7 letter word starting with ce

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ceasing present participle & vb. noun of Cease
cedared adjective Covered, or furnished with, cedars.
cedilla noun A mark placed under the letter c [thus, c], to show that it is to be sounded like s, as in facade.
cedrene noun A rich aromatic oil, C15H24, extracted from oil of red cedar, and regarded as a polymeric terpene; also any one of a class of similar substances, as the essential oils of cloves, cubebs, juniper, etc., of which cedrene proper is the type.
cedrine adjective Of or pertaining to cedar or the cedar tree.
ceduous adjective Fit to be felled.
ceiling present participle & vb. noun of Ceil, The inside lining of a room overhead; the under side of the floor above; the upper surface opposite to the floor., The lining or finishing of any wall or other surface, with plaster, thin boards, etc.; also, the work when done., The inner planking of a vessel.
celadon noun A pale sea-green color; also, porcelain or fine pottery of this tint.
cellule noun A small cell.
celsius noun The Celsius thermometer or scale, so called from Anders Celsius, a Swedish astronomer, who invented it. It is the same as the centigrade thermometer or scale.
cembalo noun An old name for the harpsichord.
censing present participle & vb. noun of Cense
censual adjective Relating to, or containing, a census.
censure noun Judgment either favorable or unfavorable; opinion., The act of blaming or finding fault with and condemning as wrong; reprehension; blame., Judicial or ecclesiastical sentence or reprimand; condemnatory judgment., To form or express a judgment in regard to; to estimate; to judge., To find fault with and condemn as wrong; to blame; to express disapprobation of., To condemn or reprimand by a judicial or ecclesiastical sentence., To judge.
centage noun Rate by the hundred; percentage.
centare noun A measure of area, the hundredth part of an are; one square meter, or about 1/ square yards.
centaur noun A fabulous being, represented as half man and half horse., A constellation in the southern heavens between Hydra and the Southern Cross.
centred of Centre
centesm noun Hundredth.
centime noun The hundredth part of a franc; a small French copper coin and money of account.
centner noun A weight divisible first into a hundred parts, and then into smaller parts., The commercial hundredweight in several of the continental countries, varying in different places from 100 to about 112 pounds.
central adjective Relating to the center; situated in or near the center or middle; containing the center; of or pertaining to the parts near the center; equidistant or equally accessible from certain points., Alt. of Centrale
centric adjective Alt. of Centrical
centrum noun The body, or axis, of a vertebra. See Vertebra.
century noun A hundred; as, a century of sonnets; an aggregate of a hundred things., A period of a hundred years; as, this event took place over two centuries ago., A division of the Roman people formed according to their property, for the purpose of voting for civil officers., One of sixty companies into which a legion of the army was divided. It was Commanded by a centurion.
cephalo A combining form denoting the head, of the head, connected with the head; as, cephalosome, cephalopod.
cepheus noun A northern constellation near the pole. Its head, which is in the Milky Way, is marked by a triangle formed by three stars of the fourth magnitude. See Cassiopeia.
ceramic adjective Of or pertaining to pottery; relating to the art of making earthenware; as, ceramic products; ceramic ornaments for ceilings.
cerasin noun A white amorphous substance, the insoluble part of cherry gum; — called also meta-arabinic acid., A gummy mucilaginous substance; — called also bassorin, tragacanthin, etc.
cerated p. adjective Covered with wax.
cerebel noun The cerebellum.
cerebra plural of Cerebrum
cereous adjective Waxen; like wax.
ceresin noun A white wax, made by bleaching and purifying ozocerite, and used as a substitute for beeswax.
cerosin noun A waxy substance obtained from the bark of the sugar cane, and crystallizing in delicate white laminae.
cerotic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, beeswax or Chinese wax; as, cerotic acid or alcohol.
cerotin noun A white crystalline substance, C27H55.OH, obtained from Chinese wax, and regarded as an alcohol of the marsh gas series; — called also cerotic alcohol, ceryl alcohol.
cerrial adjective Of or pertaining to the cerris.
certain adjective Assured in mind; having no doubts; free from suspicions concerning., Determined; resolved; — used with an infinitive., Not to be doubted or denied; established as a fact., Actually existing; sure to happen; inevitable., Unfailing; infallible., Fixed or stated; regular; determinate., Not specifically named; indeterminate; indefinite; one or some; — sometimes used independenty as a noun, and meaning certain persons., Certainty., A certain number or quantity., Certainly.
certify verb t. To give cetain information to; to assure; to make certain., To give certain information of; to make certain, as a fact; to verify., To testify to in writing; to make a declaration concerning, in writing, under hand, or hand and seal.
cerumen noun The yellow, waxlike secretion from the glands of the external ear; the earwax.
cerused adjective Washed with a preparation of white lead; as, cerused face.
cervine adjective Of or pertaining to the deer, or to the family Cervidae.
cessing present participle & vb. noun of Cess
cessant adjective Inactive; dormant
cession noun A yielding to physical force., Concession; compliance., A yielding, or surrender, as of property or rights, to another person; the act of ceding., The giving up or vacating a benefice by accepting another without a proper dispensation., The voluntary surrender of a person’s effects to his creditors to avoid imprisonment.
cestode adjective Of or pertaining to the Cestoidea., One of the Cestoidea.
cestoid adjective Of or pertaining to the Cestoidea., One of the Cestoidea.
cesural adjective See Caesural.
cetacea noun pl. An order of marine mammals, including the whales. Like ordinary mammals they breathe by means of lungs, and bring forth living young which they suckle for some time. The anterior limbs are changed to paddles; the tail flukes are horizontal. There are two living suborders:
cetylic adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, spermaceti.