7 letter word starting with co

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
coached imp. & past participle of Coach
coachee noun A coachman
coagent noun An associate in an act; a coworker.
coagula plural of Coagulum
coaling present participle & vb. noun of Coal
coalery noun See Colliery.
coalite verb i. To unite or coalesce., To cause to unite or coalesce.
co-ally noun A joint ally.
coalpit noun A pit where coal is dug., A place where charcoal is made.
coannex verb t. To annex with something else.
coarsen verb t. To make coarse or vulgar; as, to coarsen one’s character.
coasted imp. & past participle of Coast
coastal adjective Of or pertaining to a coast.
coaster noun A vessel employed in sailing along a coast, or engaged in the coasting trade., One who sails near the shore.
coating present participle & vb. noun of Coat, A coat or covering; a layer of any substance, as a cover or protection; as, the coating of a retort or vial., Cloth for coats; as, an assortment of coatings.
coaxing present participle & vb. noun of Coax
cobbing present participle & vb. noun of Cob, Haughty; purse-proud. See Cob, n., 2.
cobbled imp. & past participle of Cobble
cobbler noun A mender of shoes., A clumsy workman., A beverage. See Sherry cobbler, under Sherry.
cobiron noun An andiron with a knob at the top.
coboose noun See Caboose.
cobourg noun A thin worsted fabric for women’s dresses.
cobswan noun A large swan.
cobwall noun A wall made of clay mixed with straw.
cobwork adjective Built of logs, etc., laid horizontally, with the ends dovetailed together at the corners, as in a log house; in marine work, often surrounding a central space filled with stones; as, a cobwork dock or breakwater.
cocagne noun An imaginary country of idleness and luxury., The land of cockneys; cockneydom; — a term applied to London and its suburbs.
cocaine noun A powerful alkaloid, C17H21NO4, obtained from the leaves of coca. It is a bitter, white, crystalline substance, and is remarkable for producing local insensibility to pain.
cochlea noun An appendage of the labyrinth of the internal ear, which is elongated and coiled into a spiral in mammals. See Ear.
cocking present participle & vb. noun of Cock, Cockfighting.
cockade noun A badge, usually in the form of a rosette, or knot, and generally worn upon the hat; — used as an indication of military or naval service, or party allegiance, and in England as a part of the livery to indicate that the wearer is the servant of a military or naval officer.
cockeye noun A squinting eye., The socket in the ball of a millstone, which sits on the cockhead.
cockled imp. & past participle of Cockle, Inclosed in a shell., Wrinkled; puckered.
cockler noun One who takes and sells cockles.
cockney noun An effeminate person; a spoilt child., A native or resident of the city of London; — used contemptuously., Of or relating to, or like, cockneys.
cockpit noun A pit, or inclosed area, for cockfights., The Privy Council room at Westminster; — so called because built on the site of the cockpit of Whitehall palace., That part of a war vessel appropriated to the wounded during an engagement., In yachts and other small vessels, a space lower than the rest of the deck, which affords easy access to the cabin.
cockshy noun A game in which trinkets are set upon sticks, to be thrown at by the players; — so called from an ancient popular sport which consisted in “shying” or throwing cudgels at live cocks., An object at which stones are flung.
coctile adjective Made by baking, or exposing to heat, as a brick.
coction noun Act of boiling., Digestion., The change which the humorists believed morbific matter undergoes before elimination.
codding adjective Lustful.
coddled imp. & past participle of Coddle
codeine noun One of the opium alkaloids; a white crystalline substance, C18H21NO3, similar to and regarded as a derivative of morphine, but much feebler in its action; — called also codeia.
codetta noun A short passage connecting two sections, but not forming part of either; a short coda.
codices plural of Codex
codfish noun A kind of fish. Same as Cod.
codical adjective Relating to a codex, or a code.
codicil noun A clause added to a will.
codilla noun The coarse tow of flax and hemp.
codille noun A term at omber, signifying that the game is won.
codling noun An apple fit to stew or coddle., An immature apple., A young cod; also, a hake.
coehorn noun A small bronze mortar mounted on a wooden block with handles, and light enough to be carried short distances by two men.
coeliac adjective Alt. of Celiac
coendoo noun The Brazilian porcupine (Cercolades, / Sphingurus, prehensiles), remarkable for its prehensile tail.
coequal adjective Being on an equality in rank or power., One who is on an equality with another.
coerced imp. & past participle of Coerce
coevous adjective Coeval
coexist verb i. To exist at the same time; — sometimes followed by with.
cogging present participle & vb. noun of Cog
cogency noun The quality of being cogent; power of compelling conviction; conclusiveness; force.
coggery noun Trick; deception.
cognate adjective Allied by blood; kindred by birth; specifically (Law), related on the mother’s side., Of the same or a similar nature; of the same family; proceeding from the same stock or root; allied; kindred; as, a cognate language., One who is related to another on the female side., One of a number of things allied in origin or nature; as, certain letters are cognates.
cognati noun pl. Relatives by the mother’s side.
cognize verb t. To know or perceive; to recognize.
cogware noun A coarse, narrow cloth, like frieze, used by the lower classes in the sixteenth century.
cohabit verb To inhabit or reside in company, or in the same place or country., To dwell or live together as husband and wife.
cohered imp. & past participle of Cohere
cohibit verb t. To restrain.
coiling present participle & vb. noun of Coil
coining present participle & vb. noun of Coin
coinage verb t. The act or process of converting metal into money., Coins; the aggregate coin of a time or place., The cost or expense of coining money., The act or process of fabricating or inventing; formation; fabrication; that which is fabricated or forged.
coition noun A coming together; sexual intercourse; copulation.
cojuror noun One who swears to another’s credibility.
cokenay noun A cockney.
coldish adjective Somewhat cold; cool; chilly.
coletit noun Alt. of Coaltit
coaltit noun A small European titmouse (Parus ater), so named from its black color; — called also coalmouse and colemouse.
colical adjective Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of, colic.
colicky adjective Pertaining to, or troubled with, colic; as, a colicky disorder.
colitis noun An inflammation of the large intestine, esp. of its mucous membrane; colonitis.
collate verb t. To compare critically, as books or manuscripts, in order to note the points of agreement or disagreement., To gather and place in order, as the sheets of a book for binding., To present and institute in a benefice, when the person presenting is both the patron and the ordinary; — followed by to., To bestow or confer., To place in a benefice, when the person placing is both the patron and the ordinary.
collaud verb t. To join in praising.
collect verb t. To gather into one body or place; to assemble or bring together; to obtain by gathering., To demand and obtain payment of, as an account, or other indebtedness; as, to collect taxes., To infer from observed facts; to conclude from premises., To assemble together; as, the people collected in a crowd; to accumulate; as, snow collects in banks., To infer; to conclude., A short, comprehensive prayer, adapted to a particular day, occasion, or condition, and forming part of a liturgy.
college noun A collection, body, or society of persons engaged in common pursuits, or having common duties and interests, and sometimes, by charter, peculiar rights and privileges; as, a college of heralds; a college of electors; a college of bishops., A society of scholars or friends of learning, incorporated for study or instruction, esp. in the higher branches of knowledge; as, the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and many American colleges., A building, or number of buildings, used by a college., Fig.: A community.
collide verb i. To strike or dash against each other; to come into collision; to clash; as, the vessels collided; their interests collided., To strike or dash against.
collied p. & adjective Darkened. See Colly, v. t., of Colly
collier noun One engaged in the business of digging mineral coal or making charcoal, or in transporting or dealing in coal., A vessel employed in the coal trade.
colline noun A small hill or mount.
colling verb t. An embrace; dalliance.
collish noun A tool to polish the edge of a sole.
colloid adjective Resembling glue or jelly; characterized by a jellylike appearance; gelatinous; as, colloid tumors., A substance (as albumin, gum, gelatin, etc.) which is of a gelatinous rather than a crystalline nature, and which diffuses itself through animal membranes or vegetable parchment more slowly than crystalloids do; — opposed to crystalloid., A gelatinous substance found in colloid degeneration and colloid cancer.
collude verb i. To have secretly a joint part or share in an action; to play into each other’s hands; to conspire; to act in concert.
cologne noun A perfumed liquid, composed of alcohol and certain aromatic oils, used in the toilet; — called also cologne water and eau de cologne.
colombo noun See Calumba.
colonel noun The chief officer of a regiment; an officer ranking next above a lieutenant colonel and next below a brigadier general.
coloner noun A colonist.
colored imp. & past participle of Color, Having color; tinged; dyed; painted; stained., Specious; plausible; adorned so as to appear well; as, a highly colored description., Of some other color than black or white., Of some other color than white; specifically applied to negroes or persons having negro blood; as, a colored man; the colored people., Of some other color than green.
colossi plural of Colossus
coltish adjective Like a colt; wanton; frisky.
coluber noun A genus of harmless serpents.
columba noun See Calumba.
columbo noun See Calumba.
colures plural of Colure
co-mate noun A companion.
combing present participle & vb. noun of Comb, The act or process of using a comb or a number of combs; as, the combing of one’s hair; the combing of wool., That which is caught or collected with a comb, as loose, tangled hair., Hair arranged to be worn on the head., See Coamings.
combine verb t. To unite or join; to link closely together; to bring into harmonious union; to cause or unite so as to form a homogeneous substance, as by chemical union., To bind; to hold by a moral tie., To form a union; to agree; to coalesce; to confederate., To unite by affinity or natural attraction; as, two substances, which will not combine of themselves, may be made to combine by the intervention of a third., In the game of casino, to play a card which will take two or more cards whose aggregate number of pips equals those of the card played.
combust adjective Burnt; consumed., So near the sun as to be obscured or eclipsed by his light, as the moon or planets when not more than eight degrees and a half from the sun.
cometic adjective Relating to a comet.
comfort verb t. To make strong; to invigorate; to fortify; to corroborate., To assist or help; to aid., To impart strength and hope to; to encourage; to relieve; to console; to cheer., Assistance; relief; support., Encouragement; solace; consolation in trouble; also, that which affords consolation., A state of quiet enjoyment; freedom from pain, want, or anxiety; also, whatever contributes to such a condition., A wadded bedquilt; a comfortable., Unlawful support, countenance, or encouragement; as, to give aid and comfort to the enemy.
comfrey noun A rough, hairy, perennial plant of several species, of the genus Symphytum.
comical adjective Relating to comedy., Exciting mirth; droll; laughable; as, a comical story.
comicry noun The power of exciting mirth; comicalness.
comitia noun pl. A public assembly of the Roman people for electing officers or passing laws.
command verb t. To order with authority; to lay injunction upon; to direct; to bid; to charge., To exercise direct authority over; to have control of; to have at one’s disposal; to lead., To have within a sphere of control, influence, access, or vision; to dominate by position; to guard; to overlook., To have power or influence of the nature of authority over; to obtain as if by ordering; to receive as a due; to challenge; to claim; as, justice commands the respect and affections of the people; the best goods command the best price., To direct to come; to bestow., To have or to exercise direct authority; to govern; to sway; to influence; to give an order or orders., To have a view, as from a superior position., An authoritative order requiring obedience; a mandate; an injunction., The possession or exercise of authority., Authority; power or right of control; leadership; as, the forces under his command., Power to dominate, command, or overlook by means of position; scope of vision; survey., Control; power over something; sway; influence; as, to have command over one’s temper or voice; the fort has command of the bridge., A body of troops, or any naval or military force or post, or the whole territory under the authority or control of a particular officer.
commark noun The frontier of a country; confines.
commend verb t. To commit, intrust, or give in charge for care or preservation., To recommend as worthy of confidence or regard; to present as worthy of notice or favorable attention., To mention with approbation; to praise; as, to commend a person or an act., To mention by way of courtesy, implying remembrance and good will., Commendation; praise., Compliments; greetings.
comment verb i. To make remarks, observations, or criticism; especially, to write notes on the works of an author, with a view to illustrate his meaning, or to explain particular passages; to write annotations; — often followed by on or upon., To comment on., A remark, observation, or criticism; gossip; discourse; talk., A note or observation intended to explain, illustrate, or criticise the meaning of a writing, book, etc.; explanation; annotation; exposition.
commode noun A kind of headdress formerly worn by ladies, raising the hair and fore part of the cap to a great height., A piece of furniture, so named according to temporary fashion, A chest of drawers or a bureau., A night stand with a compartment for holding a chamber vessel., A kind of close stool., A movable sink or stand for a wash bowl, with closet.
commons noun pl. The mass of the people, as distinguished from the titled classes or nobility; the commonalty; the common people., The House of Commons, or lower house of the British Parliament, consisting of representatives elected by the qualified voters of counties, boroughs, and universities., Provisions; food; fare, — as that provided at a common table in colleges and universities., A club or association for boarding at a common table, as in a college, the members sharing the expenses equally; as, to board in commons., A common; public pasture ground.
commote verb t. To commove; to disturb; to stir up.
commove verb t. To urge; to persuade; to incite., To put in motion; to disturb; to unsettle.
commune verb i. To converse together with sympathy and confidence; to interchange sentiments or feelings; to take counsel., To receive the communion; to partake of the eucharist or Lord’s supper., Communion; sympathetic intercourse or conversation between friends., The commonalty; the common people., A small territorial district in France under the government of a mayor and municipal council; also, the inhabitants, or the government, of such a district. See Arrondissement., Absolute municipal self-government.
commute verb t. To exchange; to put or substitute something else in place of, as a smaller penalty, obligation, or payment, for a greater, or a single thing for an aggregate; hence, to lessen; to diminish; as, to commute a sentence of death to one of imprisonment for life; to commute tithes; to commute charges for fares., To obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution; to effect a commutation., To pay, or arrange to pay, in gross instead of part by part; as, to commute for a year’s travel over a route.
compact past participle & a Joined or held together; leagued; confederated., Composed or made; — with of., Closely or firmly united, as the particles of solid bodies; firm; close; solid; dense., Brief; close; pithy; not diffuse; not verbose; as, a compact discourse., To thrust, drive, or press closely together; to join firmly; to consolidate; to make close; — as the parts which compose a body., To unite or connect firmly, as in a system., An agreement between parties; a covenant or contract.
company noun The state of being a companion or companions; the act of accompanying; fellowship; companionship; society; friendly intercourse., A companion or companions., An assemblage or association of persons, either permanent or transient., Guests or visitors, in distinction from the members of a family; as, to invite company to dine., Society, in general; people assembled for social intercourse., An association of persons for the purpose of carrying on some enterprise or business; a corporation; a firm; as, the East India Company; an insurance company; a joint-stock company., Partners in a firm whose names are not mentioned in its style or title; — often abbreviated in writing; as, Hottinguer & Co., A subdivision of a regiment of troops under the command of a captain, numbering in the United States (full strength) 100 men., The crew of a ship, including the officers; as, a whole ship’s company., The body of actors employed in a theater or in the production of a play., To accompany or go with; to be companion to., To associate., To be a gay companion., To have sexual commerce.
compare verb t. To examine the character or qualities of, as of two or more persons or things, for the purpose of discovering their resemblances or differences; to bring into comparison; to regard with discriminating attention., To represent as similar, for the purpose of illustration; to liken., To inflect according to the degrees of comparison; to state positive, comparative, and superlative forms of; as, most adjectives of one syllable are compared by affixing “- er” and “-est” to the positive form; as, black, blacker, blackest; those of more than one syllable are usually compared by prefixing “more” and “most”, or “less” and “least”, to the positive; as, beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful., To be like or equal; to admit, or be worthy of, comparison; as, his later work does not compare with his earlier., To vie; to assume a likeness or equality., Comparison., Illustration by comparison; simile., To get; to procure; to obtain; to acquire
compart verb t. To divide; to mark out into parts or subdivisions.
compass noun A passing round; circuit; circuitous course., An inclosing limit; boundary; circumference; as, within the compass of an encircling wall., An inclosed space; an area; extent., Extent; reach; sweep; capacity; sphere; as, the compass of his eye; the compass of imagination., Moderate bounds, limits of truth; moderation; due limits; — used with within., The range of notes, or tones, within the capacity of a voice or instrument., An instrument for determining directions upon the earth’s surface by means of a magnetized bar or needle turning freely upon a pivot and pointing in a northerly and southerly direction., A pair of compasses., A circle; a continent., To go about or entirely round; to make the circuit of., To inclose on all sides; to surround; to encircle; to environ; to invest; to besiege; — used with about, round, around, and round about., To reach round; to circumvent; to get within one’s power; to obtain; to accomplish., To curve; to bend into a circular form., To purpose; to intend; to imagine; to plot.
compear verb i. To appear., To appear in court personally or by attorney.
compeer An equal, as in rank, age, prowess, etc.; a companion; a comrade; a mate., To be equal with; to match., Alt. of Compeir
compeir verb i. See Compear.
compend noun A compendium; an epitome; a summary.
compete verb i. To contend emulously; to seek or strive for the same thing, position, or reward for which another is striving; to contend in rivalry, as for a prize or in business; as, tradesmen compete with one another.
compile verb t. To put together; to construct; to build., To contain or comprise., To put together in a new form out of materials already existing; esp., to put together or compose out of materials from other books or documents., To write; to compose.
complex noun Composed of two or more parts; composite; not simple; as, a complex being; a complex idea., Involving many parts; complicated; intricate., Assemblage of related things; collection; complication.
complin noun The last division of the Roman Catholic breviary; the seventh and last of the canonical hours of the Western church; the last prayer of the day, to be said after sunset.
complot noun A plotting together; a confederacy in some evil design; a conspiracy., To plot or plan together; to conspire; to join in a secret design.
compone verb t. To compose; to settle; to arrange., See Compony., Divided into squares of alternate tinctures in a single row; — said of any bearing; or, in the case of a bearing having curved lines, divided into patches of alternate colors following the curve. If there are two rows it is called counter-compony.
compony adjective Alt. of Compone
comport verb i. To bear or endure; to put up (with); as, to comport with an injury., To agree; to accord; to suit; — sometimes followed by with., To bear; to endure; to brook; to put with., To carry; to conduct; — with a reflexive pronoun., Manner of acting; behavior; conduct; deportment.
compose verb t. To form by putting together two or more things or parts; to put together; to make up; to fashion., To form the substance of, or part of the substance of; to constitute., To construct by mental labor; to design and execute, or put together, in a manner involving the adaptation of forms of expression to ideas, or to the laws of harmony or proportion; as, to compose a sentence, a sermon, a symphony, or a picture., To dispose in proper form; to reduce to order; to put in proper state or condition; to adjust; to regulate., To free from agitation or disturbance; to tranquilize; to soothe; to calm; to quiet., To arrange (types) in a composing stick in order for printing; to set (type)., To come to terms.
compost noun A mixture; a compound., A mixture for fertilizing land; esp., a composition of various substances (as muck, mold, lime, and stable manure) thoroughly mingled and decomposed, as in a compost heap., To manure with compost., To mingle, as different fertilizing substances, in a mass where they will decompose and form into a compost.
compote noun A preparation of fruit in sirup in such a manner as to preserve its form, either whole, halved, or quartered; as, a compote of pears.
compter noun A counter.
comptly adverb Neatly.
compute verb t. To determine calculation; to reckon; to count., Computation.
comrade noun A mate, companion, or associate.
comtism noun Positivism; the positive philosophy. See Positivism.
comtist noun A disciple of Comte; a positivist.
conning present participle & vb. noun of Con
conacre verb t. To underlet a portion of, for a single crop; — said of a farm., A system of letting a portion of a farm for a single crop., Also used adjectively; as, the conacre system or principle.
conatus noun A natural tendency inherent in a body to develop itself; an attempt; an effort.
concave adjective Hollow and curved or rounded; vaulted; — said of the interior of a curved surface or line, as of the curve of the of the inner surface of an eggshell, in opposition to convex; as, a concave mirror; the concave arch of the sky., Hollow; void of contents., A hollow; an arched vault; a cavity; a recess., A curved sheath or breasting for a revolving cylinder or roll., To make hollow or concave.
conceal verb t. To hide or withdraw from observation; to cover; to cover or keep from sight; to prevent the discovery of; to withhold knowledge of.
concede verb t. To yield or suffer; to surrender; to grant; as, to concede the point in question., To grant, as a right or privilege; to make concession of., To admit to be true; to acknowledge., To yield or make concession.
conceit noun That which is conceived, imagined, or formed in the mind; idea; thought; image; conception., Faculty of conceiving ideas; mental faculty; apprehension; as, a man of quick conceit., Quickness of apprehension; active imagination; lively fancy., A fanciful, odd, or extravagant notion; a quant fancy; an unnatural or affected conception; a witty thought or turn of expression; a fanciful device; a whim; a quip., An overweening idea of one’s self; vanity., Design; pattern., To conceive; to imagine., To form an idea; to think.
concent noun Concert of voices; concord of sounds; harmony; as, a concent of notes., Consistency; accordance.
concept noun An abstract general conception; a notion; a universal.
concern verb t. To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to., To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest; as, a good prince concerns himself in the happiness of his subjects., To be of importance., That which relates or belongs to one; business; affair., That which affects the welfare or happiness; interest; moment., Interest in, or care for, any person or thing; regard; solicitude; anxiety., Persons connected in business; a firm and its business; as, a banking concern.
concert verb t. To plan together; to settle or adjust by conference, agreement, or consultation., To plan; to devise; to arrange., To act in harmony or conjunction; to form combined plans., Agreement in a design or plan; union formed by mutual communication of opinions and views; accordance in a scheme; harmony; simultaneous action., Musical accordance or harmony; concord., A musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part.
conchal adjective Pertaining to the concha, or external ear; as, the conchal cartilage.
concise adjective Expressing much in a few words; condensed; brief and compacted; — used of style in writing or speaking.
concite verb t. To excite or stir up.
concoct verb t. To digest; to convert into nourishment by the organs of nutrition., To purify or refine chemically., To prepare from crude materials, as food; to invent or prepare by combining different ingredients; as, to concoct a new dish or beverage., To digest in the mind; to devise; to make up; to contrive; to plan; to plot., To mature or perfect; to ripen.
concord noun A state of agreement; harmony; union., Agreement by stipulation; compact; covenant; treaty or league., Agreement of words with one another, in gender, number, person, or case., An agreement between the parties to a fine of land in reference to the manner in which it should pass, being an acknowledgment that the land in question belonged to the complainant. See Fine., An agreeable combination of tones simultaneously heard; a consonant chord; consonance; harmony., A variety of American grape, with large dark blue (almost black) grapes in compact clusters., To agree; to act together.
concrew adjective To grow together.
concupy noun Concupiscence. [Used only in “Troilus and Cressida”]
concuss verb t. To shake or agitate., To force (a person) to do something, or give up something, by intimidation; to coerce.
condemn verb t. To pronounce to be wrong; to disapprove of; to censure., To declare the guilt of; to make manifest the faults or unworthiness of; to convict of guilt., To pronounce a judicial sentence against; to sentence to punishment, suffering, or loss; to doom; — with to before the penalty., To amerce or fine; — with in before the penalty., To adjudge or pronounce to be unfit for use or service; to adjudge or pronounce to be forfeited; as, the ship and her cargo were condemned., To doom to be taken for public use, under the right of eminent domain.
condign adjective Worthy; suitable; deserving; fit., Deserved; adequate; suitable to the fault or crime.
condite adjective Preserved; pickled., To pickle; to preserve; as, to condite pears, quinces, etc.
condole verb i. To express sympathetic sorrow; to grieve in sympathy; — followed by with., To lament or grieve over.
condone verb t. To pardon; to forgive., To pardon; to overlook the offense of; esp., to forgive for a violation of the marriage law; — said of either the husband or the wife.
conduce noun To lead or tend, esp. with reference to a favorable or desirable result; to contribute; — usually followed by to or toward., To conduct; to lead; to guide.
conduct noun The act or method of conducting; guidance; management., Skillful guidance or management; generalship., Convoy; escort; guard; guide., That which carries or conveys anything; a channel; a conduit; an instrument., The manner of guiding or carrying one’s self; personal deportment; mode of action; behavior., Plot; action; construction; manner of development., To lead, or guide; to escort; to attend., To lead, as a commander; to direct; to manage; to carry on; as, to conduct the affairs of a kingdom., To behave; — with the reflexive; as, he conducted himself well., To serve as a medium for conveying; to transmit, as heat, light, electricity, etc., To direct, as the leader in the performance of a musical composition., To act as a conductor (as of heat, electricity, etc.); to carry., To conduct one’s self; to behave.
conduit noun A pipe, canal, channel, or passage for conveying water or fluid., A structure forming a reservoir for water., A narrow passage for private communication.
condyle noun A bony prominence; particularly, an eminence at the end of a bone bearing a rounded articular surface; — sometimes applied also to a concave articular surface.
coneine noun See Conine.
confect verb t. To prepare, as sweetmeats; to make a confection of., To construct; to form; to mingle or mix., A comfit; a confection.
confess verb t. To make acknowledgment or avowal in a matter pertaining to one’s self; to acknowledge, own, or admit, as a crime, a fault, a debt., To acknowledge faith in; to profess belief in., To admit as true; to assent to; to acknowledge, as after a previous doubt, denial, or concealment., To make known or acknowledge, as one’s sins to a priest, in order to receive absolution; — sometimes followed by the reflexive pronoun., To hear or receive such confession; — said of a priest., To disclose or reveal, as an effect discloses its cause; to prove; to attest., To make confession; to disclose sins or faults, or the state of the conscience., To acknowledge; to admit; to concede.
confide verb i. To put faith (in); to repose confidence; to trust; — usually followed by in; as, the prince confides in his ministers., To intrust; to give in charge; to commit to one’s keeping; — followed by to.
confine verb t. To restrain within limits; to restrict; to limit; to bound; to shut up; to inclose; to keep close., To have a common boundary; to border; to lie contiguous; to touch; — followed by on or with., Common boundary; border; limit; — used chiefly in the plural., Apartment; place of restraint; prison.
confirm verb t. To make firm or firmer; to add strength to; to establish; as, health is confirmed by exercise., To strengthen in judgment or purpose., To give new assurance of the truth of; to render certain; to verify; to corroborate; as, to confirm a rumor., To render valid by formal assent; to complete by a necessary sanction; to ratify; as, to confirm the appoinment of an official; the Senate confirms a treaty., To administer the rite of confirmation to. See Confirmation, 3.
conflux noun A flowing together; a meeting of currents., A large assemblage; a passing multitude.
conform adjective Of the same form; similar in import; conformable., To shape in accordance with; to make like; to bring into harmony or agreement with; — usually with to or unto., To be in accord or harmony; to comply; to be obedient; to submit; — with to or with., To comply with the usages of the Established Church; to be a conformist.
confuse adjective Mixed; confounded., To mix or blend so that things can not be distinguished; to jumble together; to confound; to render indistinct or obscure; as, to confuse accounts; to confuse one’s vision., To perplex; to disconcert; to abash; to cause to lose self-possession.
confute verb t. To overwhelm by argument; to refute conclusively; to prove or show to be false or defective; to overcome; to silence.
congeal verb t. To change from a fluid to a solid state by cold; to freeze., To affect as if by freezing; to check the flow of, or cause to run cold; to chill., To grow hard, stiff, or thick, from cold or other causes; to become solid; to freeze; to cease to flow; to run cold; to be chilled.
congest verb t. To collect or gather into a mass or aggregate; to bring together; to accumulate., To cause an overfullness of the blood vessels (esp. the capillaries) of an organ or part.
congius noun A liquid measure containing about three quarts., A gallon, or four quarts.
congree verb i. To agree.
congrue verb i. To agree; to be suitable.
conical adjective Having the form of, or resembling, a geometrical cone; round and tapering to a point, or gradually lessening in circumference; as, a conic or conical figure; a conical vessel., Of or pertaining to a cone; as, conic sections.
conico- adjective A combining form, meaning somewhat resembling a cone; as, conico-cylindrical, resembling a cone and a cylinder; conico-hemispherical; conico-subulate.
conifer noun A tree or shrub bearing cones; one of the order Coniferae, which includes the pine, cypress, and (according to some) the yew.
coniine noun See Conine.
conisor noun See Cognizor.
conject noun To throw together, or to throw., To conjecture; also, to plan.
conjoin verb t. To join together; to unite., To unite; to join; to league.
conjure verb t. To call on or summon by a sacred name or in solemn manner; to implore earnestly; to adjure., To combine together by an oath; to conspire; to confederate., To affect or effect by conjuration; to call forth or send away by magic arts; to excite or alter, as if by magic or by the aid of supernatural powers., To practice magical arts; to use the tricks of a conjurer; to juggle; to charm.
conjury noun The practice of magic; enchantment.
connate adjective Born with another; being of the same birth., Congenital; existing from birth., Congenitally united; growing from one base, or united at their bases; united into one body; as, connate leaves or athers. See Illust. of Connate-perfoliate.
connect verb t. To join, or fasten together, as by something intervening; to associate; to combine; to unite or link together; to establish a bond or relation between., To associate (a person or thing, or one’s self) with another person, thing, business, or affair., To join, unite, or cohere; to have a close relation; as, one line of railroad connects with another; one argument connect with another.
connive verb i. To open and close the eyes rapidly; to wink., To close the eyes upon a fault; to wink (at); to fail or forbear by intention to discover an act; to permit a proceeding, as if not aware of it; — usually followed by at., To shut the eyes to; to overlook; to pretend not to see.
connote verb t. To mark along with; to suggest or indicate as additional; to designate by implication; to include in the meaning; to imply., To imply as an attribute.
conquer verb t. To gain or acquire by force; to take possession of by violent means; to gain dominion over; to subdue by physical means; to reduce; to overcome by force of arms; to cause to yield; to vanquish., To subdue or overcome by mental or moral power; to surmount; as, to conquer difficulties, temptation, etc., To gain or obtain, overcoming obstacles in the way; to win; as, to conquer freedom; to conquer a peace., To gain the victory; to overcome; to prevail.
consent verb i. To agree in opinion or sentiment; to be of the same mind; to accord; to concur., To indicate or express a willingness; to yield to guidance, persuasion, or necessity; to give assent or approval; to comply., To grant; to allow; to assent to; to admit., Agreement in opinion or sentiment; the being of one mind; accord., Correspondence in parts, qualities, or operations; agreement; harmony; coherence., Voluntary accordance with, or concurrence in, what is done or proposed by another; acquiescence; compliance; approval; permission., Capable, deliberate, and voluntary assent or agreement to, or concurrence in, some act or purpose, implying physical and mental power and free action., Sympathy. See Sympathy, 4.
consign verb t. To give, transfer, or deliver, in a formal manner, as if by signing over into the possession of another, or into a different state, with the sense of fixedness in that state, or permanence of possession; as, to consign the body to the grave., To give in charge; to commit; to intrust., To send or address (by bill of lading or otherwise) to an agent or correspondent in another place, to be cared for or sold, or for the use of such correspondent; as, to consign a cargo or a ship; to consign goods., To assign; to devote; to set apart., To stamp or impress; to affect., To submit; to surrender or yield one’s self., To yield consent; to agree; to acquiesce.
consist verb i. To stand firm; to be in a fixed or permanent state, as a body composed of parts in union or connection; to hold together; to be; to exist; to subsist; to be supported and maintained., To be composed or made up; — followed by of., To have as its substance or character, or as its foundation; to be; — followed by in., To be consistent or harmonious; to be in accordance; — formerly used absolutely, now followed by with., To insist; — followed by on.
console verb t. To cheer in distress or depression; to alleviate the grief and raise the spirits of; to relieve; to comfort; to soothe., A bracket whose projection is not more than half its height., Any small bracket; also, a console table.
consols noun plural The leading British funded government security.
consort noun One who shares the lot of another; a companion; a partner; especially, a wife or husband., A ship keeping company with another., Concurrence; conjunction; combination; association; union., An assembly or association of persons; a company; a group; a combination., Harmony of sounds; concert, as of musical instruments., To unite or to keep company; to associate; — used with with., To unite or join, as in affection, harmony, company, marriage, etc.; to associate., To attend; to accompany.
constat noun A certificate showing what appears upon record touching a matter in question.
consult verb i. To seek the opinion or advice of another; to take counsel; to deliberate together; to confer., To ask advice of; to seek the opinion of; to apply to for information or instruction; to refer to; as, to consult a physician; to consult a dictionary., To have reference to, in judging or acting; to have regard to; to consider; as, to consult one’s wishes., To deliberate upon; to take for., To bring about by counsel or contrivance; to devise; to contrive., The act of consulting or deliberating; consultation; also, the result of consulation; determination; decision., A council; a meeting for consultation., Agreement; concert
consume verb t. To destroy, as by decomposition, dissipation, waste, or fire; to use up; to expend; to waste; to burn up; to eat up; to devour., To waste away slowly.
contact noun A close union or junction of bodies; a touching or meeting., The property of two curves, or surfaces, which meet, and at the point of meeting have a common direction., The plane between two adjacent bodies of dissimilar rock.
contain verb t. To hold within fixed limits; to comprise; to include; to inclose; to hold., To have capacity for; to be able to hold; to hold; to be equivalent to; as, a bushel contains four pecks., To put constraint upon; to restrain; to confine; to keep within bounds., To restrain desire; to live in continence or chastity.
contemn verb t. To view or treat with contempt, as mean and despicable; to reject with disdain; to despise; to scorn.
contend verb i. To strive in opposition; to contest; to dispute; to vie; to quarrel; to fight., To struggle or exert one’s self to obtain or retain possession of, or to defend., To strive in debate; to engage in discussion; to dispute; to argue., To struggle for; to contest.
content adjective Contained within limits; hence, having the desires limited by that which one has; not disposed to repine or grumble; satisfied; contented; at rest., That which is contained; the thing or things held by a receptacle or included within specified limits; as, the contents of a cask or bale or of a room; the contents of a book., Power of containing; capacity; extent; size., Area or quantity of space or matter contained within certain limits; as, solid contents; superficial contents., To satisfy the desires of; to make easy in any situation; to appease or quiet; to gratify; to please., To satisfy the expectations of; to pay; to requite., Rest or quietness of the mind in one’s present condition; freedom from discontent; satisfaction; contentment; moderate happiness., Acquiescence without examination., That which contents or satisfies; that which if attained would make one happy., An expression of assent to a bill or motion; an affirmative vote; also, a member who votes “Content.”.
contest verb t. To make a subject of dispute, contention, litigation, or emulation; to contend for; to call in question; to controvert; to oppose; to dispute., To strive earnestly to hold or maintain; to struggle to defend; as, the troops contested every inch of ground., To make a subject of litigation; to defend, as a suit; to dispute or resist; as a claim, by course of law; to controvert., To engage in contention, or emulation; to contend; to strive; to vie; to emulate; — followed usually by with., Earnest dispute; strife in argument; controversy; debate; altercation., Earnest struggle for superiority, victory, defense, etc.; competition; emulation; strife in arms; conflict; combat; encounter.
context adjective Knit or woven together; close; firm., The part or parts of something written or printed, as of Scripture, which precede or follow a text or quoted sentence, or are so intimately associated with it as to throw light upon its meaning., To knit or bind together; to unite closely.
contort verb t. To twist, or twist together; to turn awry; to bend; to distort; to wrest.
contour noun The outline of a figure or body, or the line or lines representing such an outline; the line that bounds; periphery., The outline of a horizontal section of the ground, or of works of fortification.
control noun A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register; a counter register., That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder; restraint., Power or authority to check or restrain; restraining or regulating influence; superintendence; government; as, children should be under parental control., To check by a counter register or duplicate account; to prove by counter statements; to confute., To exercise restraining or governing influence over; to check; to counteract; to restrain; to regulate; to govern; to overpower.
contuse verb t. To beat, pound, or together., To bruise; to injure or disorganize a part without breaking the skin.
conusor noun See Cognizor.
convene verb i. To come together; to meet; to unite., To come together, as in one body or for a public purpose; to meet; to assemble., To cause to assemble; to call together; to convoke., To summon judicially to meet or appear.
convent verb i. A coming together; a meeting., An association or community of recluses devoted to a religious life; a body of monks or nuns., A house occupied by a community of religious recluses; a monastery or nunnery., To meet together; to concur., To be convenient; to serve., To call before a judge or judicature; to summon; to convene.
convert verb t. To cause to turn; to turn., To change or turn from one state or condition to another; to alter in form, substance, or quality; to transform; to transmute; as, to convert water into ice., To change or turn from one belief or course to another, as from one religion to another or from one party or sect to another., To produce the spiritual change called conversion in (any one); to turn from a bad life to a good one; to change the heart and moral character of (any one) from the controlling power of sin to that of holiness., To apply to any use by a diversion from the proper or intended use; to appropriate dishonestly or illegally., To exchange for some specified equivalent; as, to convert goods into money., To change (one proposition) into another, so that what was the subject of the first becomes the predicate of the second., To turn into another language; to translate., To be turned or changed in character or direction; to undergo a change, physically or morally., A person who is converted from one opinion or practice to another; a person who is won over to, or heartily embraces, a creed, religious system, or party, in which he has not previously believed; especially, one who turns from the controlling power of sin to that of holiness, or from unbelief to Christianity., A lay friar or brother, permitted to enter a monastery for the service of the house, but without orders, and not allowed to sing in the choir.
convict p.adjective Proved or found guilty; convicted., A person proved guilty of a crime alleged against him; one legally convicted or sentenced to punishment for some crime., A criminal sentenced to penal servitude., To prove or find guilty of an offense or crime charged; to pronounce guilty, as by legal decision, or by one’s conscience., To prove or show to be false; to confute; to refute., To demonstrate by proof or evidence; to prove., To defeat; to doom to destruction.
convive verb i. To feast together; to be convivial., A quest at a banquet.
convoke verb t. To call together; to summon to meet; to assemble by summons.
cooking p. pr & vb. noun of Cook
cookery noun The art or process of preparing food for the table, by dressing, compounding, and the application of heat., A delicacy; a dainty.
cookies plural of Cooky
cooling present participle & vb. noun of Cool, Adapted to cool and refresh; allaying heat.
coolish adjective Somewhat cool.
coolung noun The great gray crane of India (Grus cinerea).
coolies plural of Coolie
coontie noun A cycadaceous plant of Florida and the West Indies, the Zamia integrifolia, from the stems of which a kind of sago is prepared.
cooping present participle & vb. noun of Coop
coopery adjective Relating to a cooper; coopered., The occupation of a cooper.
coothay noun A striped satin made in India.
copaiba noun Alt. of Copaiva
copaiva noun A more or less viscid, yellowish liquid, the bitter oleoresin of several species of Copaifera, a genus of trees growing in South America and the West Indies. It is stimulant and diuretic, and is much used in affections of the mucous membranes; — called also balsam of copaiba.
copeman verb i. A chapman; a dealer; a merchant.
copepod adjective Of or pertaining to the Copepoda., One of the Copepoda.
copious adjective Large in quantity or amount; plentiful; abundant; fruitful.
copland noun A piece of ground terminating in a point or acute angle.
coppery adjective Mixed with copper; containing copper, or made of copper; like copper.
coppice noun A grove of small growth; a thicket of brushwood; a wood cut at certain times for fuel or other purposes. See Copse.
coppled adjective Rising to a point; conical; copped.
copying present participle & vb. noun of Copy, From Copy, v.
copyist noun A copier; a transcriber; an imitator; a plagiarist.
coquina noun A soft, whitish, coral-like stone, formed of broken shells and corals, found in the southern United States, and used for roadbeds and for building material, as in the fort at St. Augustine, Florida.
coracle noun A boat made by covering a wicker frame with leather or oilcloth. It was used by the ancient Britons, and is still used by fisherman in Wales and some parts of Ireland. Also, a similar boat used in Thibet and in Egypt.
coraled adjective Having coral; covered with coral.
coranto noun A sprightly but somewhat stately dance, now out of fashion.
corbell noun A sculptured basket of flowers; a corbel., Small gabions.
corbies plural of Corby
corcule noun The heart of the seed; the embryo or germ.
cording present participle & vb. noun of Cord
cordage noun Ropes or cords, collectively; hence, anything made of rope or cord, as those parts of the rigging of a ship which consist of ropes.
cordate adjective Heart-shaped; as, a cordate leaf.
cordial adjective Proceeding from the heart., Hearty; sincere; warm; affectionate., Tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate; giving strength or spirits., Anything that comforts, gladdens, and exhilarates., Any invigorating and stimulating preparation; as, a peppermint cordial., Aromatized and sweetened spirit, used as a beverage; a liqueur.
corfute noun A native or inhabitant of Corfu, an island in the Mediterranean Sea.
corinne noun The common gazelle (Gazella dorcas). See Gazelle.
corinth noun A city of Greece, famed for its luxury and extravagance., A small fruit; a currant.
corival noun A rival; a corrival., To rival; to pretend to equal.
corking present participle & vb. noun of Cork
corkage noun The charge made by innkeepers for drawing the cork and taking care of bottles of wine bought elsewhere by a guest.
corning present participle & vb. noun of Corn
cornage noun Anancient tenure of land, which obliged the tenant to give notice of an invasion by blowing a horn.
corncob noun The cob or axis on which the kernels of Indian corn grow.
corneas plural of Cornea
corneal adjective Pertaining to the cornea.
cornice noun Any horizontal, molded or otherwise decorated projection which crowns or finishes the part to which it is affixed; as, the cornice of an order, pedestal, door, window, or house.
cornish adjective Of or pertaining to Cornwall, in England., The dialect, or the people, of Cornwall.
cornist noun A performer on the cornet or horn.
cornute adjective Alt. of Cornuted, To bestow horns upon; to make a cuckold of; to cuckold.
cornuto noun A man that wears the horns; a cuckold.
corolla noun The inner envelope of a flower; the part which surrounds the organs of fructification, consisting of one or more leaves, called petals. It is usually distinguished from the calyx by the fineness of its texture and the gayness of its colors. See the Note under Blossom.
coronae plural of Corona
coronas plural of Corona
coronal adjective Of or pertaining to a corona (in any of the senses)., Of or pertaining to a king’s crown, or coronation., Of or pertaining to the top of the head or skull., Of or pertaining to the shell of a sea urchin., A crown; wreath; garland., The frontal bone, over which the ancients wore their coronae or garlands.
coronel noun A colonel., The iron head of a tilting spear, divided into two, three, or four blunt points.
coroner noun An officer of the peace whose principal duty is to inquire, with the help of a jury, into the cause of any violent, sudden or mysterious death, or death in prison, usually on sight of the body and at the place where the death occurred.
coronet noun An ornamental or honorary headdress, having the shape and character of a crown; particularly, a crown worn as the mark of high rank lower than sovereignty. The word is used by Shakespeare to denote also a kingly crown., The upper part of a horse’s hoof, where the horn terminates in skin., The iron head of a tilting spear; a coronel.
coronis noun In Greek grammar, a sign [‘] sometimes placed over a contracted syllable., The curved line or flourish at the end of a book or chapter; hence, the end.
corosso noun The name in Central America for the seed of a true palm; also, a commercial name for the true ivory nut. See Ivory nut.
corpora plural of Corpus
corrade verb t. To gnaw into; to wear away; to fret; to consume., To erode, as the bed of a stream. See Corrosion.
correct adjective Set right, or made straight; hence, conformable to truth, rectitude, or propriety, or to a just standard; not faulty or imperfect; free from error; as, correct behavior; correct views., To make right; to bring to the standard of truth, justice, or propriety; to rectify; as, to correct manners or principles., To remove or retrench the faults or errors of; to amend; to set right; as, to correct the proof (that is, to mark upon the margin the changes to be made, or to make in the type the changes so marked)., To bring back, or attempt to bring back, to propriety in morals; to reprove or punish for faults or deviations from moral rectitude; to chastise; to discipline; as, a child should be corrected for lying., To counteract the qualities of one thing by those of another; — said of whatever is wrong or injurious; as, to correct the acidity of the stomach by alkaline preparations.
corrode verb t. To eat away by degrees; to wear away or diminish by gradually separating or destroying small particles of, as by action of a strong acid or a caustic alkali., To consume; to wear away; to prey upon; to impair., To have corrosive action; to be subject to corrosion.
corrump verb t. To corrupt. See Corrupt.
corrupt adjective Changed from a sound to a putrid state; spoiled; tainted; vitiated; unsound., Changed from a state of uprightness, correctness, truth, etc., to a worse state; vitiated; depraved; debased; perverted; as, corrupt language; corrupt judges., Abounding in errors; not genuine or correct; as, the text of the manuscript is corrupt., To change from a sound to a putrid or putrescent state; to make putrid; to putrefy., To change from good to bad; to vitiate; to deprave; to pervert; to debase; to defile., To draw aside from the path of rectitude and duty; as, to corrupt a judge by a bribe., To debase or render impure by alterations or innovations; to falsify; as, to corrupt language; to corrupt the sacred text., To waste, spoil, or consume; to make worthless., To become putrid or tainted; to putrefy; to rot., To become vitiated; to lose putity or goodness.
corsage noun The waist or bodice of a lady’s dress; as, a low corsage., a flower or small arrangement of flowers worn by a person as a personal ornament. Typically worn by women on special occasions (as, at a ball or an anniversary celebration), a corsage may be worn pinned to the chest, or tied to the wrist. It is usually larger or more elaborate than a boutonniere.
corsair noun A pirate; one who cruises about without authorization from any government, to seize booty on sea or land., A piratical vessel.
corslet noun A corselet.
corsned noun The morsel of execration; a species of ordeal consisting in the eating of a piece of bread consecrated by imprecation. If the suspected person ate it freely, he was pronounced innocent; but if it stuck in his throat, it was considered as a proof of his guilt.
cortege noun A train of attendants; a procession.
cortile noun An open internal courtyard inclosed by the walls of a large dwelling house or other large and stately building.
corvine adjective Of or pertaining to the crow; crowlike.
cossack noun One of a warlike, pastoral people, skillful as horsemen, inhabiting different parts of the Russian empire and furnishing valuable contingents of irregular cavalry to its armies, those of Little Russia and those of the Don forming the principal divisions.
costing present participle & vb. noun of Cost
costage noun Expense; cost.
costard noun An apple, large and round like the head., The head; — used contemptuously.
costate adjective Alt. of Costated
costean verb i. To search after lodes. See Costeaning.
costive adjective Retaining fecal matter in the bowels; having too slow a motion of the bowels; constipated., Reserved; formal; close; cold., Dry and hard; impermeable; unyielding.
costrel noun A bottle of leather, earthenware, or wood, having ears by which it was suspended at the side.
costume noun Dress in general; esp., the distinctive style of dress of a people, class, or period., Such an arrangement of accessories, as in a picture, statue, poem, or play, as is appropriate to the time, place, or other circumstances represented or described., A character dress, used at fancy balls or for dramatic purposes.
coterie noun A set or circle of persons who meet familiarly, as for social, literary, or other purposes; a clique.
cotgare noun Refuse wool.
cothurn noun A buskin anciently used by tragic actors on the stage; hence, tragedy in general.
cotidal adjective Marking an equality in the tides; having high tide at the same time.
cotinga noun A bird of the family Cotingidae, including numerous bright-colored South American species; — called also chatterers.
cotised adjective See Cottised.
cotland noun Land appendant to a cot or cottage, or held by a cottager or cotter.
cottage noun A small house; a cot; a hut.
cottier noun In Great Britain and Ireland, a person who hires a small cottage, with or without a plot of land. Cottiers commonly aid in the work of the landlord’s farm.
cottise noun A diminutive of the bendlet, containing one half its area or one quarter the area of the bend. When a single cottise is used alone it is often called a cost. See also Couple-close.
cottoid adjective Like a fish of the genus Cottus., A fish belonging to, or resembling, the genus Cottus. See Sculpin.
cottony adjective Covered with hairs or pubescence, like cotton; downy; nappy; woolly., Of or pertaining to cotton; resembling cotton in appearance or character; soft, like cotton.
cottrel noun A trammel, or hook to support a pot over a fire.
couched imp. & past participle of Couch, Same as Couch/.
couchee verb t. A reception held at the time of going to bed, as by a sovereign or great prince.
coucher noun One who couches., One who couches paper., A factor or agent resident in a country for traffic., The book in which a corporation or other body registers its particular acts.
coughed imp. & past participle of Cough
cougher noun One who coughs.
couhage noun See Cowhage.
couloir noun A deep gorge; a gully., A dredging machine for excavating canals, etc.
coulomb noun The standard unit of quantity in electrical measurements. It is the quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by the current produced by an electro-motive force of one volt acting in a circuit having a resistance of one ohm, or the quantity transferred by one ampere in one second. Formerly called weber.
coulter noun Same as Colter.
council noun An assembly of men summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice; as, a council of physicians for consultation in a critical case., A body of man elected or appointed to constitute an advisory or a legislative assembly; as, a governor’s council; a city council., Act of deliberating; deliberation; consultation.
counsel noun Interchange of opinions; mutual advising; consultation., Examination of consequences; exercise of deliberate judgment; prudence., Result of consultation; advice; instruction., Deliberate purpose; design; intent; scheme; plan., A secret opinion or purpose; a private matter., One who gives advice, especially in legal matters; one professionally engaged in the trial or management of a cause in court; also, collectively, the legal advocates united in the management of a case; as, the defendant has able counsel., To give advice to; to advice, admonish, or instruct, as a person., To advise or recommend, as an act or course.
counted imp. & past participle of Count
counter adverb A prefix meaning contrary, opposite, in opposition; as, counteract, counterbalance, countercheck. See Counter, adv. & a., One who counts, or reckons up; a calculator; a reckoner., A piece of metal, ivory, wood, or bone, used in reckoning, in keeping account of games, etc., Money; coin; — used in contempt., A prison; either of two prisons formerly in London., A telltale; a contrivance attached to an engine, printing press, or other machine, for the purpose of counting the revolutions or the pulsations., A table or board on which money is counted and over which business is transacted; a long, narrow table or bench, on which goods are laid for examination by purchasers, or on which they are weighed or measured., Contrary; in opposition; in an opposite direction; contrariwise; — used chiefly with run or go., In the wrong way; contrary to the right course; as, a hound that runs counter., At or against the front or face., Contrary; opposite; contrasted; opposed; adverse; antagonistic; as, a counter current; a counter revolution; a counter poison; a counter agent; counter fugue., The after part of a vessel’s body, from the water line to the stern, — below and somewhat forward of the stern proper., Same as Contra. Formerly used to designate any under part which served for contrast to a principal part, but now used as equivalent to counter tenor., The breast, or that part of a horse between the shoulders and under the neck., The back leather or heel part of a boot., An encounter., To return a blow while receiving one, as in boxing.
countor verb t. An advocate or professional pleader; one who counted for his client, that is, orally pleaded his cause.
country adverb A tract of land; a region; the territory of an independent nation; (as distinguished from any other region, and with a personal pronoun) the region of one’s birth, permanent residence, or citizenship., Rural regions, as opposed to a city or town., The inhabitants or people of a state or a region; the populace; the public. Hence: (a) One’s constituents. (b) The whole body of the electors of state; as, to dissolve Parliament and appeal to the country., A jury, as representing the citizens of a country., The inhabitants of the district from which a jury is drawn., The rock through which a vein runs., Pertaining to the regions remote from a city; rural; rustic; as, a country life; a country town; the country party, as opposed to city., Destitute of refinement; rude; unpolished; rustic; not urbane; as, country manners., Pertaining, or peculiar, to one’s own country.
coupled imp. & past participle of Couple
coupler noun One who couples; that which couples, as a link, ring, or shackle, to connect cars.
couplet noun Two taken together; a pair or couple; especially two lines of verse that rhyme with each other.
coupure noun A passage cut through the glacis to facilitate sallies by the besieged.
courage noun The heart; spirit; temper; disposition., Heart; inclination; desire; will., That quality of mind which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear, or fainting of heart; valor; boldness; resolution.
courant adjective Represented as running; — said of a beast borne in a coat of arms., A piece of music in triple time; also, a lively dance; a coranto., A circulating gazette of news; a newspaper.
courche noun A square piece of linen used formerly by women instead of a cap; a kerchief.
courier noun A messenger sent with haste to convey letters or dispatches, usually on public business., An attendant on travelers, whose business it is to make arrangements for their convenience at hotels and on the way.
courlan noun A South American bird, of the genus Aramus, allied to the rails.
coursed imp. & past participle of Course, Hunted; as, a coursed hare., Arranged in courses; as, coursed masonry.
courser noun One who courses or hunts., A swift or spirited horse; a racer or a war horse; a charger., A grallatorial bird of Europe (Cursorius cursor), remarkable for its speed in running. Sometimes, in a wider sense, applied to running birds of the Ostrich family.
coursey noun A space in the galley; a part of the hatches.
courted imp. & past participle of Court
courter noun One who courts; one who plays the lover, or who solicits in marriage; one who flatters and cajoles.
courtly adjective Relating or belonging to a court., Elegant; polite; courtlike; flattering., Disposed to favor the great; favoring the policy or party of the court; obsequious., In the manner of courts; politely; gracefully; elegantly.
couteau noun A knife; a dagger.
couvade noun A custom, among certain barbarous tribes, that when a woman gives birth to a child her husband takes to his bed, as if ill.
covered imp. & past participle of Cover, Under cover; screened; sheltered; not exposed; hidden., of Covet
coverer noun One who, or that which, covers.
coveter noun One who covets.
cowbane noun A poisonous umbelliferous plant; in England, the Cicuta virosa; in the United States, the Cicuta maculata and the Archemora rigida. See Water hemlock.
cowbird noun The cow blackbird (Molothrus ater), an American starling. Like the European cuckoo, it builds no nest, but lays its eggs in the nests of other birds; — so called because frequently associated with cattle.
cowered imp. & past participle of Cower
cowfish noun The grampus., A California dolphin (Tursiops Gillii)., A marine plectognath fish (Ostracoin quadricorne, and allied species), having two projections, like horns, in front; — called also cuckold, coffer fish, trunkfish.
cowhage noun A leguminous climbing plant of the genus Mucuna, having crooked pods covered with sharp hairs, which stick to the fingers, causing intolerable itching. The spiculae are sometimes used in medicine as a mechanical vermifuge.
cowherd noun One whose occupation is to tend cows.
cowhide noun The hide of a cow., Leather made of the hide of a cow., A coarse whip made of untanned leather., To flog with a cowhide.
cowitch noun See Cowhage.
cowlick noun A tuft of hair turned up or awry (usually over the forehead), as if licked by a cow.
cowlike adjective Resembling a cow.
cowpock noun See Cowpox.
cowries plural of Cowry
cowslip noun A common flower in England (Primula veris) having yellow blossoms and appearing in early spring. It is often cultivated in the United States., In the United States, the marsh marigold (Caltha palustris), appearing in wet places in early spring and often used as a pot herb. It is nearer to a buttercup than to a true cowslip. See Illust. of Marsh marigold.
cowweed noun Same as Cow parsley.
coxalgy noun Pain in the hip.
coxcomb noun A strip of red cloth notched like the comb of a cock, which licensed jesters formerly wore in their caps., The cap itself., The top of the head, or the head itself, A vain, showy fellow; a conceited, silly man, fond of display; a superficial pretender to knowledge or accomplishments; a fop., A name given to several plants of different genera, but particularly to Celosia cristata, or garden cockscomb. Same as Cockscomb.
coyness noun The quality of being coy; feigned o/ bashful unwillingness to become familiar; reserve.
cozened imp. & past participle of Cozen
cozener noun One who cheats or defrauds.