7 letter word starting with cli

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
clicked imp. & past participle of Click
clicker noun One who stands before a shop door to invite people to buy., One who as has charge of the work of a companionship.
clicket noun The knocker of a door., A latch key.
cliency noun State of being a client.
clifted adjective Broken; fissured.
climate verb i. One of thirty regions or zones, parallel to the equator, into which the surface of the earth from the equator to the pole was divided, according to the successive increase of the length of the midsummer day., The condition of a place in relation to various phenomena of the atmosphere, as temperature, moisture, etc., especially as they affect animal or vegetable life., To dwell.
climbed imp. & past participle of Climb
climber noun One who, or that which, climbs, A plant that climbs., A bird that climbs, as a woodpecker or a parrot., To climb; to mount with effort; to clamber.
clinium noun See Clinanthium.
clinked imp. & past participle of Clink
clinker noun A mass composed of several bricks run together by the action of the fire in the kiln., Scoria or vitrified incombustible matter, formed in a grate or furnace where anthracite coal in used; vitrified or burnt matter ejected from a volcano; slag., A scale of oxide of iron, formed in forging., A kind of brick. See Dutch clinker, under Dutch.
clinoid adjective Like a bed; — applied to several processes on the inner side of the sphenoid bone.
clipped imp. & past participle of Clip
clipper noun One who clips; specifically, one who clips off the edges of coin., A machine for clipping hair, esp. the hair of horses., A vessel with a sharp bow, built and rigged for fast sailing.
clivers noun See Cleavers.
clivity noun Inclination; ascent or descent; a gradient.