7 letter word starting with cir

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
circean adjective Having the characteristics of Circe, daughter of Sol and Perseis, a mythological enchantress, who first charmed her victims and then changed them to the forms of beasts; pleasing, but noxious; as, a Circean draught.
circled imp. & past participle of Circle, Having the form of a circle; round.
circler noun A mean or inferior poet, perhaps from his habit of wandering around as a stroller; an itinerant poet. Also, a name given to the cyclic poets. See under Cyclic, a.
circlet noun A little circle; esp., an ornament for the person, having the form of a circle; that which encircles, as a ring, a bracelet, or a headband., A round body; an orb., A circular piece of wood put under a dish at table.
circuit noun The act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution; as, the periodical circuit of the earth round the sun., The circumference of, or distance round, any space; the measure of a line round an area., That which encircles anything, as a ring or crown., The space inclosed within a circle, or within limits., A regular or appointed journeying from place to place in the exercise of one’s calling, as of a judge, or a preacher., A certain division of a state or country, established by law for a judge or judges to visit, for the administration of justice., A district in which an itinerant preacher labors., Circumlocution., To move in a circle; to go round; to circulate., To travel around.
circum- A Latin preposition, used as a prefix in many English words, and signifying around or about.
cirrate adjective Having cirri along the margin of a part or organ.
cirrhus noun Same as Cirrus.
cirrose adjective Bearing a tendril or tendrils; as, a cirrose leaf., Resembling a tendril or cirrus.
cirrous adjective Cirrose., Tufted; — said of certain feathers of birds.
cirsoid adjective Varicose.