7 letter word starting with ci

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ciboria plural of Ciborium
cicadas plural of Cicada
cicadae plural of Cicada
ciliary adjective Pertaining to the cilia, or eyelashes. Also applied to special parts of the eye itself; as, the ciliary processes of the choroid coat; the ciliary muscle, etc., Pertaining to or connected with the cilia in animal or vegetable organisms; as, ciliary motion.
ciliata noun pl. One of the orders of Infusoria, characterized by having cilia. In some species the cilia cover the body generally, in others they form a band around the mouth.
ciliate adjective Alt. of Ciliated
cimbric adjective Pertaining to the Cimbri, an ancient tribe inhabiting Northern Germany., The language of the Cimbri.
cimeter noun See Scimiter.
cimices plural of Cimex
cindery adjective Resembling, or composed of, cinders; full of cinders.
cipolin noun A whitish marble, from Rome, containiing pale greenish zones. It consists of calcium carbonate, with zones and cloudings of talc.
circean adjective Having the characteristics of Circe, daughter of Sol and Perseis, a mythological enchantress, who first charmed her victims and then changed them to the forms of beasts; pleasing, but noxious; as, a Circean draught.
circled imp. & past participle of Circle, Having the form of a circle; round.
circler noun A mean or inferior poet, perhaps from his habit of wandering around as a stroller; an itinerant poet. Also, a name given to the cyclic poets. See under Cyclic, a.
circlet noun A little circle; esp., an ornament for the person, having the form of a circle; that which encircles, as a ring, a bracelet, or a headband., A round body; an orb., A circular piece of wood put under a dish at table.
circuit noun The act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution; as, the periodical circuit of the earth round the sun., The circumference of, or distance round, any space; the measure of a line round an area., That which encircles anything, as a ring or crown., The space inclosed within a circle, or within limits., A regular or appointed journeying from place to place in the exercise of one’s calling, as of a judge, or a preacher., A certain division of a state or country, established by law for a judge or judges to visit, for the administration of justice., A district in which an itinerant preacher labors., Circumlocution., To move in a circle; to go round; to circulate., To travel around.
circum- A Latin preposition, used as a prefix in many English words, and signifying around or about.
cirrate adjective Having cirri along the margin of a part or organ.
cirrhus noun Same as Cirrus.
cirrose adjective Bearing a tendril or tendrils; as, a cirrose leaf., Resembling a tendril or cirrus.
cirrous adjective Cirrose., Tufted; — said of certain feathers of birds.
cirsoid adjective Varicose.
cissoid noun A curve invented by Diocles, for the purpose of solving two celebrated problems of the higher geometry; viz., to trisect a plane angle, and to construct two geometrical means between two given straight lines.
cistern noun An artificial reservoir or tank for holding water, beer, or other liquids., A natural reservoir; a hollow place containing water.
citable adjective Capable of being cited.
citadel noun A fortress in or near a fortified city, commanding the city and fortifications, and intended as a final point of defense.
citator noun One who cites.
cithara noun An ancient instrument resembling the harp.
cithern noun See Cittern.
citiner noun One who is born or bred in a city; a citizen.
citizen noun One who enjoys the freedom and privileges of a city; a freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one not entitled to its franchises., An inhabitant of a city; a townsman., A person, native or naturalized, of either sex, who owes allegiance to a government, and is entitled to reciprocal protection from it., One who is domiciled in a country, and who is a citizen, though neither native nor naturalized, in such a sense that he takes his legal status from such country., Having the condition or qualities of a citizen, or of citizens; as, a citizen soldiery., Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of a city; characteristic of citizens; effeminate; luxurious.
citrate noun A salt of citric acid.
citrine adjective Like a citron or lemon; of a lemon color; greenish yellow., A yellow, pellucid variety of quartz.
cittern noun An instrument shaped like a lute, but strung with wire and played with a quill or plectrum.