of vessel, to which the anchor is hoisted and secured.
catheti plural of Cathetus
cathode noun The part of a voltaic battery by which the electric current leaves substances through which it passes, or the surface at which the electric current passes out of the electrolyte; the negative pole; — opposed to anode.
catlike adjective Like a cat; stealthily; noiselessly.
catling noun A little cat; a kitten., Catgut; a catgut string., A double-edged, sharp-pointed dismembering knife.
catmint noun A well-know plant of the genus Nepeta (N. Cataria), somewhat like mint, having a string scent, and sometimes used in medicine. It is so called because cats have a peculiar fondness for it.
catpipe noun See Catcall.
cattish adjective Catlike; feline
caudata noun pl. See Urodela.
caudate adjective Alt. of Caudated
caudled imp. & past participle of Caudle
cauline adjective Growing immediately on a caulis; of or pertaining to a caulis.
causing present participle & verb noun of Cause
caustic adjective Alt. of Caustical, Any substance or means which, applied to animal or other organic tissue, burns, corrodes, or destroys it by chemical action; an escharotic., A caustic curve or caustic surface.
cautery noun A burning or searing, as of morbid flesh, with a hot iron, or by application of a caustic that will burn, corrode, or destroy animal tissue., The iron of other agent in cauterizing.
caution noun A careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure or harm may be avoided; prudence in regard to danger; provident care; wariness., Security; guaranty; bail., Precept or warning against evil of any kind; exhortation to wariness; advice; injunction., To give notice of danger to; to warn; to exhort [one] to take heed.
cavally noun A carangoid fish of the Atlantic coast (Caranx hippos): — called also horse crevalle. [See Illust. under Carangoid.]
cavalry noun That part of military force which serves on horseback.
cavezon noun A kind of noseband used in breaking and training horses.
cavetto noun A concave molding; — used chiefly in classical architecture. See Illust. of Column.
caviare noun Alt. of Caviar
caviled imp. & past participle of Cavil
caviler noun Alt. of Caviller
cayenne noun Cayenne pepper.
cayugas noun pl. A tribe of Indians formerly inhabiting western New-York, forming part of the confederacy called the Five Nations.
cazique noun Alt. of Cazic