7 letter word starting with chi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
chiasma noun A commissure; especially, the optic commissure, or crucial union of the optic nerves.
chibbal noun See Cibol.
chibouk noun A Turkish pipe, usually with a mouthpiece of amber, a stem, four or five feet long and not pliant, of some valuable wood, and a bowl of baked clay.
chicane noun The use of artful subterfuge, designed to draw away attention from the merits of a case or question; — specifically applied to legal proceedings; trickery; chicanery; caviling; sophistry., To use shifts, cavils, or artifices.
chiches plural of Chich
chicken noun A young bird or fowl, esp. a young barnyard fowl., A young person; a child; esp. a young woman; a maiden.
chicory noun A branching perennial plant (Cichorium Intybus) with bright blue flowers, growing wild in Europe, Asia, and America; also cultivated for its roots and as a salad plant; succory; wild endive. See Endive., The root, which is roasted for mixing with coffee.
chiefly adverb In the first place; principally; preeminently; above; especially., For the most part; mostly.
chierte noun Love; tender regard.
chignon noun A knot, boss, or mass of hair, natural or artificial, worn by a woman at the back of the head.
chikara noun The goat antelope (Tragops Bennettii) of India., The Indian four-horned antelope (Tetraceros quadricornis).
childed imp. & past participle of Child, Furnished with a child.
childly adjective Having the character of a child; belonging, or appropriate, to a child., Like a child.
chiliad noun A thousand; the aggregate of a thousand things; especially, a period of a thousand years.
chilian adjective Of or pertaining to Chili., A native or citizen of Chili., Alt. of Chiliarch
chilled imp. & past participle of Chill, Hardened on the surface or edge by chilling; as, chilled iron; a chilled wheel., Having that cloudiness or dimness of surface that is called “blooming.”
chiloma noun The tumid upper lip of certain mammals, as of a camel.
chiming present participle & vb. noun of Chime
chimera noun A monster represented as vomiting flames, and as having the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a dragon., A vain, foolish, or incongruous fancy, or creature of the imagination; as, the chimera of an author.
chimere noun The upper robe worn by a bishop, to which lawn sleeves are usually attached.
chimney noun A fireplace or hearth., That part of a building which contains the smoke flues; esp. an upright tube or flue of brick or stone, in most cases extending through or above the roof of the building. Often used instead of chimney shaft., A tube usually of glass, placed around a flame, as of a lamp, to create a draft, and promote combustion., A body of ore, usually of elongated form, extending downward in a vein.
chincha noun A south American rodent of the genus Lagotis.
chinche adjective Parsimonious; niggardly.
chinese adjective Of or pertaining to China; peculiar to China., A native or natives of China, or one of that yellow race with oblique eyelids who live principally in China., The language of China, which is monosyllabic.
chinked imp. & past participle of Chink
chinned adjective Having a chin; — used chiefly in compounds; as, short-chinned.
chinone noun See Quinone.
chinook noun One of a tribe of North American Indians now living in the state of Washington, noted for the custom of flattening their skulls. Chinooks also called Flathead Indians., A warm westerly wind from the country of the Chinooks, sometimes experienced on the slope of the Rocky Mountains, in Montana and the adjacent territory., A jargon of words from various languages (the largest proportion of which is from that of the Chinooks) generally understood by all the Indian tribes of the northwestern territories of the United States.
chinsed imp. & past participle of Chinse
chipped imp. & past participle of Chip
chipper verb i. To chirp or chirrup., Lively; cheerful; talkative.
chirped imp. & past participle of Chirp
chirper noun One who chirps, or is cheerful.
chirrup verb t. To quicken or animate by chirping; to cherup., To chirp., The act of chirping; a chirp.
chisleu noun The ninth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, answering to a part of November with a part of December.
chisley adjective Having a large admixture of small pebbles or gravel; — said of a soil.
chitter verb i. To chirp in a tremulous manner, as a bird., To shiver or chatter with cold.
chittra noun The axis deer of India.
chivied imp. & past participle of Chivy