7 letter word starting with em

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
emanant adjective Issuing or flowing forth; emanating; passing forth into an act, or making itself apparent by an effect; — said of mental acts; as, an emanant volition.
emanate verb i. To issue forth from a source; to flow out from more or less constantly; as, fragrance emanates from flowers., To proceed from, as a source or fountain; to take origin; to arise, to originate., Issuing forth; emanant.
embarge verb t. To put in a barge.
embargo noun An edict or order of the government prohibiting the departure of ships of commerce from some or all of the ports within its dominions; a prohibition to sail., To lay an embargo on and thus detain; to prohibit from leaving port; — said of ships, also of commerce and goods.
embassy noun The public function of an ambassador; the charge or business intrusted to an ambassador or to envoys; a public message to; foreign court concerning state affairs; hence, any solemn message., The person or persons sent as ambassadors or envoys; the ambassador and his suite; envoys., The residence or office of an ambassador.
embathe verb t. To bathe; to imbathe.
embayed imp. & past participle of Embay
emblaze verb t. To adorn with glittering embellishments., To paint or adorn with armorial figures; to blazon, or emblazon.
embloom verb t. To emblossom.
embogue verb i. To disembogue; to discharge, as a river, its waters into the sea or another river.
embolic adjective Embolismic., Pertaining to an embolism; produced by an embolism; as, an embolic abscess., Pushing or growing in; — said of a kind of invagination. See under Invagination.
embolus noun Something inserted, as a wedge; the piston or sucker of a pump or syringe., A plug of some substance lodged in a blood vessel, being brought thither by the blood current. It consists most frequently of a clot of fibrin, a detached shred of a morbid growth, a globule of fat, or a microscopic organism.
embosom verb t. To take into, or place in, the bosom; to cherish; to foster., To inclose or surround; to shelter closely; to place in the midst of something.
embowel verb t. To disembowel., To imbed; to hide in the inward parts; to bury.
embower verb t. To cover with a bower; to shelter with trees., To lodge or rest in a bower.
embrace verb t. To fasten on, as armor., To clasp in the arms with affection; to take in the arms; to hug., To cling to; to cherish; to love., To seize eagerly, or with alacrity; to accept with cordiality; to welcome., To encircle; to encompass; to inclose., To include as parts of a whole; to comprehend; to take in; as, natural philosophy embraces many sciences., To accept; to undergo; to submit to., To attempt to influence corruptly, as a jury or court., To join in an embrace., Intimate or close encircling with the arms; pressure to the bosom; clasp; hug.
embraid verb t. To braid up, as hair., To upbraid.
embrave verb t. To inspire with bravery., To decorate; to make showy and fine.
embrawn verb t. To harden.
embread verb t. To braid.
embroil verb t. To throw into confusion or commotion by contention or discord; to entangle in a broil or quarrel; to make confused; to distract; to involve in difficulties by dissension or strife., To implicate in confusion; to complicate; to jumble., See Embroilment.
embrown verb t. To give a brown color to; to imbrown.
embrute verb t. To brutify; to imbrute.
embryos plural of Embryo
embryon noun & adjective See Embryo.
emburse verb t. To furnish with money; to imburse.
emended imp. & past participle of Emend
emender noun One who emends.
emerald noun A precious stone of a rich green color, a variety of beryl. See Beryl., A kind of type, in size between minion and nonpare/l. It is used by English printers., Of a rich green color, like that of the emerald.
emeraud noun An emerald.
emerged imp. & past participle of Emerge
emeriti plural of Emeritus
emerods noun pl. Alt. of Emeroids
emersed adjective Standing out of, or rising above, water.
emetine noun A white crystalline bitter alkaloid extracted from ipecacuanha root, and regarded as its peculiar emetic principle.
emforth preposition According to; conformably to.
emgalla noun The South African wart hog. See Wart hog.
emicant adjective Beaming forth; flashing.
eminent adjective High; lofty; towering; prominent., Being, metaphorically, above others, whether by birth, high station, merit, or virtue; high in public estimation; distinguished; conspicuous; as, an eminent station; an eminent historian, statements, statesman, or saint.
emitted imp. & past participle of Emit
emongst preposition Among.
emotion noun A moving of the mind or soul; excitement of the feelings, whether pleasing or painful; disturbance or agitation of mind caused by a specific exciting cause and manifested by some sensible effect on the body.
emotive adjective Attended by, or having the character of, emotion.
empaled imp. & past participle of Empale
empanel noun A list of jurors; a panel., See Impanel.
empeach verb t. To hinder. See Impeach.
empearl verb t. To form like pearls; to decorate with, or as with, pearls; to impearl.
emperil verb t. To put in peril. See Imperil.
emperor noun The sovereign or supreme monarch of an empire; — a title of dignity superior to that of king; as, the emperor of Germany or of Austria; the emperor or Czar of Russia.
empight adjective Fixed; settled; fastened.
empiric noun One who follows an empirical method; one who relies upon practical experience., One who confines himself to applying the results of mere experience or his own observation; especially, in medicine, one who deviates from the rules of science and regular practice; an ignorant and unlicensed pretender; a quack; a charlatan., Alt. of Empirical
emplead verb t. To accuse; to indict. See Implead.
emplore verb t. See Implore.
employe noun One employed by another; a clerk or workman in the service of an employer.
emporia plural of Emporium
empower verb t. To give authority to; to delegate power to; to commission; to authorize (having commonly a legal force); as, the Supreme Court is empowered to try and decide cases, civil or criminal; the attorney is empowered to sign an acquittance, and discharge the debtor., To give moral or physical power, faculties, or abilities to.
empress noun The consort of an emperor., A female sovereign., A sovereign mistress.
emprint verb t. See Imprint.
emprise noun An enterprise; endeavor; adventure., The qualifies which prompt one to undertake difficult and dangerous exploits., To undertake.
emptier noun One who, or that which, empties., of Empty.
emption noun The act of buying.
empties plural of Empty
emptied imp. & past participle of Empty
empyema noun A collection of blood, pus, or other fluid, in some cavity of the body, especially that of the pleura.
emulate adjective Striving to excel; ambitious; emulous., To strive to equal or to excel in qualities or actions; to imitate, with a view to equal or to outdo, to vie with; to rival; as, to emulate the good and the great.
emulous adjective Ambitiously desirous to equal or even to excel another; eager to emulate or vie with another; desirous of like excellence with another; — with of; as, emulous of another’s example or virtues., Vying with; rivaling; hence, contentious, envious.
emulsic adjective Pertaining to, or produced from, emulsin; as, emulsic acid.
emulsin noun The white milky pulp or extract of bitter almonds., An unorganized ferment (contained in this extract and in other vegetable juices), which effects the decomposition of certain glucosides.