7 letter word starting with cu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cubbing present participle & vb. noun of Cub
cubebic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, cubebs; as, cubebic acid (a soft olive-green resin extracted from cubebs).
cubhood noun The state of being a cub.
cubical adjective Having the form or properties of a cube; contained, or capable of being contained, in a cube., Isometric or monometric; as, cubic cleavage. See Crystallization.
cubicle noun A loding room; esp., a sleeping place partitioned off from a large dormitory.
cubital adjective Of or pertaining to the cubit or ulna; as, the cubital nerve; the cubital artery; the cubital muscle., Of the length of a cubit., A sleeve covering the arm from the elbow to the hand.
cubited adjective Having the measure of a cubit.
cubless adjective Having no cubs.
cuckold noun A man whose wife is unfaithful; the husband of an adulteress., A West Indian plectognath fish (Ostracion triqueter)., The cowfish., To make a cuckold of, as a husband, by seducing his wife, or by her becoming an adulteress.
cucumis noun A genus of plants including the cucumber, melon, and same kinds of gourds.
cudbear noun A powder of a violet red color, difficult to moisten with water, used for making violet or purple dye. It is prepared from certain species of lichen, especially Lecanora tartarea., A lichen (Lecanora tartarea), from which the powder is obtained.
cuddled imp. & past participle of Cuddle
cudweed noun A small composite plant with cottony or silky stem and leaves, primarily a species of Gnaphalium, but the name is now given to many plants of different genera, as Filago, Antennaria, etc.; cottonweed.
cuffing present participle & vb. noun of Cuff
cuinage noun The stamping of pigs of tin, by the proper officer, with the arms of the duchy of Cornwall.
cuirass noun A piece of defensive armor, covering the body from the neck to the girdle, The breastplate taken by itself., An armor of bony plates, somewhat resembling a cuirass.
cuisine noun The kitchen or cooking department., Manner or style of cooking.
culasse noun The lower faceted portion of a brilliant-cut diamond.
culling present participle & vb. noun of Cull, The act of one who culls., Anything separated or selected from a mass.
cullion noun A mean wretch; a base fellow; a poltroon; a scullion.
cullies plural of Cully
culprit past participle One accused of, or arraigned for, a crime, as before a judge., One quilty of a fault; a criminal.
culrage noun Smartweed (Polygonum Hydropiper).
culture noun The act or practice of cultivating, or of preparing the earth for seed and raising crops by tillage; as, the culture of the soil., The act of, or any labor or means employed for, training, disciplining, or refining the moral and intellectual nature of man; as, the culture of the mind., The state of being cultivated; result of cultivation; physical improvement; enlightenment and discipline acquired by mental and moral training; civilization; refinement in manners and taste., To cultivate; to educate.
culvert noun A transverse drain or waterway of masonry under a road, railroad, canal, etc.; a small bridge.
cumacea noun pl. An order of marine Crustacea, mostly of small size.
cumbent adjective Lying down; recumbent.
cumfrey noun See Comfrey.
cuminic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, cumin, or from oil of caraway; as, cuminic acid.
cuminil n . A substance, analogous to benzil, obtained from oil of caraway.
cuminol noun A liquid, C3H7.C6H4.CHO, obtained from oil of caraway; — called also cuminic aldehyde.
cumshaw noun A present or bonus; — originally applied to that paid on ships which entered the port of Canton., To give or make a present to.
cumulus noun One of the four principal forms of clouds. SeeCloud.
cuneate adjective Alt. of Cuneated
cunette noun A drain trench, in a ditch or moat; — called also cuvette.
cunning adjective Knowing; skillful; dexterous., Wrought with, or exhibiting, skill or ingenuity; ingenious; curious; as, cunning work., Crafty; sly; artful; designing; deceitful., Pretty or pleasing; as, a cunning little boy., Knowledge; art; skill; dexterity., The faculty or act of using stratagem to accomplish a purpose; fraudulent skill or dexterity; deceit; craft.
cupping present participle & vb. noun of Cup, The operation of drawing blood to or from the surface of the person by forming a partial vacuum over the spot. Also, sometimes, a similar operation for drawing pus from an abscess.
cupfuls plural of Cupful
cupolas plural of Cupola
cuprite noun The red oxide of copper; red copper; an important ore of copper, occurring massive and in isometric crystals.
cuproid noun A solid related to a tetrahedron, and contained under twelve equal triangles.
cuprous adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, copper; containing copper; — said of those compounds of copper in which this element is present in its highest proportion.
curable verb t. Capable of being cured; admitting remedy.
curacao noun Alt. of Curacoa
curacoa noun A liqueur, or cordial, flavored with orange peel, cinnamon, and mace; — first made at the island of Curaccao.
curator noun One who has the care and superintendence of anything, as of a museum; a custodian; a keeper., One appointed to act as guardian of the estate of a person not legally competent to manage it, or of an absentee; a trustee; a guardian.
curbing present participle & vb. noun of Curb
curcuma noun A genus of plants of the order Scitamineae, including the turmeric plant (Curcuma longa).
curding present participle & vb. noun of Curd
curdled imp. & past participle of Curdle
cureall noun A remedy for all diseases, or for all ills; a panacea.
curette noun A scoop or ring with either a blunt or a cutting edge, for removing substances from the walls of a cavity, as from the eye, ear, or womb.
curioso noun A virtuoso.
curious adjective Difficult to please or satisfy; solicitous to be correct; careful; scrupulous; nice; exact., Exhibiting care or nicety; artfully constructed; elaborate; wrought with elegance or skill., Careful or anxious to learn; eager for knowledge; given to research or inquiry; habitually inquisitive; prying; — sometimes with after or of., Exciting attention or inquiry; awakening surprise; inviting and rewarding inquisitiveness; not simple or plain; strange; rare.
curling present participle & vb. noun of Curl, The act or state of that which curls; as, the curling of smoke when it rises; the curling of a ringlet; also, the act or process of one who curls something, as hair, or the brim of hats., A scottish game in which heavy weights of stone or iron are propelled by hand over the ice towards a mark.
currant noun A small kind of seedless raisin, imported from the Levant, chiefly from Zante and Cephalonia; — used in cookery., The acid fruit or berry of the Ribes rubrum or common red currant, or of its variety, the white currant., A shrub or bush of several species of the genus Ribes (a genus also including the gooseberry); esp., the Ribes rubrum.
current adjective Running or moving rapidly., Now passing, as time; as, the current month., Passing from person to person, or from hand to hand; circulating through the community; generally received; common; as, a current coin; a current report; current history., Commonly estimated or acknowledged., Fitted for general acceptance or circulation; authentic; passable., A flowing or passing; onward motion. Hence: A body of fluid moving continuously in a certain direction; a stream; esp., the swiftest part of it; as, a current of water or of air; that which resembles a stream in motion; as, a current of electricity., General course; ordinary procedure; progressive and connected movement; as, the current of time, of events, of opinion, etc.
curried noun Dressed by currying; cleaned; prepared., Prepared with curry; as, curried rice, fowl, etc., of Curry
currier noun One who curries and dresses leather, after it is tanned.
currish adjective Having the qualities, or exhibiting the characteristics, of a cur; snarling; quarrelsome; snappish; churlish; hence, also malicious; malignant; brutal.
cursing present participle & vb. noun of Curse
curship noun The state of being a cur; one who is currish.
cursive adjective Running; flowing., A character used in cursive writing., A manuscript, especially of the New Testament, written in small, connected characters or in a running hand; — opposed to uncial.
cursory adjective Running about; not stationary., Characterized by haste; hastily or superficially performed; slight; superficial; careless.
curtail verb t. To cut off the end or tail, or any part, of; to shorten; to abridge; to diminish; to reduce., The scroll termination of any architectural member, as of a step, etc.
curtain noun A hanging screen intended to darken or conceal, and admitting of being drawn back or up, and reclosed at pleasure; esp., drapery of cloth or lace hanging round a bed or at a window; in theaters, and like places, a movable screen for concealing the stage., That part of the rampart and parapet which is between two bastions or two gates. See Illustrations of Ravelin and Bastion., That part of a wall of a building which is between two pavilions, towers, etc., A flag; an ensign; — in contempt., To inclose as with curtains; to furnish with curtains.
curtana noun The pointless sword carried before English monarchs at their coronation, and emblematically considered as the sword of mercy; — also called the sword of Edward the Confessor.
curtate adjective Shortened or reduced; — said of the distance of a planet from the sun or earth, as measured in the plane of the ecliptic, or the distance from the sun or earth to that point where a perpendicular, let fall from the planet upon the plane of the ecliptic, meets the ecliptic.
curtein noun Same as Curtana.
curtesy noun the life estate which a husband has in the lands of his deceased wife, which by the common law takes effect where he has had issue by her, born alive, and capable of inheriting the lands.
curvant present participle Bowed; bent; curved.
curvate adjective Alt. of Curvated
curving present participle & vb. noun of Curve
curvity noun The state of being curved; a bending in a regular form; crookedness.
cushion noun A case or bag stuffed with some soft and elastic material, and used to sit or recline upon; a soft pillow or pad., Anything resembling a cushion in properties or use, a pad on which gilders cut gold leaf, a mass of steam in the end of the cylinder of a steam engine to receive the impact of the piston, the elastic edge of a billiard table., A riotous kind of dance, formerly common at weddings; — called also cushion dance., To seat or place on, or as on a cushion., To furnish with cushions; as, to cushion a chaise., To conceal or cover up, as under a cushion.
cushite noun A descendant of Cush, the son of Ham and grandson of Noah.
cusping present participle & vb. noun of Cusp
custard noun A mixture of milk and eggs, sweetened, and baked or boiled.
custode noun See Custodian.
custody noun A keeping or guarding; care, watch, inspection, for keeping, preservation, or security., Judicial or penal safe-keeping., State of being guarded and watched to prevent escape; restraint of liberty; confinement; imprisonment.
custrel noun An armor-bearer to a knight., See Costrel.
cutting present participle & vb. noun of Cut, The act or process of making an incision, or of severing, felling, shaping, etc., Something cut, cut off, or cut out, as a twig or scion cut off from a stock for the purpose of grafting or of rooting as an independent plant; something cut out of a newspaper; an excavation cut through a hill or elsewhere to make a way for a railroad, canal, etc.; a cut., Adapted to cut; as, a cutting tool., Chilling; penetrating; sharp; as, a cutting wind., Severe; sarcastic; biting; as, a cutting reply.
cutaway adjective Having a part cut off or away; having the corners rounded or cut away.
cuticle noun The scarfskin or epidermis. See Skin., The outermost skin or pellicle of a plant, found especially in leaves and young stems., A thin skin formed on the surface of a liquid.
cutlass noun A short, heavy, curving sword, used in the navy. See Curtal ax.
cutlery noun The business of a cutler., Edged or cutting instruments, collectively.
cutling noun The art of making edged tools or cutlery.
cut-off noun That which cuts off or shortens, as a nearer passage or road., The valve gearing or mechanism by which steam is cut off from entering the cylinder of a steam engine after a definite point in a stroke, so as to allow the remainder of the stroke to be made by the expansive force of the steam already let in. See Expansion gear, under Expansion., Any device for stopping or changing a current, as of grain or water in a spout.
cut-out noun A species of switch for changing the current from one circuit to another, or for shortening a circuit., A device for breaking or separating a portion of circuit.
cutwork noun An ancient term for embroidery, esp. applied to the earliest form of lace, or to that early embroidery on linen and the like, from which the manufacture of lace was developed.
cutworm noun A caterpillar which at night eats off young plants of cabbage, corn, etc., usually at the ground. Some kinds ascend fruit trees and eat off the flower buds. During the day, they conceal themselves in the earth. The common cutworms are the larvae of various species of Agrotis and related genera of noctuid moths.
cuvette noun A pot, bucket, or basin, in which molten plate glass is carried from the melting pot to the casting table., A cunette., A small vessel with at least two flat and transparent sides, used to hold a liquid sample to be analysed in the light path of a spectrometer.