7 letter word starting with cru

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
crucial adjective Having the form of a cross; appertaining to a cross; cruciform; intersecting; as, crucial ligaments; a crucial incision., Severe; trying or searching, as if bringing to the cross; decisive; as, a crucial test.
crucify verb t. To fasten to a cross; to put to death by nailing the hands and feet to a cross or gibbet., To destroy the power or ruling influence of; to subdue completely; to mortify., To vex or torment.
cruddle verb i. To curdle.
crudely adverb In a crude, immature manner.
crudity noun The condition of being crude; rawness., That which is in a crude or undigested state; hence, superficial, undigested views, not reduced to order or form.
cruelly adverb In a cruel manner., Extremely; very.
cruelty noun The attribute or quality of being cruel; a disposition to give unnecessary pain or suffering to others; inhumanity; barbarity., A cruel and barbarous deed; inhuman treatment; the act of willfully causing unnecessary pain.
cruised imp. & past participle of Cruise
cruiser noun One who, or a vessel that, cruises; — usually an armed vessel.
cruller noun A kind of sweet cake cut in strips and curled or twisted, and fried crisp in boiling fat.
crumbed imp. & past participle of Crumb
crumble verb t. To break into small pieces; to cause to fall in pieces., To fall into small pieces; to break or part into small fragments; hence, to fall to decay or ruin; to become disintegrated; to perish.
crumbly adjective EAsily crumbled; friable; brittle.
crumpet noun A kind of large, thin muffin or cake, light and spongy, and cooked on a griddle or spider.
crumple verb t. To draw or press into wrinkles or folds; to crush together; to rumple; as, to crumple paper., To contract irregularly; to show wrinkles after being crushed together; as, leaves crumple.
crunkle verb i. To cry like a crane.
crunode noun A point where one branch of a curve crosses another branch. See Double point, under Double, a.
cruorin noun The coloring matter of the blood in the living animal; haemoglobin.
crupper noun The buttocks or rump of a horse., A leather loop, passing under a horse’s tail, and buckled to the saddle to keep it from slipping forwards., To fit with a crupper; to place a crupper upon; as, to crupper a horse.
crusade noun Any one of the military expeditions undertaken by Christian powers, in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, for the recovery of the Holy Land from the Mohammedans., Any enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm; as, a crusade against intemperance., A Portuguese coin. See Crusado., To engage in a crusade; to attack in a zealous or hot-headed manner.
crusado noun An old Portuguese coin, worth about seventy cents.
crushed imp. & past participle of Crush
crusher noun One who, or that which, crushes.
crusted imp. & past participle of Crust, Incrusted; covered with, or containing, crust; as, old, crusted port wine.
crustal adjective Relating to a crust.
cruzado noun A coin. See Crusado.